Saturday, July 28, 2018

On the Golden Nectar: Dragon/Mercury is both Yuan Shen and yin qi, descent of negative fire

So yesterday we learned that the "essence" of Mercury is the Prenatal Yuan Qi - which unites with the Yuan Shen. And since the Dragon is Mercury - now we go back to

and word search dragon and mercury.

Sure enough!

Five is the number of the element of earth which 
stands for right thought, and dragon stands for prenatal 
Yuan Shen=dragon

Dragon stands for negative vitality and tiger 
for positive vitality. Their copulation brings into manifestation the 
original spirit in its bright light.
So we extract the Lead (yang qi) to Replenish the Mercury (yin qi) - such that Yuan Shen manifests again once the Yuan Qi builds up.

Five is the number of the element of earth which stands for the right 
thought; dragon stands for spirit, i.e. the practiser who is ready 
to sacrifice his body in his quest of immortality (by) upholding the 
holy one which means by looking up to suck up the ascending 
precious gem or the macrocosmic alchemical agent for the final 
Positive and negative: Positive vitality is male vitality that 
soars up and negative vitality is female vitality that goes down. 
They are symbolised by the tiger and dragon respectively.
 Now we search Mercury.

For instance, lead and mercury 
are translated by vitality and spirit, for which they stand, so 
as to make the text more clear for the average reader.
Oh - so I didn't realize - every time the text says spirit - it actually said Mercury originally.
I always thought Mercury was yin qi - but now we know it is Yuan Shen originally.
 Mercury: A Taoist technical term meaning spirit.
 OK what did I blog yesterday - on the "Essence of Mercury"? No the Ancestor of True Mercury
The ancestor of True Mercury is Red Dragon
 So meaning yuan shen.
Fiery Lead (True Yang Lead) is the Sun.
 True Lead originates from fire
 So the fire is the yuan qi - the "ether" of the light.

The generative force 
sublimated into vitality—the positive extracted 
from the negative.
 So the alchemy texts state to "extract the lead" - and lead is vitality in Taoist Yoga.
But here - the Lead is "Extracted" from the Mercury!
The secret of the Green Dragon as "semen-mercury" as I blogged yesterday.
the Yin within the Yang of semen-mercury. p. 59
 Or day before - Needham.

So we have dragon within the tiger and tiger within the dragon.

If the heart is affected by sexual desire the generative force 

becomes sullied and changes into postnatal 
generative fluid which cannot be used as a (microcosmic 
outer) alchemical agent.
OK so Taoist Yoga states when the Heart is Unstirred then Yuan Qi changes into Yuan Shen.... but when it IS stirred - then LOGICALLY - the Yuan Shen is what changes the Yuan Qi into .....
When breathing out, the heart, spirit and thought should 
together go down from the brain at the cardinal point G 
to the intermediate points H and I before reaching J where 
they pause a little for purification, and thence to A; this 
involves six negative phases of descent in the channel of 
function (jen mo) to return vitality to the source and is 
called the descent of negative fire. 
 SO - this actually means "to return LEAD to the source" - as the descent of Mercury (saliva). So now we have the tiger in the dragon (whereas semen-mercury is the dragon in the tiger).
Prenatal vitality is pro¬ 
duced and stored up by this (breathing) process while 
(fire in) the heart and (water in the) lower abdomen mingle.
 Yuan Qi - Mercury and Lead, Dragon and Tiger  - "mingle"
the generative force which is automatically transmuted 
into vitality (which circulates up and down).
The method should begin when the 
penis erects at night and consists of blocking the genital 
gate with pointed concentration in order to drive spirit 
into the cavity of vitality (under the navel). This is like a 
blacksmith using his bellows; the air from it blows the inner 
fire which, becoming intense, transmutes the generative 
force into vitality. The latter is then gathered and sent up 
and down in the microcosmic orbit. 
Circulating the fire, gathering it, 
lifting it, fire in the house of water, negative fire, fire immersed in 
water, and fire in the stove, they all mean fire derived from pre¬ 
natal vitality. 
OK so that "negative fire" is not the shen but again the "tiger in the dragon" - the saliva with the yuan qi - the yang in the yin.
after the basic vitality has been absorbed in the abdomen, 
Fire derived from spirit transforms the generative 
force into vitality.
 So the Yuan Shen is the origin of the whole process - in terms of conscious alchemy.
Fire derived from (prenatal) vitality 
purifies breathing and contributes to the manifestation of 
spirit....This positive fire can transmute the agent in the stove into 
vitality (in order to stop its overflow).
Hence the meaning of:
 True Lead functions in fire, turning black to red
This is relativistic quantum physics! The hidden momentum of light is the yuan qi as the Emptiness.
‘Prenatal One Vitality comes from nothing¬ 
 So this is the Yuan Shen - that crystallizes the jing into Yuan qi.
freezing, driving and 
lowering the fire, shifting fire, calming fire, fire in its own 
house and the heart’s fire, come from spirit and can trans¬ 
mute the generative force into vitality. This spirit’s fire 
derives from the spiritual power in the eyes
 So the alchemical bellows IS the lower tan-t'ien.
Fire in the house of water stands for vitality in vibration 
which then forms a (kind of) bellows (extending)
When fire is immersed in water, it will stop soaring up 
thereby causing the heart to be empty (i.e. not to stir); and 
as water is scorched by fire, it will stop flowing down. 
This is water and fire in stable equilibrium (shui huo chi 
chi) which will in time produce vitality.
 So dragon in the tiger and tiger in the dragon.

