But no one has suggested that they actually are particles, which means they should not have mass. In this new effort, the researchers suggest the phonon could have negative mass, and because of that, could also have negative gravity.https://phys.org/news/2018-08-phonons-mass-negative-gravity.html
See also
Sound velocities up 16 times the velocity of sound in water have been measured. Remarkably, the measured elastic field tunneling time corresponded to the observed universal photonic tunneling time [17].Günter Nimtz Macroscopic Virtual Particles Exist
These lines (Lucretius, De Rerum Natura ii, 150-151; ii, 157-162) have been translated as follows:
But that heat and that serene light which the Sun sends, does not pass through empty void; for this reason it is forced to go more slowly... But the first-beginnings, which are solid in their simplicity, when they pass through the empty void, are not hindered by anything exterior, and being units though made of parts, when they are carried each to that one point towards which their first efforts tend, they must most certainly excel in swiftness, and be borne much more quickly than the light of the sun... (34). Newton introduces these quoted lines by stating that the 'first law' (legem primam) was known to all the ancients 'who attributed to atoms in an infinite vacuum a motion which was rectilinear, extremely swift, and perpetual because of the lack of resistance'.
Newton believes this to have been the opinion Lucretius expresses when he says 'that the light of the sun moves most quickly and yet is resisted in its motion'.
Says Newton:https://ecoechoinvasives.blogspot.com/2018/02/harmonia-breathes-fire-as-quantum.html
In which words he [Lucretius] teaches that atoms, as they are solid, and not retarded externally in passing through the empty vacuum, and strive and are borne straightly by the force of their solidity from their places towards that place to which their first efforts tend, far exceed light itself in velocity. Anaxagoras held the same opinion too, and all those others who thought that the Moon and celestial bodies were heavy and would fall towards the Earth, unless they were prevented by their perpetual motion. Aristotle was of the same mind ...
for further details
So in this recent publication we learn how spacetime was the equilvent of God for Newton
Obviously such a topic is controversial - and Newton had a heated debate (with Hooke) about the difference between a hypothetical cause and empirical observations. So Newton took to assertion causes as a negative question - left open - a very safe rhetorical device.
As I quoted before: https://ecoechoinvasives.blogspot.com/2018/03/noncommutative-phase-or-why-wikipedia.html
Even Newton realized the secret source of gravity (that he could never explain except through the inverse square law) was from the VOID of Pythagorean alchemy!!
Newton then quotes twelve lines of Book I of De Rerum Natura which state that the void exists, and that of any bodies which are equal in magnitude, difference in weight is explained more or less by interstitial void. [noncommutative phase] Newton's comment on this passage is important:
For he [Lucretius] affirms that fire, and other bodies which are designated weightless, rise upwards not of their own accord but by a force which drives them from below....
As I noted in my 2000 University of Minnesota master's thesis:Newton and the ‘Pipes of Pan’
When Lucretius mistranslated the Pythagorean Empedocles poem "peri physeos" as "De rerum nature," a shift to an inaccurate consciousness of dichotomous absolutes was being formalized (the topic of focus for the second section of Epicenters, "Restoring the Lost Logos.")So Newton was relying on the wrong interpretation of Pythagoras to then develop his version of spacetime as inverse square mathematics.
Second, of course, you are never moving relative to yourself, so your own relativistic and rest masses (as measured by you) are equal.https://elixirfield.blogspot.com/2018/10/reclaiming-relativistic-mass-as.html
So as
So matter could emerge even if light could not escape, thus enabling an object to be both a 'black hole' to light and a 'white hole' to matter. Such an object might be able to recycle light into matter. It would also be able to store energy as real relativistic mass. p. 371And so now science has proven that Sound is an Anomaly in classical Newtonian physics!
So sound waves in a gravitational field should float upward somewhat, like any buoyant object in water.https://elixirfield.blogspot.com/2019/03/mark-buchanan-focus-sound-waves-carry.html
The irony again being that Newton derived gravity from the WRONG model of sound waves originally!
So then we find that the Void was originally defined based on the fact of the lunar calendar not aligning with the solar calendar. And so noncommutative phase is actually a backwards time precessional correction to gravity - just as the moon is "backwards" to the sun cycles.
So then Timothy Morton - quantum philosopher of science argues that Newton's first law of motion as Inertia is better understood as dependent on the Void of quantum time-frequency (noncommutative phase).
And it turns out, the researchers showed, these emergent phonons have a tiny mass — meaning that when gravity tugs on them, they move in the opposite direction.https://elixirfield.blogspot.com/2018/10/quantum-sound-waves-proven-to-have.html
"In a gravitational field phonons slowly accelerate in the opposite direction that you would expect, say, a brick to fall," Krichevsky said.
So that really is noncommutative phase sound as quantum phonon sound.
But we know a particle can be accelerated continuously by giving it higher and higher energy. Its momentum can increase without limit. This is because although the accelerated particle has a limitingspeed nearc, its mass can continuously increase. So the increase of momentum is mainly due to the increase in its mass. Thus, the inertial mass shown in Eq.(3) should be its moving mass.
So then light has a hidden energy of the Void that is superluminal - and this is precisely what Lucretius has argued as well.
The gravitational redshift effect of photons is an important physical effect. Previously, it was thought that this is purely a relativistic effect. In this work, we show that this effect can be explained more directly based on the quantum property of a photon. Of course,this work does not directly imply that the theory of GR is invalid. Instead, it only suggests that there can be more than one interpretation for the physical basis of the gravitational redshift effect. Thus, one must be very careful in proposing totest the validity of GR based on the measurement of the gravitational redshift effect of a photon.An advantage of this work is that it makes the physical explanation of the gravitational redshift effect much simpler. This could help the future applications of this effect. The theoryof GR is known to be very complicated.
