This is the continuation of the investigation conducted by RaiNews24 on the
current state of "cold fusion". The reportage "Report 41", from the name of the
ENEA document of Frascati in which the atomic nature of the processes involved in
the deuterium loading of palladium was unquestionably demonstrated, highlighted
the many shadows and omissions in a matter that, from its distant in early 1989,
it was voluntarily submerged in mud. Torrealta, with the collaboration of Emilio del Giudice, reveals many other
backstories, with a main focus on the sadly real and tangible military use of
technology, which on the contrary should be the gateway to a clean future of
energy independence and environmental renewal. From the shadowing of Fleischmann by Edward "Strangelove" Teller to the death
from microcancers of Preparata to the silting and diversion of funds from the
highly advanced research of the ENEA team to its use, confirmed by two independent
sources (an eyewitness and 9 surveys seismic crossings), a mini-atomic bomb in
Basra - it is more than legitimate to think that the LENRs have been silenced and
discredited by military sources to keep silence on recent military technologies
that, through chemical ignition, have produced nuclear bombs that do not require
critical mass. And it is then explained that the depleted uranium used in ammunition
in Iraq, Kosovo and other places, is used to produce by the Bridgman effect
(published in '37 and unspoken since then) clouds of highly toxic nanopowders and
radiation, which cover the use of enriched uranium, which covers the use of
mini-nukes activated by loading uranium with deuterium. The hot matter is presented in the form of hypotheses in the manner of a novel.
Torrealta and his team use dry and very clear language, where recorded feedback
from interviews with real characters is highlighted in italics. Del Giudice's
inserts are as always precious and very enjoyable, as well as obviously
scientifically accurate. Essential for those who have an interest in this matter.
Maurizo Torrealta has worked as a journalist for 28 years. He is the director of the Italian weekly magazine Left Avvenimenti and the chief editor of investigative journalism for Rai News 24 in Italy. He has a PhD in political science from the University of Bologna. Emilio Del Giudice is a retired senior scientist at the Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics and formerly worked at the Theoretical Physics Center at MIT and the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen. He was the recipient of the Prigogine Award in 2009.
So Kris reports that Amazon is putting him out of business by making "soft" purchases of large orders and then returning the orders and charging him a 10% "restocking" fee (as if their "store" had to "restock" the books in the distributor warehouse)!!
I'm gonna order this book - just because I have huge respect for Emilio del Guidice - I have referenced him several times. And this book has not even been reviewed in ENGLISH!! Amazing.
I also ordered H.P. Albarelli's book "A Secret Order" on the CIA behind the JFK assassination - and the strange synchronicities therein.
I found a wealth of information in this book. The connectivity is what is really valuable about it. This author goes into the background of every person suspected of being involved in the JFK assassination and shows the network that all of them were in. Albarelli paints a picture of underworld intelligence, organized crime, illegal drug trade, and mind control programs that each player played a part in. An example would be Lee Harvey Oswald who was associated with MK/ULTRA mind control programs all of his life. Albarelli documents this like no one has ever done before. This is a gold mind for experienced JFK assassination researchers and well worth the read. Readers new to the subject might want to read a few other books before this one to be able to appreciate the connections. I highly recommend this book!
So - Albarelli left his body last year. Wow....
And he also had a new 2nd book on the JFK assassination....
Statement of Leslie Sharp dated July 2, 2019 posted on Facebook:
As co-author with H.P. Albarelli, Jr. for his forthcoming book, “Coup in Dallas: Who Killed JFK and Why,” I have the right and responsibility to provide the following statement. In late April of this year, Hank submitted the preliminary manuscript to Skyhorse Publishing with the understanding that the final two percent which involved polishing certain chapters, the bibliography, and finetuning footnotes would be sent them on
June 1, 2019, for the announced publication date of... November 19, 2019. He decided to take a brief and much needed break and made one of his infamous cross-country drives with Buddy, his faithful four-legged to Texas and New Mexico where we continued a chapter by chapter analysis and created a list
of detail that might have fallen thru the crack. In mid-May, Hank returned to his home with the plan to spend 20-25 hours on the manuscript before submitting the final version to the publisher. Sadly - an inadequate expression to capture this loss – he fell gravely ill. He had watched the final episode of “Game of Thrones,” and around midnight texted, “All over
it is. Last episode. Nite.” In the early dawn hours of May 20 his beloved wife Kathleen rushed him to ER. He died June 18, 2019. Hank left me with a copy of the detail we identified during his trip along with firm directives as to how he anticipated this book will be published and defined. He was fully content with Skyhorse Publishing and expressed on numerous occasions, ‘I really like working with these guys.’ Along with co-author Alan Kent and the editor, we will put closure on the book to the
high standard Hank set for investigative journalism. It’s all good, my dearest friend Hank Albarelli. – Leslie Sharp, Santa Fe, July 2, 2019.
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