When the light of this body joins and 
mingles with the golden light (in front of you) you will 
realise your essential body which will then enter your 
physical body; the latter will absorb that spiritual body 
and in three years’ time will be sublimated into pure vitality.
Thereby confirming the final end result is Yuan Qi.
This is the manifestation of positive spirit (yang shen) 
which will take form when it gathers in one place or will 
become pure vitality when it scatters to fill the great empti¬ 
ness which will be its boundless body.
And so to crystallize the generative force (Dragon/Tiger) yang qi and yin qi - into Yuan Qi - the Yuan Shen has to be rotated via the eyes - right (ascent of qi as Sun - Yuan Shen - Yin Qi - Dragon in the Tiger) and left (descent of qi as Moon (yin shen - yang qi - Tiger in the Dragon)

If the (microcosmic) outer alchemical agent is left intact in the stove (under the navel) 
it cannot be transformed into vitality by fire; you will then 
find it hard to restore your original (prenatal) body which 
cannot leak and is most precious.
AKA Transmute 
the heart’s fire, come from spirit and can trans¬ 
mute the generative force into vitality. This spirit’s fire 
derives from the spiritual power in the eyes

look into 
the lower tan t’ien centre (under the navel) so that the ele¬ 
ment of fire in the eyes which are above scorches that of 
water in the belly which is below, to produce positive vitality 
whose light manifests in front of him.

So this is the secret of Chapter 6 - that I did not achieve back in 2000 - the rotating of the eyes as the mixing of the dragon and tiger SHEN - yang shen and yin shen into yuan shen - and yuan qi....
 the practiser will fail to 
transmute the generative force into vitality if he does not 
raise the positive fire and lower its negative counterpart; 
and that he will not be able to stop the drain of the elixir 
at night.
 and so the rotating of the eyes is key - to the "lower" the qi back down with the shen.
rolling them from left to right 
nine times to vibrate the (positive) vitality in that centre 
(between and behind the eyes) so that it drops to the 
cavity of (eternal) life (under the navel) already full of 
(negative) vitality so that both vitalities unite to thrust open 
the original cavity of spirit (tsu ch’iao in the centre of the 
True nature is prenatal vitality in its cell (ch’i pao) on 
the top of the medulla oblongata. If vitality is allowed 
to pass through the back of the head and down to the base 
of the spine to drain away through the anus and genital 
organ, its exhaustion will cause death.
In nocturnal emissions the generative fluid carries with it 
(some) vitality which thus leaves its vibrating cell in the 
centre of the brain to pass into the spine and then reach its 
base to drain away.
 And so the Sun and Moon are the yang shen and yin shen...

