Thedaobums formerly "thetaobums" was started by a former student of Mantak Chia who realized that Mantak Chia really doesn't have his third eye fully open. This realization may have occurred as the person learned of other Neidan teachers via David Verdesi who himself was then considered to motivated more by profit than sincere teacher. So the original creator of the website essentially lost his way and since then the site has become a free for all, hodge-podge.
That eclectic approach is fine except that the moderators have no idea what they are doing and so then the website, according to other posters who have told me, was taken over by some Drumpfian military types. This led to the political part of the "off topic" forum apparently turning into some all out conceptual mind control rage arena, forcing long time posters to bail out due to the constant harassment by the Drumpfians.
So now with the miltiary Drumpfians thoroughly in control of the site - the formerly created "forums" to try to give a semblance of order to the site have been completely discombobulated. So for example one of the moderators, a female, lurks and comments in the male forum, and so then projects her misunderstandings by censoring information for the males and she then tries to redirect the males into the wrong information.
So clearly if the moderators of the site are spreading disinformation - then the website is doomed from the get-go. I've been posting on the site since around 2004 I think - so almost 15 years off and on. I've seen probably a dozen different "schools" trying to sell their various approaches to Qi training on the site. The site encourages this type of self-marketing as that will increase clicks onto the site - but in reality there's only about 25 different posters a day on the site (from my previous traffic analysis less than a year ago).
So now there are several prominent posters who insist that they just follow their own traditions and teachers and their teachers tell them not to read books. So this is a typical "Double Bind" strategy as a website inherently relies on written words which is the same medium as books but rather these posters who the website is just a "chat forum" that does not stray from their own myopic backgrounds. haha.
And so the main problem is that Daoist alchemy is based on celibacy - and so now the female moderator is lurking and commenting in the male forum - which is completely disrespectful of the males. But this is just representative of the same problem at large in Western modern civilization. This is the problem of what I call Technofeminism. I've gone into this in detail elsewhere.
Daoist alchemy is actually best explained by relativistic quantum biology - which is to say that Daoist alchemy is an advanced ancient science. So it goes against Western materialistic idealism based on left-brain dominance. So the words to explain the alchemy rely on their meanings having double meanings as the energy changes during the practice. This obviously makes things very complicated to understand.
But the book Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality was written in a modern style with the intention of setting straight the record on Daoist alchemy. The daobums website posters insisted that I do NOT read that book since it was too dangerous! This, of course, set me back in my training, since it was ONLY that book that explained my training details. Also I have since encountered a prominent Western "neidan" or "neigong" teacher - more than one - who misrepresent the book's teachings.
So this means that only a very close reading of that book then achieves the goal of truly understanding the book, while the supposed "help" websites online actually make the book and Taoist alchemy misunderstood!
Thankfully I did, over the years, persevere in my studies of the Daoist alchemy books - and I continue to study them, but my learning curve is no longer not so steep. Does this mean I'm a "teacher"? No I am an idiot but my point is that Western modern civilization is based on a very deep "rotten root" that promotes this idiocy as the solution, instead of recognizing the idiocy as the problem.
This is quite unfortunate since there are people who are new to thedaobums website - and they contact me with personal messages - asking me for direction. I tell them to read the book Taoist Yoga: alchemy and immortality and also the book Foundations of Internal Alchemy. But I suppose most people encountering thedaobums website are just going to be misled - since it is actually a psychic black hole trap that sucks off people's qi energy. haha.
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