Dear Mr. Torbjorn: Thank you for your recent Goethe article on music. I did my master's thesis on "sound-current nondualism" and music
theory (University of Minnesota, 2000). Have you seen Fields Medal math
professor Alain Connes' lecture on music theory? Goethe discovered
noncommutative phase logic, without realizing it. Alain Connes explains
how music theory is the "formal language" for a unified field math that
unifies relativity and quantum physics. Actually this music theory is
what I had intuited while in high school, studying music privately. Then
I discovered that Daoist alchemy is based on the same music theory with
3/2 as yang and 4/3 as yin. Also the "three gunas" (the oldest
philosophy of India) is also alchemy meditation from the same music
theory. In fact this training is from the original human culture - the
San Bushmen, from before human language! See - the recent Music,
Language book featuring a Spirit Play article.
math professor Luigi Borzacchini points out how Western math is
secretly from music theory (and it's the wrong music theory!) So when we
all learn logarithmic math for music - it's the other way around! The
equal-tempered scale was the secret origin of logarithmic math, a
cover-up that Borzacchini published as "really astonishing" and
"shocking" and a "deep pre-established disharmony" that is the "guiding
evolutive principle" of science. Similarly philosophy of science
Professor Olivier L. Reiser promotes this secret music structural drive
of science as the "music logarithmic spiral" (a term from Esther Watson
Tipple, daughter of the co-inventor of the telephone). She corresponded
with Albert Einstein about her research (she also later discovered this
noncommutative phase math secret).
So what
Goethe discovered is actually the secret of nonwestern meditation
training - Eddie Oshins realized this while studying quantum psychology
at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. So he also taught Wing Chun based
on Daoist alchemy as Neigong. For example the left hand (for males) is
yang and lower body is yin, the right hand is yin and upper body is
yang. So knowing just that energy secret turns the body into a free
energy harmonic oscillator - based on nonlocal noncommutative infinite
time-frequency resonance.
I have the details on
my blog - I emailed you before. So I hope you got a chance to check out
my research and glad you are discovering this secret of Goethe. His
theory of Light is also accurate as per Daoist alchemy! Quite amazing.
I feel a glove has just slapped across my face. haha. Get into the armor! Where's my lance? Fascism means to grab hold onto the sticks - the fags - and so like the eagle has the spears in its claws - that is fascism. It means to take the velvet glove off the iron fist. So the iron age - started around 1200 BCE - yes it's based on the solar calendar and plow farming with iron - and iron is then more valuable than Silver (the lunar calendar) because you can make weapons from iron. The blacksmiths were shamans because the blacksmiths stayed isolated away from the females - as a caste - and so the smelting process was also alchemical magical energy creation. The Solar Empire ritual priests rely on mass ritual sacrifice as what is called the "Separation of Heaven and Earth."
Math professor Abraham Seidenberg published a series of articles on the ritual origins of geometry. He also published a series of articles with Lord Raglan - in the journal folklore - on the spreading of Rectilinear geometry through mass ritual sacrifice as the Separation of Heaven and Earth - promoting this as civilization. So math and science are a fascist religion based on the solar calendar. The separation of heaven and earth means using left brain and right hand dominance. the left brain is mass mind control as religion - so the tree of knowledge (the brain) has to be separated from the tree of life (the life force of ecology as N/om serpent kundalini). This means science is against ecology - we WANT to use science to solve our problems but science can only tell us how bad things are and science will make things worse.
We have to "rely" on science since it's our mass mind controlled mythology - it's our "SEnsorsium" as Newton called it. So the original human culture was based on the Harmony of Heaven and Earth through the lunar calendar to open the pineal gland to connect to the Cosmic Mother. The Egyptians called the Cosmic Mother - Nut. So Nut then birthed the Sun (as the Son). This was the original alchemy training. It got changed into the left brain/right hand lie - whereby time is turned into a closed symmetric geometry as spatial measurement. Time used to be Aeon as Aion - the sacred serpent that guards the Cosmic Egg fertility of Nature - and Osiris used to be the Green fertility god that is the vertical growth - the forest - that maintains the water cycle of life on earth through the Moon (Isis) governing the Earth.
