Saturday, May 12, 2018

Dim Mak is Empty Force of the 5th Dimension

Dim Mak of Yi Quan training vid

O.K. luckily what I am taking about has just been figured out how to be "mass produced" by M.I.T. - it is graphene - the only 2 dimensional object ever created.
So the secret of graphene is precisely this "chirality" or right-handed and left-handed spin of the electron at the same time. It is the only object created that since it is 2 dimensions the electron experiences no "height" as the 3rd dimension. So graphene converts photons into electron charge but with no mass!! So it is pure time-frequency energy as momentum without wavelength. Which means that at each zero point in space of the electron there is still a right handed and left handed spin at the "same time" and so it is quantum entanglement but it is trapped into the crystal of the carbon.

So then you capture the photons into electrons and so you create charge just due to the structure of the right-handed and left-foot (meaning the spin is a "sub lattice" as it is called) - at the same time and so the origin of the charge is actually the "virtual photon" as future time or superluminal momentum from reverse time.

And then once the photon is turned into electron you then have a "bilayer" to the Graphene - which means you have a 90% phase shift to the spin of the electron and this causes the charge to turn into current with no mass - and so next to no resistance - because the charge is actually moving as macroquantum "tunnelling" in this 5th dimension.
 Since the electron wave function is a two-component spinor, it has to change sign when the electron moves along a closed contour. Thus, the wave function gains an additional phase f = p [degree of freedom]. In quasiclassical terms (see34,42, for example), stationary states are nothing but electron standing waves and they can exist if the electron orbit is, at least, half the wavelength. As a result of the additional phase shift by the Berry phase, this condition is already satisfied for the zeroth length of the orbit, that is, for zero energy!
 So that is the 5th dimension that is time-like - it is 2 dimension with no height but yet it is a 4th dimension of space. This is what the Yuan Qi is - with the yin qi as electrons and yang qi as proticity from the water getting split harmonically - and you recombine them as a liquid crystal stored in the microtubules of the body - the bones and collagen of the neurons in the small intestine.

So only graphene can "save" the world - as it is the only relativistic quantum object to be created - and so has solar panels as 92% efficiency and also turns salt water into fresh water. And so we have five years to mass produce this technology - since the Arctic will be ice-free soon, maybe this fall - for the first time in 3 million years. Since Western industrialization has kicked out so much carbon dioxide that is trapping the infrared energy on Earth and so Graphene converts the whole spectrum of light into electrons - and so will convert the infrared light as heat back into electricity.... and we can the store the carbon as graphene...

But we need to act fast - since Western science up till now has been based on "symmetric" math - not the real secret of complementary opposites as the T'ai Chi secret of Yuan Qi.

