well Vandana Shiva teaches that "growth happens from within." So we tend to still think on nation terms in contrast to a global elite. the Communist regime relies on Cargill destroying the equatorial Amazon rainforest so that China can import soybeans to feed hogs so the middle class can be "strong." The Chinese in Africa give out FREE CHAINSAWS to the poor in the equatorial rainforest - so as to import fancy rainforest hardwood.
So my undergraduate degree was in "International Relations" with a "new" environmental option of sustainable development. That was in 1994 and I, by myself, discovered it was all a scam. I compiled my papers as the "New Academy: Education for sustainability" and my activist buddy entered them into the Wisconsin Historical Society.
One paper was called the "Incorrect Supply and Demand Model." I wrote a paper praising the Ejidos of Mexico. My teacher just promoted NAFTA and the students were all zombies who just copied and regurgitated her lame lectures. She graded my paper a D and wrote, "I think you will fail this class" and also wrote "intellectual dishonesty." So I just regurgitated her class lectures and my grade shot back up. That's when I realized that International Relations was actually a Business Degree!! Too funny.
My friend took a very strong DMT-based plant medicine double dose and he saw my body filled with light. Then he said, "I'm trying to see where the light is coming from." I said back, "That's the whole point, you CAN'T see where the light is coming from." hahahaha.
@Mark Adams Mark did you ever read the Norwegian ecophilosopher, Arne Naess? Deep Ecology is based on the truth that Nature is in control. It's tied to Buddhism. This is what GEE McFearSun believes in. So the empirical science tells us that Mother Nature is taking revenge. This thing about "cycles" underestimates the nonlinear feedbacks that are accelerating. It's spirals into a noncommutative torus or Klein Bottle.
The 5th dimension is proven real. ER=EPR. microquantum black holes. My quantum mechanics professor Herbert J. Bernstein is having his quantum teleportation satellite signal system tested by NASA - they just set up a laser satellite system. Point being that nonlocality is proven real. Yakir Aharonov's research group has proven this.
It's quite hilarious that even most of the "physics science" youtube channels do not even understand quantum nonlocality. They think it's just quantum "woo woo." Oh well - yes Roger Penrose is correct. The Universe is alive as consciousness. I've discussed this with Nobel Physicist Brian Josephson also. Anyone getting an MRI is due to his Josephson Junction Effect. He practices qigong meditation at Cambridge and he believes in the paranormal.
As modern Westerners we think navel gazing meditation is a waste of time. In fact there is no "progress" and time is not sequential. Precognition is true. Olivier Costa de Beauregard figured this out and the CIA classified his research. haha. He was a member of Princeton's Institute of Advanced Study. The scientists who dismiss quantum woo woo have not studied noncommutative asymmetric time!! It's quite hilarious that most scientists do not study science enough.
Penrose figured out that the negative entropy of gravity is due to asymmetric reverse time information as protoconsciousness. Modern science is increasing the entropy of gravity on Earth!! So technology is speeding up time while destroying space as ecology - creating a black hole on Earth.
Nuclear weapons of course epitomize this with nuclear radiation increasing. Nuclear power plants melting down. Just now the Ruskies are threatening to Nuke the planet due to NATO expanding, etc. It's all about Chimpanzee Missile Envy.
It's just Freudian psychology due to male primates not knowing how to control their lower body energy. Gurdjieff called it the Kundabuffer - it's a lower back blockage. Can you sit in full lotus padmasana?
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