ONLY New Zealand and the U.S. allow Big Pharma mass mind control prescription television propaganda. Quite amazing. The U.S. is constantly bombarded with Big Pharma mass mind control lies and scams. Time to remind ourselves just how bad these lies are and what a scam it is. People fall for this stuff because doctors are seen as "big daddy" figures based on the "commodity fetish" of television ads.
Thousands of people complained that they would lose their Asperger's Disease identity when it was removed from the DSM.
Hans Asperger 'actively cooperated with Nazi child euthanasia program'
German psychiatrists proposed the extermination of mental patients before Hitter came to power. Then in Nazi Germany, organized psychiatry implemented involuntary eugenical sterilization and euthanasia, ultimately killing up to 100,000 German mental patients. The six psychiatric euthanasia centers utilized medical professionals, fake death certificates, gas chambers disguised as showers, and the mass burning of corpses.
Psychiatrists from the euthanasia program also participated in the first formalized murders in the concentration camps. Inmates were “diagnosed” on euthanasia forms and sent to the psychiatric euthanasia centers. These facilities later provided the training, personnel and technology for the larger extermination camps.
Medical observers from the United States and Germany at the Nuremberg trials concluded that the holocaust might not have taken place without psychiatry. This paper summarizes psychiatric participation in events leading to the holocaust, and analyzes the underlying psychiatric principles that anticipated, encouraged, and paved the way for the Nazi extermination program.
The goal of psychiatry in Nazi Germany was "to remove the parasitical people"
I very much regret adding #Aspergers to DSM-IV because it was wildly over-used & stigmatized millions of people. The DSM-5 #Autism spectrum is even worse for the same reasons. But the genie is now out of the bottle & I doubt we will ever go back to more conservative diagnosis.
Dr. Allen Frances, MD
And there’s nothing to stop a clinician from diagnosing someone with autistic spectrum disorder even if he or she doesn’t meet the criteria. In fact, Sue Swedo, head of the work group considering autism for the DSM-5, told a crowd of psychiatrists exactly that when this question came up at the APA annual meeting in May.
a catchall category called "Autistic Spectrum Disorders" (ASD). The new criteria have only exacerbated the over-diagnosis of autism.
lucrative deals with pharmaceutical companies in search of new markets for existing drugs; and greater financial assistance for schools with special needs students. No wonder that autism has become something of a diagnosis du jour.
Researchers say over-diagnosis to blame for spike in number of autism cases
“If this trend holds, the objective difference between people with autism and the general population will disappear in less than 10 years.
“The definition of autism,” Mottron added, “may get too blurry to be meaningful — trivializing the condition — because we are increasingly applying the diagnosis to people whose differences from the general population are less pronounced.”
The finding might explain why no major discoveries have been made in autism in the last decade, he said, because studies are being watered down with too many people with mild and dubious symptoms who aren’t sufficiently different from people without true autism.
It also suggests that any child, or adult, with symptoms loosely resembling autism is now being labelled “autistic,” overwhelming specialty clinics and other services and making it harder for those truly in need to get help.
Autism was first described in the 1940s. In the 1960s, severe autism was thought to affect five to 10 children for every 10,000. By 2014, the estimate was one child in 59, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
There is no gold standard, no biological marker such as a blood test, “to tell you this one is autistic, this one is not,” Mottron said in an interview. “People tried all possible solutions, but with the constant enlargement of the criteria.”
Since when the hell does having Fewer Friends mean having a Biological Brain Disease? Crazy!
“Fifty years ago, one sign of autism was a lack of apparent interest in others. Nowadays it’s simply having fewer friends than others,” Mottron said. Another symptom was fewer facial expressions. “Twenty years ago you would ask for a complete absence of facial expression. Now it’s less facial expression, fewer friends, less reciprocity — it’s become more and more fuzzy.”
I didn't know that "friends" were some
kind of legal requirement? I thought people had the FREEDOM to spend
their time doing other things?
Some experts say the floodgates to over-diagnosis opened in 1994, when the American Psychiatric Association released the fourth edition of its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the so-called “bible” of mental illness.
“Probably the biggest mistake we made in DSM-IV was including Asperger’s, a much milder form of autistic disorder with unclear boundaries to normal diversity, eccentricity and giftedness,” said Dr. Allen Frances, who chaired the task force that produced the DSM-IV. Until then, autism was more narrowly defined.
Field trials suggested merging Asperger syndrome with autism would increase the rate of autism three-fold, said Frances, emeritus professor of psychiatry at Duke University. Instead, “Careless diagnosis, often related to requirements for extra school services, resulted in a fake epidemic — a 50-fold increase in the past 25 years.”