Daoist alchemy is real but yes hardly anyone really understands it. Luckily MIT just figured out how to mass produce graphene which is the first actual 2 dimensional object ever created - it has no "height" to it based on time-frequency nonlocal energy. That time-frequency energy is nonlocal due to spin 1/2 or half quanta noncommutative phase which means it is in 2 places at the same time but as the future and the past overlapping - and this is because of the "chirality" or right-handed and left-handed geometry overlapping in the same place. So it is in Daoist alchemy terms "undivided yin-yang." Western science up till now is based on the wrong math and so has destroyed the biosphere of the planet. We literally have 5 years to completely transform technology using this graphene secret of the "charge"  or Qi of the electron actually having no mass. The photon is converted directly into an electron with 92% efficiency as a solar cell. So this is the first "physical" or materialistic demonstration of a macroquantum noncommutative phase or relativistic quantum object. But it was created just by using scotch tape and a bit of pencil tip graphite. haha. And then the scientists got the Nobel Prize for  using scotch tape on a bit of pencil tip!! But now it is "mass produced." So Western science has to have some kind of physical technology. In fact Graphene is the first time a 2 dimensional object with no height is created in the lab but actually Nature is based on this secret of carbon-based life. So just by understanding this philosophy we can naturally resonate wtih the relativistic quantum source of reality - a macroquantum black hole as the "undivided yin-yang" or Yuan Qi. Yes hardly anyone can understand this - so only if science mass produces graphene as solar panels and to filter out sea water - to stop the ecological crisis. We have five years to do it. The scientists just need to get Wall St. investment money or Socialist government money. haha. I don't need anyone to understand Daoist alchemy - this is the truth of reality and so now Western science has finally rediscovered it as a physical technology. People brainwashed by Western math and materialism need to have some mass reproducible object in their hands to "grasp" the concept. Graphene is that object. I blogged on it.
Since the electron wave function is a two-component spinor, it has to change sign when the electron moves along a closed contour. Thus, the wave function gains an additional phase f = p [degree of freedom]. In quasiclassical terms (see34,42, for example), stationary states are nothing but electron standing waves and they can exist if the electron orbit is, at least, half the wavelength. As a result of the additional phase shift by the Berry phase, this condition is already satisfied for the zeroth length of the orbit, that is, for zero energy!
Now that quote is the secret of the harmonics as Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes stated (2, 3, infinity) is the secret just as the Tao Te Ching states. So at each zero point in space there is noncommutative phase of 2, 3, infinity as the Perfect Fifth or "single Yang."
So Yin is 3:4 but the 4 is the octave or same pitch - or as the above quote states - the "standing wave." So the 1 is C as the root tonic and the octave as C is 2 and then the next harmonic is 3 as Yang of 3/2 which is C to G as the overtone but it is also C to F at the same time or 2/3. Now this is still in the 1 as a "zero" point in space!! It exists as the 4th dimension of space that is "time-like" or as pure phase that is right  hand and left handed at the same time.
So now scale that up to the body - the yang qi as the tiger has to return to the heart via the Lung. That is the basic secret. So you are taking out the yang from the water of the kidneys - through celibacy - and you add it to the fire of the heart which then activates the Yuan Qi but it ONLY happens after the yin of the fire of the heart (the liver qi) is returned back into the water of the kidneys - to restore the Earth - as the  Green Dragon of the lower tan t'ien. So the Lung is the hidden Moon as the Tiger of the Dragon of the Sun (the heart) while the Liver is the hidden Sun as the Dragon of the Tiger of the Moon (the kidneys)... And so you have the Moon in the Sun and the Sun in the Moon - but at the "same" place which is the 5th dimension that is time-like - it is macroquantum energy that is the opening of the Mysterious Gate - through the central channel of the Lower Tan t'ien as  Yuan Qi, the heart as the Yuan Shen and then the pineal gland through the ancestral cavity goes backwards in time - so you have reverse time and superluminal momentum or "yin matter" from the future as the Yuan Jing being restored. This is the secret of the Bindu Chakra - the pineal gland through the small universe meditation then creates the yuan qi - because it unifies the yang and yin qi by ionizes the qi inside the cerebrospinal fluid.
So the yin qi is in the blood and is the Tiger as the Lead - but it is not the "true" Lead - not until the Lungs goes through via the Liver as the Dragon - as purification of the blood - then does the Black Tiger of the "substance" of the kidney get turned into the true Lead - as the White Tiger - and so this is the cerebrospinal fluid but that still has to go through the pineal gland - which takes the blood qi and turns it into cerebrospinal fluid qi - which then has to be swallowed as it flows out of the sinus cavity and down into the stomach. Then finally now as yuan qi - it is absorbed back into the small intestines and stored into the microtubules of the "second brain" of the small intestines - which has more neurons than the heart.
So you do this with your "intention" as visualization while you do the standing Yi Quan meditation - and the hands and feet are the macrocosmic orbit that "powers" the movement of the energy due to this source of the charge that is non-local. The Qi as Yuan Qi is actually "zero time" as nonlocal macroquantum energy. But the charge is created from virtual photons which is the Yuan Shen that is not personal - it is time turned around so that the photons are now from the future - and this captures the charge as the hidden momentum or relativistic mass of light - from the future - and this is the Yuan Jing getting restored. If you can store up this energy in the lower tan t'ien then you can use it for healing or as power to "shock" someone, etc.

So this is the secret of the Yi Quan Dim Mak - it resonates the acupuncture point but it at the same time sends the Qi energy into the body and it is the qi energy utilizing the acupuncture point that shows down the blood flood. And so this is why Yi Quan looks extremely simple - you can just stand there - but once the qi energy is built up and you know the point of where to hit someone - it takes just one strike and the qi will paralyze or zap the energy of anyone.

