Chomsky has over 100 books published - have you read any of his books. He does structural analysis. So for example he's not interested in the specific of how JFK was assassinated. The theories about what JFK "would have done" if he had stayed alive - it doesn't interest him. Chomsky points out that JFK was a cold war politician promoting the cold war agenda. So the assassination did not have any structural implications. It was kind of a "bump" in the road but the road did not change. Chomsky talks about a "false paradigm" of debate. So for the 9/11 terrorist attack - as he says - the government blamed the Saudi terrorists but then attacked Iraq and Afghanistan. But we know that the attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq were planned ahead of time since the Taliban reneged on their gas pipeline security agreement - and on Iraq as I've already mentioned. So the real issue here is the US imperial military as genocide. False Flag Operations are just par for the course of what the military relies on. If someone stocks up on weapons then the fact that they lie and use deception to fire the trigger is not that important. If a person owns a gun in the house then it's much more likely that a family member will be damaged by that same gun. The particular "reason" the person gets damaged becomes an afterthought once the trigger is pulled.
Noam is not "negligent" - the same claim was made against him re: the JFK assassination. He dismisses conspiracy theories as not being STRUCTURAL. For example he's one of the most outspoken critics of the Trilateral Commission and Bilderbergers - only he does so from the perspective of a structural analysis. I suggest you read his books like "Year 501: the Conquest Continues" and "World Orders: old and new." I wrote a 1998 graduate school paper at the University of Minnesota PREDICTING that the US would invade Iraq again and it would be genocidal and that the sanctions on Iraq already were genocidal. My main source was Noam Chomsky. The three main reasons - as Noam elucidated - were for the US to maintain monopoly control of the oil. 2) Petrodollar monopoly of the global economy and 3) increase weapon sales in the Middle East. And so Noam PREDICTED the US invasion of Iraq at the same time that the "Project for New Century" also stated we need a new "Pearl Harbor" to justify invading Iraq. So Noam was on a structural level already ahead of why 9/11 happened. By the way - my instructor stated my paper was "too aggressive." ...
"The transfer of deposits to the state banks helped fuel land speculation." Noam's emphasis is on how the money is invested. For example economist Michael E. Hudson promotes "public banks" so that the money is invested properly - and not based on speculation, whereas land is a monopoly abused by the corporate-state regime (for example all the free land given to the railroads).
The Bulletin of the Business Historical Society argued: "Three events, almost coincident in time, precipitated the crash. Crop failures in 1835 and 1837 not only made it impossible for farmers to meet their obligations, but also decreased our exports to Europe. At the same time a tightening of credit in Europe brought a demand for the return of funds from America...The third force was the `Specie Circular,' issued by Jackson in 1836." 159 Bray Hammond wrote that Jackson's second term "fiscal policy...was a product of the current over-trading, inflation, and speculation, but also a contributor thereto. For these evils, which Andrew Jackson aimlessly deplored, could not have been more effectively promoted by Jacksonian policies had that been their purpose. Thus retirement of the public debt, in which the General took great pride, as if it were a personal achievement - as indeed it was in a sense because the burden of it fell inequitably on the southern planters, of whom he was one - closed an important field of conservative investment and returned funds to investors who then had to find other uses for them. In consequence the demand for other investments was intensified and their prices driven up."
So Noam is emphasizing that capitalism itself needs to be overturned by having worker control over the investment - similar to the Mondragon cooperative business model in Spain - or say "Organic Valley" farm cooperative in Wisconsin. This is also advocated by economics professor Richard Wolff. But, of course, with the ecological crisis created by late-term capitalism - then obviously investing in restoration agriculture would need to be key - and restoration ecology to store up the excess global greenhouse emissions.
The trajectory of capitalism is obviously the opposite of this - what Professor David F. Noble called "The Religion of Technology" - the title of his book. So even the Marxists believe in the "Edenic respites of technology" - and thus the investments are misallocated. As Professor Michael E. Hudson points out - the origins of Western civilization relied on the Jubilee system of Debt Forgiveness based on the simple mathematical truth that the financial system grows exponentially in interest while the real economy of Nature has nonlinear feedbacks based on a circular ecology. So the soil can not be degraded since we can't eat money (contrary to soybeans being currency in Cargill's illegal raping of the Pantanal and Amazon rainforest).
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