This was our ancient harmony of heaven and earth alchemy as the original Garden of Eden (the Sumerian garden of eden has the serpent as the harmonization energy). We are literally mass mind controlled by left-brain dominance while in ancient Egypt the math ratio 2/3 was sacred and not to be reduced because 2/3 is the secret of what the chinese called the Single Perfect Yang - it is Osiris as Sunlight that is also the Future time and the Past time overlapping as the SPIRAL of time as the 5th dimension that can not be seen. Goethe figured out this secret of music - he called it the "living unit" of sound - so that the Perfect Fifth as 3/2 is C to G (overtone ) and 2/3 as C to F (undertone).
This is proven - that Western math is from the wrong music theory and this ancient secret of complementary opposites of the future and past time overlapping as Kali (Kala means time) - so the Cosmic Mother is the Womb-Tomb as the 5th dimension (the 4th eye) - this ancient secret was covered up. It was called Apopis - the Egyptian goddess name for Nuit or Nut - the Cosmic Mother. It means the great revealing - Apopis. Now we face Apopis again as the structural inherent drive of the mass ritual sacrifice mathematics of modern civilization - creating the Apocalypse.
I haven't had the pleasure yet but yeah I did strong ayahuasca doses - basically the same thing. I literally could not move for 4 hours while in full lotus! When it kicked in this huge kundalini bliss - felt like my tailbone being peeled back - then shot up to my pineal gland. I literally heard a gun shot in my brain and suddenly the astral holographic realm kicked in. So my left brain would have a thought but before I could enact my motor cortex then the holographic spirit realm would suck in the thought and shoot it back out as the future that was healed. So I realized external reality is the past while internal reality is the future stored out. Precognition is real and relativistic quantum physicists know this! It is very trippy - I call it a "Glitch in the Matrix." - a precognitive vision is MORE real than being awake!
A book "Transcendent dreaming" by dr. christina donnell (psychologist-t'ai chi master-shamanic healer) - she writes all about her precognitive dream experiences. I wrote my first one down in 1995 - and I wrote I thought it was predicting the future. My earth first! activist friends with native american activists standing on the roof of a house, holding a banner, to protect a forest! Now how could that be a "coincidence" when I came across the photo of that same thing in 1998 when it was in the paper as an "encampment." haha. I got this eerie uncanny sensation and so I drove to my folks to find my old journal - my dream entry was from 2:30 a.m. 1995 saying I thought the dream predicted the future. I came true 3 years later. We are literally dreaming right now as I type this. Pretty amazing.
The previous "abrupt climate change" of humans was either an ice age or a regional warming. Modern biological humans of the past 100,000 years have never survived a global average temperature of 2 degree Celsius warming. The current rate of warming is faster than the last global extinction of 66 million years ago that occurred over 4000 years.
So yes humans did have a genetic bottleneck 70,000 years ago but we survived because of being right-brain dominant doing shamanic trance dance spiritual healing. This is the core cultural focus of the original human culture - the San Bushmen culture. ALL the males are required to spend a month away from the females - to fast and trance dance and train in "staying power" as N/om energy (boiling energy that then shoots out of the pineal gland). The energy is stored in the small intestines as the 2nd brain (more neurons than the heart).
This training is very serious and dangerous - the healing masters literally transcend physical death and their hearts stop but they keep healing - because the energy accessed is the foundation of reality as the Cosmic Mother called N/om. So the females were the original healers with the original spiritual training from the Eland Bull dance from before human language was crystallized into different dialects! So yes this training is from before 70,000 years ago but in our modern times hardly anyone does this training serious.
It does enable changing gamma radiation levels, as was proven in the science tests on qigong master Yan Xin - this is due to the energy based on extreme potassium-sodium ratio, just an electric eel stores it charge in the lecithin (this is also why celibacy is necessary for the training). You can also produce water from this training - it's some kind of reverse electrolysis. So you can train to survive without food, without water and without sleep.
The dude I trained with - he did 49 days in a cave at Mt. Qingcheng in China - no sleep the whole time. He just sat in full lotus meditation. So spiritual masters are real - he claims to have stopped a nuclear terrorist attack with the help of an angel. I believe him. He also said he levitated up 9 feet when he came out of that deep meditation - his body spiraling while he was in full lotus next to a pine tree. So I do not doubt the ability of humans to survive "extremophile" living conditions much like the bacteria in the deep oceans. Whether we do so will be interesting to see.