 The key secret to not losing energy is - as I quote seven different sources in my "Idiot's Guide" training pdf - to keep the "Lower Magpie Bridge" closed - which is to flex the sphincter and perineum. This activates the vagus nerve up the spine - instead of up the front of the body. The pineal gland as the central channel is connected directly to the perineum. So the key is to keep the energy in the lower tan t'ien - that is if you don't want to be healing other people or having other people steal your energy. [youtube][/youtube]

As far as fighting - yes I would probably have had to resort to fighting to maybe stop certain people for stealing my energy. But the key point is eye contact because that is how the qi energy communicates long distance through the shen as the spirit is traveling out of our eyes, with our eyes open. So you can also "flex" - well it is still kind of a mystery to me - I mean I used to post on this "top" science blog how I could "flex" my pineal gland at will. But the scientists reply - well you don't have any muscles in your brain so how can you "flex" your pineal gland?

So as I just learned recently - I was reading a medical qigong textbook translated by Kevin W. Chen - and it explains how "Yi" as intention actually originates from the heart. And yet Yi is not the spirit as shen. So in the Daoist yoga alchemy and immortality book - it explains how the qi energy has to align with the nervous system - and this is what the Yi does. As I mentioned before, for example, if you rotate your eyes you should feel your lower tan t'ien get activated - because the pineal gland will get activated and this is the central channel down to the lower tan t'ien.

So this "Yi" is actually the subconscious nervous system reaction that is connected via the biophotons as shen as well as with the qi - as the qi energy is actually faster than the nervous system. The scientists who study what qi is - like Dr. Mae-Wan HO (RIP) - and a few others - like Dr. Shen Lin - they argue that qi energy is proticity or superconducting proton-proton energy from water being split, harmonically. So that would be the "Yang qi" as the protons - and then the yin qi would be the electrons - this is one theory. So for example we know that the Earth emits yin qi since it emits negative ions as electrons. But we also know that potassium and sodium are actually positive ionic charges - and the potassium is more positive than the sodium.

So in the advanced level of Taoist Yoga training it states not to eat salt - and in one of my articles I connect this to the "electric eel" - how does the strong qi of an electric eel work? It is from the potassium ratio being built up via the vagus nerve and the charge is stored in the lecithin - and this is why celibacy is also qi - since the ionized lecithin is part of the yang qi as "substance." So what Taoist Yoga teaches us is that as we hit puberty then our mind as thinking takes over - and this is the Yi as the nervous system - and so our spirit gets separated from our jing as neurohormones and so the spirit goes out of the eyes and is activated subconsciously as the Yi - and this triggers the loss of the jing. So the loss of jing is mainly loss of lecithin but this has to then be reversed as charging or ionizing the lecithin - as the yang qi.

Anyway this gets us back to the OP - so the right hand for males is the Tiger and is yin because as the book Taoist Yoga alchemy and immortality explains - it activates the "restraining nerve" that connects the right side of the heart - the right ventricle - to the testes. So when I look that up via Western science - what does that? The vagus nerve.

So this is also why I stopped drinking alcohol - because the effect of alcohol overall is to activate the sympathetic nervous system - and this "dilates" the genital duct - the gate of mortality is activated by the sympathetic nervous system.

O.K. so the thing is that the standing active exercise it pushes the sympathetic nervous system to the extreme - and this causes the thigh muscles to be sore and the legs will shake from 7 to 9 times per second and this actually creates a standing resonance energy with the Schumann resonance of the Earth's ionosphere - with the Earth itself. This is why practicing barefoot outside is so beneficial or some even advocate using a "grounding" pad inside as Earthing. I have not tried this - but people who are always grounded then report getting healed of serious conditions. Why? Because you are always recharging the yin qi energy.  So also just getting away from the industrial technology - the math of industrial technology is all based on symmetry and so goes against the Tai Chi math as noncommutative phase - this is just called "electromagnetic pollution." For example birds can not migrate easily when around lots of electromagnetic pollution - and so we humans are the same way disconnected.

