Saturday, August 25, 2018

Processing Harmony: From Adam Neely to thedaobums to the big black equilateral triangle - a new local sighting!

Since someone "discovered" that my comments on Adam Neely's youtube channel were the same person posting on thedaobums - and this person was deeply into sound transformations (using highly sophisticated Western math computer techniques) - and now realizes there is a deeper secret. I did respond to their PM on thedaobums and told the other PM poster to contact me here in the future (since they are interested in but live in another nation-state.

Yes now I will email Professor Jack Weatherford.

No the ancient reports were not the same as this. Watch the doc on CIA-military promotion of ETs as disinformation - Mirage Men. US military has "lost" $21 trillion in black budget projects. I saw this triangle craft with no fuselage - so close I cud have hit it with a rock! Summer 1997. It flew over my garage. I didn't dare take my eyes off it. Someone saw an ensignia on the bottom of the craft - it's Airforce Space Innovation Center out of Colorado. The propulsion is in the center - a red light - and it shoots out a laser also.

 Occurred : 6/21/2018 16:00 (Entered as : 06/21/18 16:00) Reported: 6/29/2018 2:16:08 PM 14:16 Posted: 7/5/2018 Location: Coon Rapids, MN Shape: Triangle Duration:30 seconds triangle shaped object in coon rapids Never thought I would file a UFO report but here it is. I saw a large triangle shaped craft move from north to south above coon rapids BLVD in coon rapids, MN. I was in my car heading east on Foley BLVD. Craft was much larger than any drone I have ever seen and what I searched online. Imagine the size of a seaplane in the sky. It was not that far above the road, that is what made me think drone when I saw it. I still think it was drone because it had no blinking lights or engines. in addition, it had no middle. Imagine a straw bent into a triangle. three solid sides but no middle. that is the shape of it so no room for cockpit that I could see. My best guess is a very large remote operated drone. I can't find a picture online even close so its a UFO.

 yep I saw it so close I cud have hit it with a rock! summer 1997. it's military.

 St. Clair County, IL - January 05, 2000 - 0410 hrs. (Central) Officers from eight police departments witness, pursue, and photograph a huge, triangular object. Object “jumps” an estimate 20 miles in seconds. Scott AFB claims they did not see object. DETAILS Northern Idaho* - September 27, 2000 - 2130 hrs. (Mountain) Four deer hunters, all experienced outdoorsmen, witness a gigantic, unlighted triangular craft pass over their campsite. Two men drive to town. USAF jets fly over camp. FAA report. Salem, OR - March 29, 2002 - 1920 hrs. (Pacific) Three teenagers witness several extremely bright lights in the evening sky above an empty field. The object is a triangular, solid craft. It suddenly changes color, turns, and streaks off. Bakersfield, CA - March 29, 2002 - 2130 hrs. (Pacific) A young couple, driving south on Interstate 5 approximately 100 miles north of Bakersfield, witness a triangular shaped craft moving slowly above nearby houses, illuminating them. Seattle, WA - June 20, 2004 - 23:15 hrs. (Pacific) An adult male was standing outside in the University District, looking to the west, when he observed a bizarre, triangular craft streak from north to south in the clear, cloudless sky. Belgium "flap" of triangle craft
Their "analogy" of lemon-lime is actually quantum biology based on noncommutative phase frequency.  (Adam Neely takes part in a science study on music harmony processing). For example Smell is due to quantum frequency as noncommutative phase - the same frequency can be NOT isometric (and yet isospectral) and so the 5th dimension has quantum entanglement resonance that explains why different molecules will smell the same. Music is the SAME thing - as Alain Connes points out in his quantum relativistic noncommutative phase analysis. Music is the 5th dimension that is a geometric dimension of zero. So each "zero point" of the geometric continuum is actually a noncommutative phase "chord" of 2 notes - such that 2/3 is C to F at the same time that 3/2 is C to G thereby G=3=F at the Same time. This was repressed by Plato and Archytas and Eudoxus to promote symmetric logarithmic math going up to relativity. De Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony realized there has to be TWO time phases - one from the future and the past. So there is reverse time as negative frequency with "yin matter" that is superluminal. The ear hears at the sub-angstrom level - so it can "capture" virtual phonons and photons.