The fifth (and current) edition of the manual, DSM-5, made things worse by collapsing classic autism and Asperger’s into a “spectrum” that makes it even easier to misdiagnose, Frances said.
The unintended consequences, he said, have been “disastrous.”
Still, “The cliché that you will see everywhere is, ‘oh, you have more autism because they are better recognized,’ which is absolutely wrong,” he said.
“It’s not that they are better recognized,” he said. It’s that people with less profound deviations from “normal” are being diagnosed with autism.
Now that's the problem - as R.D. Liang stated - Civilization is INSANE!! So why pretend civilization is "normal"? Because people are brainwashed by corporate-state Big Pharma mass mind control, etc. Fascist culture.
The APA's diagnostic manual is afforded unquestioned authority even though unsound science, political motivations, and financial conflicts of interest (with drug companies) are known to influence its development. Indeed, without comprehensive ethics oversight, psychiatric diagnostic fads will endure, and the medical sins of each generation will be visited upon the next.
Recounting a flap over the news that the DSM-5’s authors might strike Asperger’s syndrome from the manual—they did, in the end, though they promised that many Asperger’s patients would qualify for treatment under “Autism Spectrum Disorder”—Greenberg recalls a New York Times op-ed “by Benjamin Nugent, a writer whose psychologist mother, an expert in Asperger’s, had gotten him diagnosed when he was a teenager, but who, after he ‘moved to New York City and … met some people who shared my obsessions,’ realized he wasn’t sick at all.”
Child Bipolar Disorder Imperiled by Conflict of Interest
Will The Credibility of Child Bipolar Disorder Be Undermined?
Let's not forget the CIA role in controlling both the Media as mass indoctrination AND psychiatry! For example consider Ewen Cameron.
Donald Ewen Cameron – known as D. Ewen Cameron or Ewen Cameron – was a Scottish-born psychiatrist who served as President of the American Psychiatric Association, Canadian Psychiatric Association, American Psychopathological Association, Society of Biological Psychiatry and World Psychiatric Association.
Ah that's the first "hit" but no mention that he was a CIA MKULTRA torturer?
The experiments were conducted at the Allan Memorial Institute of McGill University between 1957 and 1964 by the Scottish psychiatrist Donald Ewen Cameron and funded by the CIA as part of Project MKUltra, which lasted until 1973 and was only revealed to the public in 1975.Jul 28, 1985 — Harvey Wein stein, a quiet, bearded man who practices psychiatry at ... With funding from the CIA, the late Dr. D. Ewen Cameron did a series of ...
Wait - I thought he was "president" of most of the top psychiatry associations but now we learn at the same time he was a top CIA mind control torturer? Ah - it's all good for the masses to denounce others with a biological disease if they don't brown-No$e enough. haha.
The Real Problems With Psychiatry
A psychotherapist contends that the DSM, psychiatry's "bible" that defines all mental illness, is not scientific but a product of unscrupulous politics and bureaucracy.
hey had yet to identify what the pathogen was, what the disease process consisted of, and how to cure it. So they created a category called "disorder." It's a rhetorical device. It's saying "it's sort of like a disease," but not calling it a disease because all the other doctors will jump down their throats asking, "where's your blood test?" The reason there haven't been any sensible findings tying genetics or any kind of molecular biology to DSM categories is not only that our instruments are crude, but also that the DSM categories aren't real.
So people that "run away" are autistic? Or are they Freedom Seekers? Who is to decide?
In 1850, doctor Samuel Cartwright invented "drapetomania" -- a disease causing slaves to run away. How do social and historical context affect our understanding of mental illness?
Cartwright was a slaveholder's doctor from New Orleans -- he believed in the inferiority of what he called the "African races." He believed that abolitionism was based on a misguided notion that black people and white people were essentially equal. He thought that the desire for freedom in a black person was pathological because black people were born to be enslaved. To aspire to freedom was a betrayal of their nature, a disease. He invented "drapetomania," the impulse to run away from slavery. Assuming there wasn't horrible cruelty being inflicted on the slaves, they were "sick." He came up with a few diagnostic criteria and presented it to his colleagues.
How hard is it to criticize an organization that seriously thinks that it's okay to call "Internet Use Disorder" a mental illness?
Gary Greenberg: Manufacturing Depression
Fishhead - Brilliant Documentary about Psychopaths and Society
The fascinating — and troubling — story of how the modern DSM, psychiatry’s diagnostic bible, came into being
In the current issue of New Scientist magazine, British journalist and documentary film maker Jon Ronson (“The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry”) writes about what he calls the “false epidemic” of childhood bipolar disorder.
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