To hold on to the centre to realise the oneness of heaven and 
earth is achieved only by uniting the sun and the moon. 
The sun stands for the heart and the moon for the lower 
tan t’ien cavity (under the navel), respectively symbolised 
by the dragon (the female or negative vitality) and the 
tiger (the male or positive vitality). 
But when the Yuan Qi returns to the Sun (Red Dragon) - then the Yuan Shen manifests...

The dragon (negative vitality ) and the tiger (positive 
vitality) ‘ copulating ’ in the alchemical cauldron in the brain to realise 
the oneness of heaven and earth.
When prenatal original vitality is realised the light of generative 
force, vitality and spirit soars up and manifests in front of 
the original cavity of spirit (tsu ch’iao between and behind 
the eyes).
So the light that opens the third eye actually ORIGINATES from the middle tan-t'ien - as the central channel.
He who does not know the potency of the original cavity 
of spirit [the third eye] cannot produce basic vitality.
he will see the light of true vitality appearing 
(between his eyes) in front of his original cavity of spirit 
which will then hold it to prevent it from running away; 
and the longer it is held the brighter it will be. When it 
becomes stable, it reveals the successful union of the dragon 
and tiger (i.e. the female and male vital breaths).

After rolling his eyes, he should close them and as his 
mouth is now full of golden nectar, he should make pointed 
concentration on the vitality which he has just circulated 
(as above), driving it down (the jen mo or channel of func¬ 
tion), followed by the golden nectar, into the cavity of 
vitality (below the navel). This is returning vitality to the 
cauldron to seal it there. 
sublimate nature-vitality which is negative 
and life-vitality which is positive, unite both into one true 
seed and transform the latter into golden nectar which then 
goes down, but is not the saliva in the mouth. If the nostrils 
are not shut with a clothes-peg this nectar will drain away 
by it. 
From the original cavity of spirit (between and behind 
the eyes) this golden nectar will pass through the hsuan 
ying cavity (above the mouth) to flow into the throat. 
When it goes down into the windpipe, if the practiser has 
not received instruction from a competent master, he will 
simply cough it up. Is it not a pity then that all previous 
progress is thus thrown away? 
It is not easy to produce the true seed from the 
golden nectar. This seed will grow in the cavity of vitality 
(under the navel) into a yellow stem which will blossom 

and bear fruit. Its flower is the light of vitality which 
manifests in front of the practiser. This flower has both 
stamen and pistil which will unite to form a fruit.

pistil is the light of vitality that comes from nature-vitality
yin qi - Dragon/Mercury.

from which the positive spirit 
will manifest. The brain will then be like a pond full of 
golden nectar with silvery ripples.
The position of Kun is the furnace.371 Inside the cauldron is the yin of aqueous silver, which is to say the fire dragon-innate disposition root.

This centre (under the navel) has outer and 
inner cells; the outer cell is the source of the positive and 
negative principles [yang and yin qi], which is the abode of (vital) breath, 
the spring of foetal breathing and the mechanism of in 
and out breathing; the inner is where the Tao foetus is 
created and the (vital) breath stays, and is the home of 
serenity. When the (inner) vital breath moving up and down 
in the body, does not go up beyond the heart or down 
beyond the lower abdomen, it becomes the real (or stabi¬ 
lised vital) breath which will in time enter this cavity 
(under the navel to stay there) causing the sudden mani¬ 
festation of true serenity. 
prenatal vitality which is bound to 
disperse if it is not kept in cold storage in the lower tan 
t’ien cavity (under the navel).
 So the driving of the Shen is accompanied by the swallowing of the Golden Nectar - hence the "loud noise"!!
T his method of cold storage consists of driving the light 
of prenatal positive spirit from its original cavity (tsu ch’iao 
between and behind the eyes) down into the lower abdomen 
with a loud noise which confirms that the bottom of that 
centre is reached.
After the golden nectar has been swallowed with a gulp 
that echoes loudly in the belly,
In that 
case you should practise the ascent of positive and descent 
of negative fire in order to transmute vitality into spirit 
until the light of (essential) nature manifests in front of 
you; only then can you lay the foundation of immortality.
Fascinating - so the light manifests but the Yuan Qi has to be "swallowed" back down - to Drive the light...
read Chapter 7 which teaches the return of 
spirit to nothingness; only then can you avoid the risk of 
spirit returning to the state of vitality.