In other words citrus smells differently lemon and orange - even though it's the same frequency - due to the noncommutative phsae based on the wavelength of the molecule as the boundary condition. Same reason Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth are from 2/3 doubled as 4/3 next to the "1" but this changes the 1 so that 3 is not the root tone of the octave. That's why 4/3 is not in the harmonic series since 3 is not a doubling of the one.

 So you can have the quantum perspective - which is the 5th dimension (there is no ONE - just infinite noncommutative phase as 2/3 and 3/2 called the Single Perfect Yang in Daoist Neidan) - it is the Perfect Fifth and the Ear does not hear the difference - as Vitus Droscher points out in his classic biophysics book "Magic of the Senses" - or you can have isospectral but not isometric inversion of the chord - so you can hear the difference as lime lemon - due to the "right handed" or left handed versions of the interval. But Western tuning assumes a "compromise" to line up the "1" with the inversions using logarithms - and so the original infinite noncommutative phase is lost due to the symmetric math of the continuum. This is Alain Connes big point about why music has a geometric dimension of zero as the 5th dimension creating "volume" as positive pressure (despite having reverse time antimatter phonon energy). But - Connes himself is biased towards Western music (he practices Chopin at home). Stuart Hameroff's quantum biology research realizes you have to use nonwestern music tuning - as in Indian Ragas or traditional Chinese tuning - or any nonwestern tuning with the natural harmonics.

 Fields medal math professor Alain Connes actually knows more than the voluntary "wiki" editors. Don't be held back by the limitations of prefabricated "off the shelf" knowledge. haha. My blog has a long quote from Alain Connes on music theory - I got a master's degree at U of Minnesota, studying "sound-current nondualism" but then I read one scholarly book a day for ten years - to thoroughly integrate Alain Connes research and quantum biology. Then I had to return back to nonwestern music as meditation as all human cultures use the Octave, Fifth and Fourth - it's only Western "science" that repressed the noncommutative phase, using the symmetric math. I usually correspond with professors directly - so I've corresponded with math professor Luigi Borzacchini, with Nobel physicist Brian Josephson, with quantum physics professor Basil J. Hiley. You can find quotes from them on my blog. Music, of course, goes into social science as well - so I've corresponded with many philosophy professors. Consider "throat singing" - that is a perfect example of noncommutative phase subharmonics but Western science considers such subharmonics to be some "rare" glitch in their math! Actually you need to go into the higher frequency overtones as meditation to then activate the vagus nerve which then has an increase amplitude as subharmonics - in the ELF frequency. CIA mind control scientist Dr. Andrija Puharich figured this out as well - called is Psi-Plasma as a quantum biology that splits the water molecule (Phonon-Hydron Effect). This Jazz musician figured out this secret by accident - you can look him up  - his Australian I think.  Here you go. That's just "one example" of this stuff. Thermoacoustic resonance. Quantum phonons as proprioception - translate electrogravity into electromagnetic energy, etc. Western math has shackled the Western brain. haha. I figured this out in high school when I studied privately with a former University of Minnesota music professor. I realized the Pythagorean empirical truth of the infinite spiral of fifths was real - and not the "compromised" tuning of logarithmic math. The square root of 2 is from 9/8 cubed. I never accepted Western symmetric math since I knew it was from the wrong music theory! haha. Alain Connes realized this secret as well. If you want to research this - I have 10 years of research all free on two blogs plus free pdf books. Or you can choose "willful ignorance." - Also I have playlists on my youtube channel. all you have to do is click on your mouse and presto! You too can learn! Don't wait for Wikipedia to have their "group think" off the shelf consensus. Why? Because time-frequency uncertainty is the limitation of Western science. Human hearing is proven to be 10 times faster than time-frequency uncertainty and we can hear at sub-angstrom wavelength.

