Sure but it goes back to de Broglie. There is a recent book that gives the "inside story" to the 1927 Solvay Conference. It's not about Bohr vs. Einstein. It's about de Broglie vs. all of them. Bohm had just "rediscovered" the same thing as de Broglie - because Schroedinger just dropped the fact that de Broglie was critiquing relativity. So Heisenberg, as Dirac proved, relies on noncommutative phase logic from time-frequency uncertainty. Aharonov:
So in quantum mechanics time is an operator, not an external "objective" parameter of symmetric space. Alain Connes got a Field Medal which is harder to get than a Nobel Prize. So the mathematics, as Connes points out, of mainstream science is ALL based on symmetric commutative geometry going back to Plato. Aharonov:
If I live in a two-dimensional world, I can't use the right hand rule because I can't use my thumb sticking out.So there is something incongruous about the mathematics [of scalar curl]Tim Maudlin
de Broglie space propulsion lecture
But since Heisenberg we now know that position-momentum uncertainty originates from the 1/2 spin of the electron that is inherently nonlocal because it can only be "measured" in physical reality as a 720 degree symmetric measurement. Aharonov:
This is called the "Dirac Dance" - there's a good video demonstrating this 720 degree spin as being symmetric noncommutative logic. But in reality that is based on Pauli's exclusion principle so that electrons can be entangled in nonlocal space as 1/2 spin at "zero" time. Aharonov:
So Basil J. Hiley is a Professor who collaborated with Bohm and Hiley now uses noncommutative math such that the Schroedinger equation is not even needed. Instead there is a noncommutative calculus using negative frequency and reverse time as a "supermomentum" space and this has been documented empirically - first through the Aronahov-Bohm Effect - such that at "zero time and zero energy" there is already a new causative force that is non-local and based on the change of phase as backwards time from the future - that is noncommutative phase. Aharonov:
So this is what is the non-local spin that Pauli discovered from Heisenberg.
De Broglie said that because in electromagnetic waves we have the classical waves and then the particle which are the photons, then de Broglie said it must be the same thing for particles; just as a particle must have wave property...In electromagnetic waves an individual photon does not have any wave property, because the wave properties have to do with electromagnetic fields. And electromagnetic fields are complementary with the photon - so in order to have wave properties you must have a large number of photons....So individual photon doesn't have wave properties. And therefore individual particle does not have wave property.
And indeed when you look - you write the vector in Hilbert space as superposition of amplitude...That amplitude, Psi of X, has never been measured when you have just a single particle....You can check Psi of X only when you have an ensemble of particles.
So if you want to understand the reality of a single particle - not for Psi of X because it can not be observed for single particles. So here comes Heisenberg's picture for our aid. In the Heisenberg picture you can fool the reality of individual particles and see the interference phenomenon in a completely different way. So what did Heisenberg propose? Heisenberg said we have to look on particles by looking at observables which are functions of position and momentum. And we have to look at these functions, how they change, is a function of time.
And we can ask the following question, if we have a vector in Hilbert space, we can calculate this vector, not by its coefficient of expansion in position as Schroedinger did, but we can ask the question what's the operator A, which are the observables, for which the Vector Psi is an Eigenvector? This is the OPPOSITE question of the usual one. Usually we say given an operator what's the eigenfunction of the operator? Here we ask given an vector... what's the operator that the vector is an Eigenvector?
We can measure them without at all disturbing the vector! We can show that the set of all Eigenvectors completely calculates Psi, then by following their evolution, we can find out what happens in time to a single particle....we can follow the vector of a SINGLE particle.
So let's see about the most important thing which is quantum interference. So suppose I have the one dimension and I have a vector in Hilbert space which is the Schroedinger presentation, which is the superposition of two waves which have no overlap: Zero here, two vectors, superposition of one here and one here. And Suppose I look at the Vector Psi... this is the situation of when a single particle goes through two slits....The Taylor Expansion can not tell us the relative phase....The Taylor Expansion does not converge...
We can do it by not what is happening to the wave...So we must look for a different behavior for these observables - these differences will not be due to uncertainty...the difference can only be due to the difference between classical and quantum mechanics. The main thesis of my claim is that we can understand quantum mechanically is due to the fact that the quantum equations of motion, the Heisenberg equations of motion, differ in a fundamental way from the classical equations of motion...
The best way is to introduce the difference between commutators and Poisson brackets, the Poisson bracket is the classical equation of motion, commutator is the quantum equation of motion...There is a NEW situation here as far as the equations of motion are concerned...
So here we see the fundamental difference between classical physics and quantum mechanics. In quantum mechanics, the time derivative of the relative variable, the modulo momentum for interference, depends not only on the potential position of the particle but also of the position of L away... that means that the particle KNOWS quantum mechanically if in one slit it knows if there is a potential in the other slit or not because the potential in this equation is nonlocal.
This is the main idea, that if you look at the two slit experiment you can, the particle actually moves through one slit and it KNOWS whether the other slit is open or not, because there is a nonlocal equation of motion for the relevant variable, that we can think about it as the property of individual particles.
The day was saved, years later, when I realized you can formulate quantum mechanics by using TWO vectors... The idea is the following then...I wait for the interference pattern to happen and after it happens I can check whether the particle was coming from this side or that side, by a future experiment. So if I am ever to describe the situation in the present by two vectors, one coming from the future that will tell me through which slit the particle went and one telling me which the momentum vector is - then I can see the nonlocal phenomenon and not violating causality - because I can know only from the future from which the particle went.