Life will survive on Earth - most definitely. We have trillions of anaerobic shit bactera in our bodies - before we shit we have MORE shit bacteria in our bodies than actual human cells! we are walking ecology living in harmony with the Moon, the Sun and Earth.
So true! Humanure compost is how whole civilizations survived for thousands of years! Thermophilic composting - Western civilization does NOT understand this !! Zoning laws do not understand thermophilic composting - instead zoning laws require a "gray water" septic system to "leach" the water!! haha. Dang - think about it!! We literally do not know how to shit in modern sophisticated civilization. As Freud pointed out - "hoarding wealth" is due to "anal retention" - we don't understand how to compost emotions also!! Celibacy is based on knowing how to crap and knowing how to compost emotional energy.
Etymology of reality is "relating to things" - aka "interdependent origination" - Light has relativistic mass (the future time creates new matter from radiation) - the relativistic mass is the Void as spacetime emptiness. De broglie Law of Phase Harmony proves this interdependent origination as science (what David Bohm corroborated). See "weak measurement" science of Yakir Aharonov - the Ether is now proven empirically in the lab!
so when are you moving to Patagonia? yes even though you personally fired depleted uranium rounds that caused babies to be born with gross deformities - maybe you will escape the similar actions of others. I'm not blaming you anymore then I'm blaming the dude who dropped a socket wrench down the nuclear missile silo - almost creating a global nuclear apocalypse. As Dr. Helen Caldicott's book "Missile Envy" details - the near-miss nuclear missile accidents have been too many to count (since there are so many cover ups).
It is very possible that only secret spiritual masters working with angels have thus far "saved" the biosphere but I do not think it is due to E.Ts working with the military so that anti-gravity technology will save Earth. Although I have personally seen one of those equilateral black triangle aircraft (with no fuselage) defying gravity - moving slow and low - I could have hit it with a rock! So indeed our huge bloated military (that "lost" $21 trillion beyond it's normal budget over the past ten years) - does have antigravity aircraft. Will that "stop" global warming? I don't think so - whatever geoengineering going on so far has just made the situation worse not better. We inherently can not predict the weather after 10 days - this is due to the limitations of relativity - as per chaos math. that means we rely on supercomputers to do inherently unpredictable "iterations" to model abrupt global warming.
This supercomputer models though can not take into account cloud cover as that is too precise of detail - just as a supercomputer can not model the ecology of a rainforest - too complex. And supercomputers could care less whether humans or life on earth survives or not. As math professor Steve strogatz pointed out - Science is now INHERENTLY authoritarian (meaning that the scientists are inherently NOT in control). So when you are in deep dreamless sleep - are you in "control"? Who tells you to wake up in the morning? What if you never woke up? Who are you when you are in deep dreamless sleep and you are not aware of abrupt global warming much less space nor time? We as modern humans remain in ignorance of how our own body-minds work!!
We don't realize we have coherent laser light inside our bodies (ghosts) that rise up to our skull when we wake up! Quantum biology has PROVEN that biophoton light shoots out of our eyes when our eyes are open. Quantum biology has proven that life on earth depends on the 5th dimension, the negentropic "spark" of life that Schroedinger realized creates life just as negentropy also creates the Sun from quantum nonlocal energy. Yes life is truly immortal but will it be maintained as left-brain/right-hand dominant modern human culture? I highly doubt it. The inherent structural drive of "science" is, via left-brain/right hand dominance to GO AGAINST left-handed amino acids that are right brain (biophoton) dominant. Mushrooms and trees communicate via biophotons. You and I are communicating via the 5th dimension using biophotons. We are just not consciously aware of this.
So life on Earth depends on the Lunar energy - an electrogravitational force that we humans synchronize via our pineal gland (the female menstrual cycle). We modern humans are literally hard-wired to be mass mind controlled and fed off for Machine silicon-iron "consciousness" to develop - the Matrix plan is real! I exposed the Actual Matrix Plan that I discovered soon after my master's thesis - and it corroborated my master's thesis.
