Thursday, May 12, 2022

The Secret Pinhole on the Right Side of the Heart (Chest) as the source of Yuan Qi or Formless Awareness Ether Shakti Intelligence Self: Ramana Maharshi


M.: The whole cosmos is contained in one pinhole in the Heart. These
passions are part of the cosmos. They are avidya (ignorance).
D.: How did avidya arise?
M.: Avidya is like Maya [she who is not is maya (illusion)]. Similarly
that which is not is ignorance. Therefore the question does not
arise. Nevertheless, the question is asked. Then ask, “Whose is the
avidya? Avidya is ignorance. It implies subject and object. Become
the subject and there will be no object.
p. 226
We found that it was only a pinhole and knew that so many
insects could not have issued from it in such a short time.
That is how ahankara (ego) shoots up like a rocket and
instantaneously spreads out as the Universe.

The Heart is therefore the centre. A person can never be away from
it. If he is he is already dead. Although the Upanishads say that
the jiva functions through other centres on different occasions, yet
he does not relinquish the Heart. The centres are simply places of
business (vide Vedanta Chudamani). The Self is bound to the Heart,
like a cow tethered to a peg. The movements are controlled by the
length of the rope. All its wanderings centre around the peg.
p. 598
. The physical organ is on the left; that is not denied. But
the Heart of which I speak is non-physical and is only on the right

p. 2
It was that he
had seen something like an electric light within himself in the heart
centre on the right side. And he added further that he had seen the sun
shining within.
p. 8
Moreover it is not in the head but in the right side of the chest.
M.: It ought to be so. Because the heart is there.
D.: When I see outside it disappears. What is to be done?
M.: It must be held tight.
p. 22
When asked who you are, you place your hand on the right side of
the breast and say ‘I am’. There you involuntarily point out the Self.

The Self is thus known.
p. 95
Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Talk 407.
21st April, 1937
Talk 408.
With reference to the location of the Heart centre on the right side of
the human body, Sri Bhagavan said:-
I had been saying all along that the Heart centre was on the right,
notwithstanding the refutation by some learned men that physiology taught
them otherwise. I speak from experience. I knew it even in my home during
my trances. Again during the incident related in the book Self-Realisation I
had a very clear vision and experience. All of a sudden a light came from
one side erasing the world vision in its course until it spread all round
when the vision of the world was completely cut out. I felt the muscular
organ on the left had stopped work, I could understand that the body
was like a corpse, that the circulation of blood had stopped and the body
became blue and motionless. Vasudeva Sastri embraced the body, wept
over my death, but I could not speak. All the time I was feeling that the
Heart centre on the right was working as well as ever. This state continued
15 or 20 minutes. Then suddenly something shot out from the right to
the left resembling a rocket bursting in air. The blood circulation was
resumed and normal condition restored. I then asked Vasudeva Sastri to
move along with me and we reached our residence.
p. 398
M.: It is within the experience of everyone. Everyone touches the
right side of his chest when he says ‘I’.

p. 558

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