He utilizes the non-commutative SU2 gauge symmetryhttp://alpha.sinp.msu.ru/~panov/LibBooks/LIFE/Richard_L._Amoroso,_Elizabeth_A._Rauscher-The_Holographic_Anthropic_Multiverse__Formalizing_the_Complex_Geometry_of_Reality_(Series_on_Knots_and_Everything)-World_Scientific_Publishing_Company(2009).pdf.
For instance, the principle of the conservation of energy involves symmetry with respect to shifts in time,...What was missing was to add the SU(2) group, responsible for the weak nuclear force. In our recent paper, we show how this can be done. That would explain why all previous attempts at detecting new particles, motivated by theories that treated the SU(2) symmetry as spontaneously violated for low energies, but as holding in the range of high energies, had to be unsuccessful. In our view, SU(2) is just an approximation for both low and high energies," Prof. Meissner explains.https://phys.org/news/2018-11-infinite-dimensional-symmetry-possibility-physicsand-particles.html
similar to those during the first moments after the Big Bang, when only one dimension was significant: time.Squaring is the best way to approximate irrational numbers - vid
Therefore symmetry is inherently tied to the concept of irrational numbers. Symmetry in space.
Physics MUSICALIZED as imposed by 20th century physics - lecture
Plato believe that the Vacuum has meaning and was really only vindicated when Galileo realized there was a vacuum causing the same time for arrival....and therefore Newton's Laws....
Supersymmetry is Anti Commutative and Commutative at the SAME TIME.The weak nuclear force, the chirality of atoms, and the origin of optically active molecules
Although chemical phenomena are primarily associated with electrons in atoms, ions, and molecules, the masses, charges, spins, and other properties of the nuclei in these species contribute significantly as well. Isotopes, for instance, have proven invaluable in chemistry, in particular the elucidation of reaction mechanisms. Elements with unstable nuclei, for example carbon-14 undergoing beta decay, have enriched chemistry and many other scientific disciplines. The nuclei of all elements have a much more subtle and largely unknown effect on chemical phenomena. All nuclei are innately chiral and, because electrons can penetrate nuclei, all atoms and molecules are likewise chiral. This article describes in considerable detail the discovery of chiral nuclei, how this unusual chirality may influence the chemical behavior of atoms and molecules, and how atomic chirality may have been responsible for the synthesis of optically active molecules in the pre-biotic world.
Homochirality and the Need for Energy
from a symmetric chemical system, in the absence of any asymmetric influence other than
statistical fluctuations, have been developed during the last decades, focusing on the non …
] The Chain of Chirality Transfer as Determinant of Brain Functional Laterality
poles of the phenomena: the atomic orbitals and the brain's cognitive function. Analysis of
current results allows introducing the new generation of entangled biomarkers ranging from …
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