This is the basic idea and now I will to describe it a little more mathematically...the time between [the past and the future] is the weak measurement. We can see the property in the middle without any disturbance. We do a weak measurement on each individual particle but when we collect it for many particles then we get the information.
What we call the wave property, somehow was relevant but then we see from future experiment that we KNOW through which slit the particle went. If we know through which slit the particle went through this is not the usual explanation for the wave interference. The only way is by looking at the properties of each individual particle, which are the eigen operators. We look at how they behave, the motion momentum, that modulo momentum has the equation that is nonlocal that tells you whether the slit is open or not.
With each individual particle we can follow its time evolution...without disturbing it at all. And therefore if we don't disturb it at all, there must be another way to explain why the particle behaves, if it KNOWS what happened far away. Not be saying it went through both slits but by saying it went through one slit but it has another property that translates into the interference pattern, that property is the modulo momentum. Therefore it knows whether the other slit is open or not. And we know which particle went, by a future experiment that does not violate causality. If I say I close this , that modulo momentum changed, but I will know only by a Future experiment - so it can not send signals. So causality demands that there will be an answer - we can deduce from nonlocal equations of motion. There is one axiom that tells you the difference between quantum and classical mechanics - classical physics is local and quantum mechanics has nonlocal physics of motion. That nonlocal equations of motion that there will be an uncertainty principle...
So suppose I have a one dimensional problem. I start initially with two positions of two different wave packets that move towards each other. They move till they finally meet in the middle and then I see interference pattern and after that they left again and one of them moved this way and the other moved that way. When the meet in the middle I do a weak measurement on the ensemble. And then for each one of them later I find whether it moves here or moves there. If I find that it moves here I know it will all the time describe by this wave packet. It doesn't mean that it has a definite trajectory, only that it is described the Future Boundary that tells me all the time of this wave packet. The past boundary tells me the position of the two.
If I do in the middle time weak measurements all the time that tell me where the particle is moving this way or that way, then I do these weak measurements, if I find that in both directions, that if the particle is only moving from the right, the weak measurement in the middle will tell me that all the time the particle is moving from the right. And the weak measurement will tell me the interference pattern and I can explain that the particle is moving from the right and also the modulo momentum will tell me if I am doing something here with the particle or not.
Heisenberg tells us its real properties. Therefore If I can follow the time evolution of real observables of single particles, I don't have to worry about uncertainty, collapse because I only discuss the deterministic experiment. Nevertheless following this operator can tell me the whole story about the interference. ..It discusses observables of the particle that differ fundamentally in their behavior classically and quantum mechanically.
So we can say the classical has nonlocal equations of motion but they are not observable at the classical limit. So quantum mechanics introduces new variables that have no classical limit and these variables have non-local equations of motion that explain interference of individual particles. When you look for ensemables then you look at the wave function as the property of the ensemble...but you can't say the Psi of X is the property of each individual particle because it can't be observed for each individual particle.
So now Aharonov working with "weak measurements" of entangled photons has now proven that a "negaparticle" exists - not just the anti-matter of Dirac but negative mass as reverse time phase energy.
So not only is the pilot wave of de Broglie real - that he modeled as the Law of Phase Harmony - and so the virtual photons "guide" the particles - but also there is an inherent energy of curved spacetime due to noncommutative phase of light. So at zero rest mass of light there already is a curved noncommutative phase energy as reverse time. B.G. Sidharth:
This is also detailed by the physicist who first hypothesized the dark energy acceleration of the Universe. Sidharth in India. B.G. Sidharth.
Ontological Clarity, Electromagnetism and the Aharanov-Bohm Effect
Changing the magnetic field in the solenoid has a visible effect on the interference fringes...In classical formalism you use the potentials but they don't appear noticed. The fundamental equations of motion can always be expressed directly in terms of the fields alone. A and Phi don't show up in the [laws] but in quantum mechanics you seem to need to mention A and Phi which should strike you already as odd - if what's really real is E and B why do I have to talk about A and Phi [the potentials]. And then they say now we're going to show that they are empirical indications that A and Phi are physically real.You're calculating Phi but the instantaneous distribution of charge, NEEDS a foliation. The PHI part needs a slicing, a global slicing: the kind that you got out of absolute simultaneity in Newton's theory. It would be very nice in a spacetime that did have a relativistic structure in A and addition had something like a global foliation for Phi.
So this means that negentropy and entropy are reversed in terms of biology and life on Earth via spacetime. So in other words instead of Western science as "civilization" that reverses entropy - there is a subconscious externalization of physics as the hidden costs of increased entropy through pollution (most apparent now with abrupt global warming). This means that just as the Universe is accelerating as dark energy or reverse anti-gravity - there is also an acceleration of time on earth as the collapse of space into a logarithmic singularity of destruction of matter.
Zitterbewegung and a formulation for quantum mechanics
In this short note, we try to show that inside a vortex like region, like a black hole one cane observe superluminosity which yields some interesting results. Also, we consider the zitterbewegung fluctuations to obtain an interpretation of quantum mechanics.
The fifth force?
In this paper, we investigate the {\it zitterbewegung region} and propose the existence of a fifth force in the aforementioned region. Few years ago the existence of a fifth force was speculated by one of the authors of this paper, A. J. Krasznahorkay et. al. and Jonathan L. Feng et. al. independently. This article could shed some light on that matter. Here, essentially, we obtain equations that characterize new particles and their antiparticles. And, in this manner we build a pedestal for a field theoretic approach that shall be the subject of the second part of this theory.
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