What I'm trying to tell you is that while I respect your goal of survival - try to realize that the elite "planners" actually think that global nuclear radiation is the inherent spiritual evolution of life on Earth! They "think" this because it is hard-wired into the structural drive of science due to logarithmic math from Plato - relativity is just the "final" stage of the mathematics as a religion of mass ritual sacrifice.
Philo believed that women could regain their virginity through union with god or logos as the light of the Sun, the divine word. Philo's rich nephew was the prefect of Egypt, hanging out with the Roman emperor-to-be Vespasian and with Titus. I'm citing D.M. Murdock's masterful tome, "Christ in Egypt" - so then Philo's work was transferred to the book of John out of Alexandria egypt. 50% of the population of Alexandria was Jewish, according to Philo who lived there. The Therapeuts that PHilo focuses on were also influenced by Buddhist monks. So they were celibate healers. The Christian worshippers of Serapis were from the Therapeuts. Eusebius, an early Church compiler of the bible, ascribed the Therapeuts as early Christians. Eusebius erroneously claims that the Therapeuts must have read the Gospels and Philo only described the Therapeuts also after reading the gospels.
Yakir Aharonov just discovered this as "Negaparticles" so yes - not just negative charge but also negative mass. Also read Nobel physicist Gerard 't Hooft's article, "Light is Heavy" So the issue here is "noncommutative phase" which is to say if you can make a measurement "faster" than time-frequency uncertainty at Planck's constant then you can "create" matter directly from the curvature of spacetime. We know spacetime is curved at 2 centimeters. The key is that quantum biology has proven that there is a non-local "spark" that creates life - and this spark is negentropic, or reverse time from the future. Virtual photons are now being captured in the lab. But external measurements rely on a linear operator that defines time as a geometric spatial measurement. Through quantum biology we can listen faster than time-frequency uncertainty since listening is nonlinear and also we can listen at the sub-angstrom level. So we also can capture virtual photons from the 5th dimension. It's proven that we emit biophotons from our eyes. I have details through my channel - all free research.
haha. Dude - i'm glad you're freaking out a bit because if I start to think about what I experience then I freak out also. I mean the only reason I tried that stuff is because my qigong training was literally beyond death - I literally saw ghosts, etc. So I figured I could handle the strong dose of ayahausca - ALONE. I was in full lotus meditation position as my "defense." I figured that would protect me. But when I heard the gun shot in my skull and the astral realm kicked in and I could not move - I thought - oh shit I'm not coming back! I just killed myself! haha.
So when it was all done - I felt "spent" but also very cleaned out emotionally. I went out - I walked down to a local pizza shop that was empty - just the owner from Egypt. I just then had a "normal" conversation with him and I tried to pretend like nothing had happened. But when I went to work and told a coworker of mine who was into this stuff - I was still feeling the effects of the stuff a bit.
So I got a friend of mine to try it with me - he has done tons of strong shrooms. He did a double dose and he said when he looked at my body then he saw my body was full of light! haha. When he was done - we stayed at my cabin - and we left the next morning. We both agreed that the "veil of reality was very thin." But anyway - who is that dude - Andrew Weil the MD - he said how when he did LSD then he could go into yoga postures but when the LSD wore off he no longer could do the yoga postures.
So for me I just keep doing the yoga postures! So it's like a permanent trip. I think that's the problem with the plant-root psychedelics - for most people there is no permanent effect - especially males. It's a serotonin effect. Males go against serotonin due to the physiology being against kundalini. Kundalini is a huge serotonin blast. That much I proved to myself.
There's people who claim the blast is adrenaline - why? They don't understand we have huge amounts of serotonin in our lower body and they don't sit in full lotus for the blast off. The female orgasm switches from dopamine to serotonin. NOT for the male! You know what the treatment is for male ejaculation addiction aka sex OCD? It's SSRIs. haha. Hilarious.
No - if you want to be a shaman - you have to do five post-death ayahausca trips right after each other. Michael Taussig describes this - he's an anthropologist. I assure you after one dose - I was so glad to get my left brain ego back. haha. What a treat - like that dude in the Matrix who just wants to have his Matrix illusion back - he wants to eat steak and be someone respectable and kind of famous. haha.
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