'Quantum in Se Est': Newton's Concept of Inertia in Relation to Descartes and Lucretius
Author(s): I. Bernard Cohen
Source: Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London, Vol. 19, No. 2 (Dec., 1964), pp. 131-155Published by: The Royal SocietyStable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3519849
Translators and commentators, unable to give equal emphasis to both meanings at once, have chosen to stick close to Newton's words, in the literal rendering 'as much as in it lies'. Because they have thereby stressed primarily the concept of a quantitative limitation of the inertial 'power' in bodies, their modern readers are apt to have lost the idea of 'naturally' or 'by its own force' which Newton and Descartes and the seventeenth-century students of Lucretius knew to be another essential part of the sense of quantum in se est
Title:Gravity and the Quantum Vacuum Inertia Hypothesis. Authors:Alfonso Rueda, Bernard Haisch. (Submitted on 13 Apr 2005 (v1), last revised 15 Apr 2005 ...
by A Rueda - 2005 - Cited by 61 - Related articles
Aug 9, 2001 - I. Formalized Groundwork for Extension to Gravity ... We demonstrate that this quantum vacuum inertia hypothesis is consistent with general relativity (GR) and that it answers a ... From: Bernhard Haisch [view email] [v1] Thu, 9 ...
by A Rueda - 2001 - Cited by 5 - Related articles
Bernard Haisch is a German-born American astrophysicist who has done research in ... section below), Haisch has summarized this "quantum vacuum inertia" hypothesis as follows: ... "Gravity and the Quantum Vacuum Inertia Hypothesis".
Jul 15, 2005 - and Bernard Haisch2,∗∗. 1 Department of Electrical ... A. Rueda and B. Haisch: Gravity and the quantum vacuum inertia hypothesis in a simple ...
by A Rueda - 2005 - Cited by 61 - Related articles
Missing: haisch | Must include: haisch
Physics of the zero-point field: implications for inertia, gravitation and mass. Bernard Haisch ,; Alfonson Rueda &; H.E. Puthoff ... Milonni, P.W. (1994) The Quantum Vacuum: An Introduction to Quantum Electrodynamics New York: ... Haisch, B., Rueda, A. and Puthoff, H.E. (1994) Inertia as a Zero Point Field Lorentz Force.
by B Haisch - 1997 - Cited by 71 - Related articles
GRAVITATION. IN. THE ... Inertia: Mach's Principle or Quantum Vacuum?, B. Haisch, A. Rueda andY. ... Bernhard Haisch1,Alfonso Rueda2and York Dobynsa.
by B Haisch - 2000 - Related articles
Einstein's principle of equivalence dictates that inertial and gravitational mass must be the same. Therefore if inertial mass is a placeholder for vacuum field forces ...
by B Haisch - 2001 - Cited by 57 - Related articles
GRAVITY, INERTIA AND THE ELECTROMAGNETIC QUANTUM VACUUM, A. Rueda, B. Haisch, R. Tung, in Proc. Workshop on Foundations of Quantum Physics, ...
Aug 14, 2005 - The theory was previously used to explain inertial mass – the property of ... gravitational mass, which is the property of matter that feels the tug of gravity. ... State University in Long Beach and Bernard Haisch, who was then at the ... kind of field known as the quantum vacuum might be responsible for mass.
Bernard Haisch's 18 research works with 219 citations and 3722 reads, including : Quantum Vacuum and ... Gravity and the Quantum Vacuum Inertia Hypothesis.
So what Sir Roger Penrose has proposed is that it is precisely the COLLAPSE of the quantum non-local wave(function) that CAUSES our sense of Ego-consciousness (and hence the perception of linear time as inverse square gravity spacetime).....
And Alain Connes emphasizes (along now with Penrose) that it is noncommutative phase that CREATES spacetime.
And this noncommutative phase is precisely the supermomentum of the Ancients - the Pythagorean Daoist "three gunas" of India - and original human culture San Bushmen spiritual training - Tshoma.
Each Photon generates a shower of very small amplitude space-time fabric modes. Each mode can have a number of energy quanta. The probability of a Photon generating a shower of space-time modes is much larger than the probability of all the space-time modes collecting and generating a Photon. Therefore, this process has a unique Arrow of Time. Similar to the energy quanta of displacement modes in an elastic medium which is called Phonons, the energy quanta of the space-time fabric modes are called gravity Phonons. Both are tensor waves.
- The reciprocal relationship between electromagnetic wave modes and gravity is similar to the reciprocal interaction between sound waves and gravity discussed by Nicolis and Penco [19] in “Mutual Interaction of Photons, Rotons, and Gravity” and A. Esposito [20] et al. in “Gravitational Mass Carried by Sound Waves”. Instead of a reduction of the symmetry of the space-time fabric, they use a non-linear sound wave effect.
Philipp Kornreich
Syracuse University | SU · Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Philipp Kornreich
He did not discuss the back reaction of the object on the electromagnetic wave, which occurs for a reflecting plate that can be considered to re-emit the absorbed wave, thereby doubling the radiation pressure.
Hey drew when is the best time to do spring forest qigong in the spring? I forgot haha
ReplyDeleteI never thought of a certain time in spring - only the equinox and full moon before and after the equinox... but spring is to clear out the liver.
So the liver channel is 1 to 3 pm or in the night - so that's why a person is not to eat late - since it disrupts liver cleansing.
Ah ok ty yeah I remember reading it I think in the level 1 book but I forgot the time i think my grandma accidentally got rid of it so I couldn't look it up. Thanks again!
ReplyDeleteyes in the spring we should eat extra greens and do fasting if possible - ramadan