Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Maintaining middle tan t'ien heat by rotating the eyes from left to right to lower the pineal gland Yang Qi into the yin qi of the lower tan t'ien

 So from my research on the "dizziness" of the yuan qi then I have reverse-engineered this to stop the yang qi from going out of my eyes. So instead I rotate the eyes to the left to cause the yang qi to drop down the central channel via vagus nerve activation.

This causes the middle tan t'ien to heat up - the solar plexus - as the yang qi hits the yin qi of the lower tan t'ien.


  1. This to the left movement is indeed POWERFUL!

    I always start a small universe practice with this protocol, Drew:

    1. first I do the A-E-I-O-U meditation from my kungfu style.
    It is meant so you can learn to guide the chi in the body to develop FAJING for fighting.
    So, first AAAAAA, with a relaxed voice, with time you even get into a turvan singing kind of voice, focusing in the sexual organ
    then EEEEEEE, in the belly/dan tien xia, then IIII focusing in the heart, then 0000000 at the neck then UUUUUU focusing in the head. always to the point you empty your lungs... then start again.
    In my kungfu it is a 30min. process before training the routines.

    But I do it like for 5minutes before starting circulating the chi in the meridians... when you finish it you do 3 times AUMMM focusing in the whole body.

    If you have enough practice already the person will SEE COLORS in the mind's eye - and as you know, it is the organs blockages being healed.

    So, after this A-E-I-O-U rotine, I am very focused with the mind in the body.

    Now I do this eye movement you are talking about.
    I use it to "IGNITE" the chi already in the lower dan tien/stomach region (for those who are reading this and don't know where it is :D).
    Rolling the eyes makes the chi activate the movement in the dan tien too, you are right!

    After this when I circulate the chi as a ball into the meridians the effect is stronger.

    One thing that is amazing is how it separates quickly the emotions from the information and let the information goes away and the emotion, if negative, becomes quickly a neutral, not positive, but neutral in that spot.

    makes sense to you?

    Guto - from Brazil.

  2. Awesome guto! Brad Keeney - has this post sent out that I had just read. https://sacredecstatics.com/mind-gas-into-heart-fuel/
    (mind gas is the yin qi and the yang qi separated out - the spirit is what purifies or burns off the gas)...haha.
    Yet more is involved than the duo of mind and heart and the alignment of thought and emotion. It is in the middle organ, the vocal cords, where vibrating wobble is found and the fire is lit. When this whole trinity of body parts work together, sacred fire shoots out of the mouth when it is ignited. That is when the music can be heard.

    The shaman’s song is preceded by the throat’s fire, something mystically made possible by the methane gas line connecting the mind to the heart. When the fire is lit, the atmosphere, or the celestial spheres, perform the singing. The mind’s methane production, the heart’s emotion circulation, and the vocal vibration’s flammable projection work together to wake up God’s song.

    It was only later that Brad remembered that methane and body gas pass the kind of wind that evokes both embarrassment and hilarity. We later discovered that it is well known among traditional Chinese doctors that too much thinking produces flatulent weather that makes the mind foggy. It is equally well known that a veteran pipe man knows what to do with gas—send it down a pipeline and convert it into energy that powers another kind of expression.

    The alchemical embodiment of this Sacred Ecstatics transformation requires your having an ecstatic conversion. This, in turn, turns sulfurous mind gas into the sweet redemptive sound of numinous fire, conveyed by a heavenly song. The altar call is now in play—come receive the spiritual operation that installs a pipeline from your mind to your heart. In the middle is found the methane converter—the anointed voice box that is ready to spring into singing the refrain that rides the glory train!
