Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Using Music to heal speech: Revisiting Michael Corballis via Noam Chomsky

 National Poet Laureate SINGS SONG to learn to pronounce the letter "R"

 So I know from Stroke victims if they can't talk then they often can SING the words they need to say.

And then over time they can retrain their brain to use a different part of the brain for talking. But how different is it?

Distinct Cortical Pathways for Music and Speech Revealed by Hypothesis-Free Voxel Decomposition

 This study shows not that different.

Anatomically, music and speech selectivity concentrated in distinct regions of non-primary auditory cortex …

meaning the right brain!

 Two other components were highly selective for speech and music (Figures 2D and 2E). The response of these two components could not be explained by standard acoustic measures, and their specificity for speech and music was confirmed with hypothesis-driven experiments that probed sensitivity to category-specific temporal structure (Figure 4). The selective responses we observed for music have little precedent (Angulo-Perkins et al., 2014, Leaver and Rauschecker, 2010), and our analyses suggest an explanation: the music-selective component spatially overlapped with other components (Figure 6).


Similarly - I listened to the Genius Podcast recently interviewing a blind Professor. He said how the brains of blind people have their vision area rewired so that their perceptions are stronger for other areas.

So we know the brain via our subconscious works by association and Gregory Bateson called this the "Syllogism of Metaphor" as the truth of reality.

Only as a social scientist working for the CIA his research was used for AI Matrix programming so that now the strongest "negative emotional" energy as an Amplitude is WEIGHTED more as a Dopamine feedback algorithm.

So just as Bateson called this a Schizmogenesis as a Positive Feedback so now does our Chaos as modern industrial society accelerate to doom.

So then we are left with the ORIGINAL "association" which is the noncommutative phase logic of the yin-yang-Emptiness resonance that can only be listened to in silence but not heard.

Why is this? Because as Stan Gooch pointed out - it's not just that the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body and vice versa but rather that the Crucial Motion of Emotion as Music is a direct cross over.

So the left ear accesses the vagus nerve directly as Yang Qi while the left eye is yin qi.

The right ear hears things as the auditory cortex which as frequency dominant then can CROSS over to the left side of the brain but NOT vice versa. This is why singing as meaning is able to heal the brain so that it can rewire itself.

These data replicate the finding of music selectivity, broaden its scope to include unfamiliar musical genres and rhythms, and show that it is robustly present in people with almost no musical training. Our findings demonstrate that musical training is not necessary for music selectivity to emerge in non-primary auditory cortex, raising the possibility that music-selective brain responses could be a universal property of human auditory cortex.

So our left hand controls timing because timing is a direct left side of the brain function via the cerebellum motion of emotion as Yang Qi energy.

 So we keep a "steady beat" with our left hand but as Michael Corballis discovered it was our right hand dominance that CAUSED left brain language to develop!!

Other animals - even FROGS - are left brain dominant for making sounds as communication.

 the left-hemispheric control of vocalization itself has
been demonstrated even in the frog, suggesting an ancestry that may go
back to the very origins of the vocal cords some 170 million years ago (Bauer, 1993).

 So speech is based on TIMING mainly - but the older speech is then the more it is right-brain dominant based on frequency as singing! This is called "musilanguage."

So when we speech, just as the Left Hand keeps time - this can access the left side vagus nerve directly as yang qi. So then with the left hand keeping time then our listening as the auditory cortex is right brain dominant as music.

But the left side vagus nerve does not cross over to the right side of the brain.

And so human "thinking" as Corballis emphasizes, is a coevolution of our right hand bias in tool use because we then needed to switch from using right handed gestures to using left brain controlled sounds.

 So speech is needed ONLY because of right-handed tool use (because we could no longer use the right hand for gestures).

humans and macaque monkeys in the functional organization of cortical regions implicated in pitch perception. Humans but not macaques showed regions with a strong preference for harmonic sounds compared to noise, measured with both synthetic tones and macaque vocalizations. In contrast, frequency-selective tonotopic maps were similar between the two species. This species difference may be driven by the unique demands of speech and music perception in humans.
frogs also rely on antiphony, meaning the male and female voices are an octave apart as frequency harmonics.

 I corresponded with Noam Chomsky about this recently and he said he is working on a new essay on this topic.

Light is defined by frequency which then reverses the direction of time. So as Aristotle pointed out - without light there is no time yet because light as a zero rest mass then there is always time as infinity.

Different Areas of Human Non-Primary Auditory Cortex Are Activated by Sounds with Spatial and Nonspatial Properties

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