We modern humans don't realize that our pineal glands are synchronized with the lunar gravitational energy - so during the Full Moon the energy is ten times stronger and then during the Solstice and Equinox the pineal gland energy is every strong during the Full Moon near those solar alignments. So this is why religions have their holidays - like Holi in India is the first Full Moon before the spring Equinox and Easter is the first full moon after the Equinox, etc.

O.K. so yeah at first I was always sitting in full lotus and I thought that was the best way to maintain celibacy - and I sat with my right leg on top. But I had not studied the Daoist alchemy well enough - so first of all if you sit in full lotus you want the left leg on top - as a male - so that the "yang" embraces the yin of the lower body - and this activates the right side of the body more as the liver and kidney energy. My "Idiot's Guide" goes into this with references and images.

But again to maintain celibacy and build up the yin qi as the generative force of yang jing - the standing active exercise is actually the secret - along with flexing of the sphincter and perineum at first. And you have to constantly monitor what would be for other people just subconscious activation of the nervous system - but to build up the energy the subconscious has to be controlled in real time as the superconsciousness of the Yi intention. So this also means keeping the tongue against the roof of the mouth to close the upper magpie bridge - so that the small universe keeps the energy going DOWN the front and up the back. But also ideally - you "flex" the pineal gland to concentrate your Yi on the Nirvana or Niwan (mud pie) point - the Ancestral Cavity as the pineal gland that you should be able to feel.

When the channels as Yuan Qi are activated - then you can see light externally and the whole body pulsates with qi - so the top of the skull gets soft like a baby - the centers of the hands and feet pulsate - and you enter into "immortal breathing" which means that your shen guides the movement of the qi directly. So the qigong master Jim Nance told me I need to do 2 hours of standing active exercise a day to rebuild my qi foundation of the lower tan t'ien and then - he can see in 4 directions at the same time out of his third eye. So I can send qi - I can feel it also in 4 directions like that - omnidirectionally - but when the third eye is fully open you don't even feel any magnetic bliss in the pineal gland - instead the whole brain fills with light. You can see inside other people's bodies and see inside your own body. So ideally you want to be able to see light inside your lower tan t'ien.

I only experienced the Yuan Qi for about two weeks - and like I said - since I had not studied the  Taoist Yoga book then I didn't know how to maintain celibacy - and also my spirit left my body without enough qi energy surrounding it. This creates a spacetime vortex as dizziness - it is not like normal dizziness as the proprioception of the vagus nerve activated - from too much GABA in the brain - but this dizziness is literally the Emptiness as a spacetime vortex. So when that happened to me I really had to find out what it was and so I searched books. In fact the answer was in the Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality book - just farther in - I think it's chapter 11.  So I describe it as the difference between general relativity and special relativity - also precognitive visions are like general relativity as well.

So when the yuan qi is activated then you can smell cancer, you can see ghosts, you can do strong healing - or affect people strongly. What happened is this old lady asked me to do healing on her - it was a practice session on the weekend at the local private university. Jim Nance had asked me to share my fasting experience - I fasted 8 days on just a half glass of water but I meditated the whole time and so the qi energy just kept getting stronger and stronger and then I had gone to the Level 3 retreat to open the third eye. So this was then the weekend after that - so my qi was still very strong but ironically it was from my fasting! So I didn't realize how strong my qi was.

I had forgotten that the qigong master taught to never pull energy blockages out from the top center of someone's skull - this is how the spirit leaves the body. So I was standing to the side of this old lady and I never touched her and she was sitting down, so she could not see what I was doing. I had my hand over the top of her skull and I accidentally pulled this heavy electromagnetic blob out of the top center of her skull and right when I felt that - then she burst out crying. And she just kept bawling. And I think everyone just scattered at that point. haha. All I remember is she left and was bawling and I left.

I went downstairs and I saw my university buddy - and I said - "You're never going to believe what just happened" and as I said that to him then she approached down the hall from the opposite direction, someone with their arm around her shoulder and she was still bawling - and so that was several minutes after I had felt that strong electromagnetic blob get pulled out of the top center of her skull.

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