Void is Yin-yang: The noncommutative phase Taiji origin of reality is eternal:
So Louis de Broglie figured this out with his Law of Phase Harmony!! It's noncommutative time-frequency.
Noncommutative Time Frequency infinite energy from music theory.
. In the 1920s, a young physicist named Louis de Broglie made a radical ... •Electrons in an atom are like standing waves (harmonics) in an organ pipe.
the conclusion that in the quantum space one observes the effect of “smearing out” the singularity.
Frequency is blue light from the future that moves backwards in time as an amplified subharmonic or 1/2 spin energy...
"The inverse Doppler effect where an observer measures a higher frequency from a source moving away, is such an intriguing phenomenon that it has attracted substantial theoretical and experimental attention since it was first proposed... ...t
he energy-momentum flux will be larger in the blue shifted part than in the red shifted part....In a moving frame, they diverge: the mean internal frequency of the photon will increase; simultaneously the orbital frequency of the photon will decrease due to the relativistic law of the slowing down of clocks. Despite the difference in frequency, at any point in space-time these two oscillations must be in phase....
This provides a possible physical origin for the postulated law of the "harmony of the phases" first proposed by de Broglie, which lies at the origin of quantum mechanics. ...
In a head-on collision between two photons, the interaction will be essentially between the blue-shifted regions which are converging....This state may then decay back into two photons or into an electron-positron pair. Is the electron a photon with toroidal topology? J.G. Williamson and M.B. van der Mark, 1997"
Internal frequency during meditation is increased (blue light) while external time slows down (gets bigger) as an OM subharmonic sound of the Universe; External time speeds up (as seen by) others while their frequencies (as momentum) are decreased (to red light) in relation to meditation:
Thereby maintain a constant phase coherence that is eternal So Heisenberg Uncertainty of position and momentum is transferred into a symmetric mass measurement of particles - but what is covered up is that the position-momentum uncertainty started out, as de Broglie first discovered, with frequency as directly proportional to momentum! So that the "negative frequency" is reverse time as supermomentum or virtual photon energy-information from the future.
As we recall from de Broglie: frequency is to time as momentum is to wavelength. So by relying on the wave function as amplitude squared from the wavelength then we are losing the de Broglie supermomentum as reverse time or negative frequency.
As we look into a black hole, due to relativity, as the particle approaches the speed of light then the wavelength increases and time slows down. But the internal frequency, as de Broglie realized, based on quantum energy ALSO increases since the mass is due to noncommutative time-frequency (momentum). So the wavelength expands and gets bigger as the frequency of the particle as velocity increases towards the speed of light - due to relativity.
But due to the music harmonics of frequency as inverse to time then since the frequency as momentum is increasing (from de Broglie) therefore if the time as wavelength is also increasing from relativity then there HAS to be a negative frequency from the future that has a reverse time. That way the quantum frequency as negative energy (virtual photons) is inverse to the negative time as EMPTINESS from the future.
It is William Tiller (working indirectly with Chunyi Lin via Dr. Nisha Manek) that emphasizes the power of Yuan Qi is not from the frequency being negative as virtual photons but from the Negative TIME as negative mass!
What both Alain Connes and Basil J. Hiley are emphasizing is that at each "zero point" of space there already is a 5th dimension of noncommutative time-frequency energy with the past and future overlapping.
Nobel physicist Gerard 't Hooft agrees:
The energy of light is due to it having a "negative refractive index" of spacetime at each zero point of space. So even though light has a zero rest mass the light is CREATING a positive mass as particles due to our own brain physical matter creating a positive refractive index that slows down the speed of light in our measurement perceptions.
As Astro-physicist Paul S. Wesson realized - reality is a 5th dimension black hole such that everything is happening at the SAME time at the speed of light. So there is a definite energy to the Universe that is from the future - negentropy - and thus creates the illusion of matter due to light self-annihilating at the zero point of space.
This is why H.W.L. Poonjaji and the nondualists of Advaita insist that NOTHING ever HAPPENS and that the SELF is NOT the light but rather the Shakti energy that creates the light - the OM of the light.
Nobel Physicist Gerard 't Hooft:
The inward particles are related to the outward particles...the inward particle has the momentum increasing exponentially...the outward particles come out with the momentum DECREASING exponentially and position increasing exponentially. The closer the inward particle goes into the black hole, making a nuisance of itself, making a firewall, the outward particle leaves the black hole. And here comes the important observation. The outgoing wave function is a quantum clone it seems of the wave function going in. Quantum cloning forbidden according to the well-known law of quantum mechanics - you get impossibilities when the particles are entangled. So you can't have quantum clones.
But here you can [have quantum cloning] and the reason is that the in going particle can NOT be seen anymore - Don't worry - No body can see the quantum cloning...
Gerard 't Hooft
The situation is similar to when looking in the mirror - you have a box with a mirror and wall and a particle sitting here - you also see the particle in the mirror image of the particle - but you should not describe of this particle AND the wave function of the mirror image. There's only ONE wave-function and the mirror image is a quantum clone of that.That mirror image is not the "real" image - it's virtual but not any physical.
So now the claim is that the firewall is the mirror image of particles outside the black hole. The closer the in-going particle - to the black hole horizon - the further the out-going particle is AWAY from the black hole. Which of the two do you see? You don't see the in-going particle: It's too close to the horizon. You can't get there to measure it. But you do see the particle outside.
Don't include the quantum clone that sits on the [black hole] horizon [going in] - remove it - it's not physical. And this is the procedure that I think resolves the Firewall Paradox as people tend to call it. Light is Heavy M.B. van der Mark, G.W. 't Hooft Einstein's relativity theory appears to be very accurate, but at times equally puzzling. On the one hand, electromagnetic radiation must have zero rest mass in order to propagate at the speed of light, but on the other hand, since it definitely carries momentum and energy, it has non-zero inertial mass. Hence, by the principle of equivalence, it must have non-zero gravitational mass, and so, light must be heavy. In this paper, no new results will be derived, but a possibly surprising perspective on the above paradox is given.
This is a QA&D session, hosted by Dr. John G. Williamson, following a presentation of Dr. Martin van der Mark's talk on Quantum Particle, Light Clock, Or Heavy Beat Box? given at the 2018 Vigier conference (see QC0084). The properties of a light clock are investigated. Such a clock slows down relativistically while its constituent frequency speeds up. The talk illustrates beautifully the origin of the harmony of phases, the de Broglie wavelength, and hence, the relativistic basis of quantum mechanics.
Recorded: 2020 07 11 at 10 54 GMT 7
It's far too simple to describe what's going on when you all these beats and the Harmony of Phases. You can't describe two phases with one phase! You can't describe the three oscillations in one phase! You're already lost and everything you do from there from 1950 for the entire physics community - is blind to that! De Broglie pointed this out - the wave functions are frame dependent...That is so stupid!!
Do you know what the really brilliant piece of work here is? It's de Broglie! It's tremendous imagination. To find there are TWO oscillations where are EVERYWHERE AND IN ALL TIME IN PHASE AND YET IN DIFFERENT FREQUENCIES: THEY MOVE THROUGH ONE EACH other seemlessly - it's magnificient!
Dr. Martin van der Mark