Paavo Pylkkänen: The quantum potential – classical or something entirely new? (EmQM17)
This is the channel that Jack mentioned - notice they have several lectures on noncommutativity by Penroe and Basil J. Hiley, etc. thanks - I asked Sarfatti if his model is noncommutative - he said no it is Non-unitary. So that is the essential macroquantum pumping of the matter as the back-action resonance. Noncommutative starts out from the 5th dimension directly as the proto-consciousness information that is the virtual photon magnetic moment energy-information from the future. thanks
Fetzer Franklin Fund
1.81K subscribers
Paavo Pylkkänen (University of Helsinki, FI, and University of Skövde, SE) about "The quantum potential – classical or something entirely new?" at the Emergent Quantum Mechanics 2017 (EmQM17) Symposium sponsored by the Fetzer Franklin Fund at the University of London (UK).
EmQM17 was the 4th International Symposium about Quantum Mechanics based on a "Deeper Level Theory".
Jeremy congratulations on making that Edgar Fouche connection for Jack Sarfatti on quasicrystals as metamaterials - back in 1999. I read Fouche's book and as I have repeatedly mentioned, the craft I saw so close I could have hit it with a rock corroborated Ed's claim to a T. I had no idea about any research on equilateral triangles when I saw the craft in 1997. Sure enough it had a big red light in the center that was the propulsion and the craft made a low humming noise. I think Ed Fouche was spot on for the science but I think he fell prey to the military disinfo much like Bennewitz. I recommend reading the book "The STargate Conspiracy" by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince or check out their recent talk on youtube updating their stargate conspiracy research. Also Mark Pilkington's documentary, "Mirage Men" is one I'm sure you know about already.
Indeed, Bohm himself considers the possibility of a kind
of back-action (a dependence of the ψ -field on the actual location of the
particle in very short distances and very short times) in his interpretation
already in his 1952 “hidden variables” papers (1952: 171; 179) and Bohm
and Hiley discuss it briefly in The Undivided Universe (1993: 345-6). They
emphasise that the way the quantum field affects the particle must not be
seen as an external force, but rather as much more subtle influence, which
we have described as in-forming. If there is a back-action from the parti-
cle to the field, could it also be a more subtle kind of influence? Sarfatti’s
fascinating suggestion is that conscious qualia arise in some circumstances,
where matter acts back on the quantum field: “Our basic ansatz to solve
the hard problem is that ‘active quantum information’ ... physical waves are
intrinsically mental. Qualia are excitations in them directly imprinted by the
back-reaction of the classical material beables...” (Sarfatti and Shimansky
Is the Brain Analogous to a Quantum
Measuring Apparatus?
Paavo Pylkk ̈anen∗
Department of Philosophy, History and Art Studies
University of Helsinki, Finland
Department of Cognitive Neuroscience and Philosophy
University of Sk ̈ovde, Sweden
Actually we do know that Heisenberg lied (to sabotage the Nazis) - it was in a physics book I read recently. Which book? hmm I read too many books. haha. I'll get back to you on that. I think maybe it was quantum physics Professor Jean Bricmont? Or... maybe not. Yakir Aharonov's book? No.... I'll figure it out and get the quote. Wait I probably blogged it....OH YEAH it was Marlan Scully's book "Demon and the Quantum" pretty sure... I'll find the quote.
OK I found the quote that corroborates Jack's mention of Heisenberg lying to the Nazis about the nuclear bomb. p. 117 of "The Demon and the Quantum" by Marlan Scully (and his son). I will email this quote directly to Jack Sarfatti also to make sure he sees it:,
"However a fascinating new input on this issue comes from friend Peter Keefe (physicist and patent lawyer). He relates the following "insider story" told to him by his thesis adviser, who was a young colleague of Heisenberg: "When I was in graduate school in the physics department of the University of Detroit, my thesis adviser was Gerhard Blass, the department chairman. Gerhard received his Ph.D. from Leipzig University just before the war. On one very special day in 1972 he told me a story about the German bomb project, which he had worked on. Gerhard had the office next to Heisenberg, and he could overhear conversations. One day a physicist was arguing with Heisenberg., "Why are we not working more quickly on our effort to make a bomb, the Americans are working on it!" the physicist said sternly. Heisenberg replied, 'Look at these calculations; they prove an uncontrolled chain reaction cannot provide energy enough for a bomb. Let the Americans waste their time and money on so futile a project.' Convinced, the physicist (who was an SS implant) reported back to Berlin that the bomb project should be put on a back burner. Blass told me Heisenberg and his colleagues had early in the project a secret meeting and decided Hitler would never get the bomb. So they prepared a set of falsified calculations 'proving' a bomb was impossible, just in case. We can all thank Heisenberg for his good moral sense." Peter Keefe
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