 Technically Europeans were not "white" until wheat farmers moved into Europe around 8000 BCE - due to their ecological crisis in West Asia - from deforestation to "water proof" their housing. So white skin people were the first "refugees" into Europe. Farmers did not reach Scandinavia with their "white skin" until around 5000 BCE. Europeans had dark skin before that. Blue and green eyes are a type of albinism that is found in dark skin europeans from 5000 BCE that lived side by side with early farmers into Europe - for thousands of years. There was not a lot of interaction between the two. And then the Yamnaya culture spread into Europe - with milk pastoralism - they were taller and stronger from their meat/milk diet also with wagons. This was around 3500 BCE - spreading more white people - since the Yamnaya originated from the wheat farmers that had spread up from West Asia. And so then Professor Alfred Crosby's book "Ecological Imperialism" details how this Cow-wheat farming culture spread around the world, bringing lots of disease since intensive animal farming has lots of diseases. The white skin is due to lack of vitamin D in the wheat monoculture diet. This is why Ecuadorean Andeans are white skin - from eating potatoes for thousands of years. Hundreds of potato varieties are in Bolivia and Peru - the Andes. So white skin is just from lack of vitamin D in the diet. As for Western civilization culture - yeah archaeologists call it the "symbolic Revolution" - so it is anthropocentric art with rectilinear geometry to "contain" infinity - using left brain dominant symbols and right hand dominant technology. So modern biological humans have been around for 100,000 years - so for 90% of our DNA history, we lived - the original human culture - was from a DNA "bottleneck" - so one troupe of chimpanzees has MORE DNA diversity than all 7 to 8 billion humans - and anyway the original human culture, the San Bushmen did not have rape, nor warfare and lived with an ecological sustainable culture. Why? Cuz the females were in charge, just as with the bonobo primates. So really this is a male problem causing the ecological crisis, just as male chimpanzees are rapist warmongers.

 Thanks. The problem is those studies you cite is that they do not include the East Siberian Arctic Shelf! I've looked at them already. Also I have corresponded with the director of NSIDC - Dr. Mark Serezze Mark Serreze | National Snow and Ice Data Center - and he replied that indeed Dr. Natalia Shakhova is the top expect on methane in the arctic. But then he gave me a link to one of her older studies! I had to send him more recent research (and he is a career scientist! I'm just an internet troll!!) haha. ARTICLE Current rates and mechanisms of subsea permafrost degradation in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf Jun 2017 Natalia Shakhova Igor P. Semiletov Orjan Gustafsson[...] Denis Chernykh The rates of subsea permafrost degradation and occurrence of gas-migration pathways are key factors controlling the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) methane (CH 4) emissions, yet these factors still require The problem is that most of the scientists are relying on models instead of actually going to the arctic to take empirical data. You can find the same problem with Plate Tectonics or continental drift. The US scientists relied on deductive models and so refused to acknowledge the truth of plate tectonics - for decades! The British scientists relied on empirical data and so knew the truth of reality. Dr. Naomi Oreskes wrote a book just on that plate tectonics quagmire in science - a book I was promoting back in 2006 when I also predicted that scientists would always be behind the times when it came to predicting global warming realities. Then Professor Oreskes (now at Harvard) switched to focusing on global warming. 50% of physics is funded by the US military. Unfortunately science is not going to "save us" - as PRofessor David F. Noble exposed when he was history professor at M.I.T. in his "America By Design" book - science is an "elite" enterprise controlled by capitalist think tanks (Rockefeller, Carnegie, etc.) So - for example during my graduate research at the University of Minnesota I exposed how over 300 corporations were getting "free" research and claiming it was "public" unbiased studies - while they controlled the funding behind the scenes (through tax-deduction gifts). So unfortunately there is no "pure" science - science created the problem of global warming. Scientists are left-brain dominant and think their symmetric math models are "objective" measurements. In actuality, as physics professor Albert Bartlett repeated over 1000 times in the SAME lecture - logarithmic math and its inverse exponential function are what has created the ecological crisis. US government scientists are being censored - as James Hansen exposed back in 1987 regarding global warming. Global warming science based on the "mainstream models" is actually Tobacco Junk science that refuses to consider so many positive feedback inputs - it is a total joke. Extensive Methane Venting to the Atmosphere from Sediments of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf

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