Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Shaolin Master Shi Heng Yi: the path to self-cultivation, calm and harmony - Disrupt Everything #140

He started Shaolin training at age four. 

 Your Attention on your Internal Focus. Become Aware of inside you.

Turn your View Around.

Video of the interview

Try not to be distracted by outside stimulus. Go to a retreat.

It's not good to listen to the Mind.

Don't be Enslaved by our Mind because the Mind is way less than what you already are.

Female testifies of qigong healing - vid

 another interview

FAQ: Shaolin Interview with Master Shi Heng Yi (释恒義)

 Amituofo dear friend, no "Buddha Nature" or any type of sustainable insight has ever been revealed or achieved without practice. They key and simple instructions to live a balanced life in harmony is well known as the noble eightfold path. Amongst this path meditation and the right effort are only 2, but nevertheless important guides to entering the path to Buddhahood or simply named peace. Peace within yourself, Peace amongst others. A simple and peaceful life. The martial aspects, known as Wu within Shaolin is an instrument which raises self-awareness, self-responsibility, self-discipline and ultimately self-love and compassion for others. Heart, Mind, Spirit combined without any division amongst them. This is a step towards peace, far beyond from conflict and suffering. Amituofo 🙏 - Shi Heng Yi

 Amituofo dear friend, I'm glad for this conversation. "Forms are formless": Imagine you practice any form, any routine or any movements that are consecutive. It's a posture containing leg position and arm position. But do we want to repeat a book which is written already, or grasp the core wisdom / message of the book? Chan Wu is Shaolin Kung Fu as an expression of Chan. What is Chan? It is everything and nothing. It is form and formless. In the moment when a form becomes everything. The form has no value anymore. It simply was a part / road amongst many others existing in this world. The form was an expression of Chan. Lot's of theory and ideas. Where is the practice? How can a form become everything? Perfection comes from repetition. There is no other way. When there is no doubt about the ability and skills. When you let go of any idea and follow the movement and expression. XinYiBa is a word... and formless. Heart-Mind-Power combined. Human-Spirit-Potential combined. And why is XinYiBa so powerful? Because it is peaceful. Amituofo 🙏

 master Shi Guolin, director of Shaolin Temple in New York, and his disciple Shi Heng Yi

 Ah so he's American? He trained in NYC Shaolin?

Shi Guolin's initial stay at Shaolin Temple was brief. In 1982, on a freezing cold morning, he made the grievous error and overslept. His senior monk, Shi Yongxin caught him and had him expelled from Shaolin Temple for one year. Guolin found consolation in the Diamond Sutra (known in Sanskrit as the Vajrachchedika-prajnaparamita-sutra, "the diamond cutter of wisdom that reaches the other shore.") He dedicated himself to the study of this venerated Buddhist scripture. Even now, as he studies many other sutras, he is always sure to chant the Diamond Sutra at least once each day. Later, when Guolin returned to Shaolin Temple, he and Yongxin became good friends. They were kungfu brothers, learning from some of the older monks and each other. In fact, Guolin's maternal grandfather even taught Yongxin and was instrumental in introducing them.

 another interview 

For the seeker of enlightenment, Kung fu is merely the conduit we use to expand our universal understanding with internal arts (Qigong, Meditation, Tai Chi or Rou Quan) being an essential piece.

内功 [nèigōng] Theory: Attention & Frequency

Introduction to the topic of "Attention & Frequency" for guidance in internal practices, such as Shaolin Nei Gong and Qi Gong routines...

 OH he's Vietnamese!!!

. I was born in Germany

Oh so he has a GERMAN accent! hilarious.

No wonder I was confused.


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