Oh so the Golden Light is GATHERED from the third eye and SWALLOWED back down as the golden nectar.... (only after the "light of Nature" manifests - the Mercury light).
you can gather the light as expounded in Chapter 7 
and drive it into your lower abdomen by concentrating on 
the lower tan t’ien cavity there

When so regulating the postnatal (vital) breath the 
practiser should concentrate on the cavity of vitality (the 
lower tan t’ien under the navel) in order to transmute pre¬ 
natal vitality into a bright pearl.

When (essential) nature and (eternal) life unite in the 
confused state in the cavity of vitality (under the navel) the 
least carelessness on the part of the practiser may cause his 
failure to keep them together there; spirit will then leave this 
centre and the most precious thing will drain away at night. 
This is the most critical moment when he will either preserve 
or injure (eternal) life.

As time 
passes his spirit becomes stronger and he will even forget 
about sleeping; his vitality will be full and cause him to for¬ 
get about eating; his generative force will be full freeing 
him from all sexual desires and causing his body to be strong 
and light; his heart will be pure and spiritual; his vitality 
will be genuine; his spirit will be perfect and divine; thus 
he will enter upon the path of immortality. This resting 
breath is far more advanced than the foetal breath. 
lift the vital breath by turning your eyes up from the lower 
left, and when you breathe out you lower the vital breath 
by turning your eyes down from the upper right. You 
should realise that, since the heart is linked with the two 
eyes, this exercise in four phases of nine complete turns each 
causes vitality in the heart to restrain vitality in the tiger 
cavity while you look up to turn the eyes, and to shut the 
genital duct while you look up to lift the vital breath.

The above stanzas deal with the generative force, vitality 
and spirit which, after being sublimated, gather in the 
brain where, under constant pressure from prenatal vitality 
and spirit, they will in time produce ambrosia (kan lu). The 
latter flowing into the mouth becomes a liquid (saliva) 
which, when swallowed, makes ‘sounds’ in the abdomen.
If vitality is used to 
nurture the generative force the latter, when full, will 
produce the immortal seed. 
So again - swallowing the Golden Nectar! This is the 49 day cave meditation:
Then a white light appears constantly 
in front of him and his body cannot be found anywhere. 
The practiser should train until he achieves stillness and 
radiance of his spirit which, when full, will make him forget 
about sleeping. When his vitality is fully developed and 
enables him to dispense with eating, he reaches the stage 
of constant stillness and radiance in which breathing 
(appears to) cease and a massive golden light manifests 
while all discriminations stop arising, prior to his realisation 
of perfect serenity. This achievement is revealed by the 
moonlight appearing in the forehead which will remain 
constantly there if he is firmly determined to hold on to the 

1 The tiger’s roar heard in the left ear reveals the fullness of vitality, 
and the dragon’s hum in the right ear reveals the fullness of generative 

original cavity of spirit (between and behind the eyes) 
while sparks appear between the eyebrows; both manifesta¬ 
tions announce the full growth of the immortal seed. 

Henceforth the practiser should guard against the drain 
of vitality in order to hold it in the body for nurturing and 
developing the immortal seed.
This real generative force is the true seed 
in the human body. Since it is indistinct, it is called t’ai chi 
(the supreme ultimate) and since it is the beginning of 
creativity, it is called prenatal (hsien t’ien). Since it is the 
undivided yin-yang (the union of the negative and the posi¬ 
tive) it is called the One vitality. It is also called the yellow 
bud (huang ya), the mysterious pearl (hsuan chu) and posi¬ 
tive generative force (yang ching).
If the centres at F (Jade Pool, back lower skull) and G (third eye) 

are not linked the turning 
of the eyes will join them up. If the centres at L (ocean of qi, prostate) 

and A (perineum-gate of mortality) are 
not linked the process of sublimating vitality at D and J 
will join them up. 

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