The entire nation is mourning the unfortunate demise of Bharat Ratna awardee Lata Mangeshkar, who passed away at the age of 92 on Sunday. She breathed her last on February 6 at the Breach Candy Hospital in Mumbai after a weeks-long battle with COVID-19. Condoling the demise of the late singing legend, renowned singer Alka Yagnik stated that she is devastated by the loss.
The singer is currently out of the country and will not be attending Lata Mangeshkar's last rites. During a conversation with ANI, Alka Yagnik said that she is currently out of the country presently and is in no frame of mind to talk just yet about this.
She is my "car" road music - Old is Gold C.D. that I've enjoyed for over ten years.
Date of death: February 6, 2022
At one point, she appeared in the Guinness World Records which listed her as the most recorded artist in history between 1948 and 1987.[16]
Ms. Mangeshkar was known for her range — she could sing in four octaves — and her gift for singing in character, tailoring her voice and emotions to the actress she was voicing onscreen. She recorded some of Bollywood’s biggest hits, including “Pyaar Kiya To Darna Kya” (Why Fear to Be in Love) from the 1960 film “Mughal-e-Azam.”
She's a saint:
“I recorded two songs in the morning, two in the afternoon, two in the evening and two at night,” she said in Ms. Kabir’s book. “I left home in the morning and got back at 3 a.m. the next day and that’s when I ate. After a few hours of sleep, I would wake up at six, get dressed, catch the train and travel from one recording studio to another.”
Ms. Mangeshkar never married. For years, she supported her mother as well as her siblings, until they began their own careers. Her sister Asha Bhosle, 88, is also a well-known playback singer.
“Music is my life and God,” Ms. Mangeshkar said in Ms. Kabir’s book. “My prayer is music — it is like a father and mother to me.”
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