How meditation and abrupt global warming are intimately connected via quantum physics
By Drew Hempel, MA
We are quick, as Westerners trained in materialistic science, to dismiss “navel gazing” meditation as some psychological regression to primitive narcissism (Freud’s claim) or even some nonwestern wackadoo (apparently Jung’s claim). And yet our current “predicament” of abrupt global warming (Professor Guy McPherson’s emphasis of an intractable accelerating crisis of doom), leads us to consider what survives after death: Meditation is the best means of answering that question while also healing the body and even acquiring the healing of others also!
Quantum physics professor Basil J. Hiley has described a “new quality of energy” that has now been discovered – and the emphasis is on energy but not as a “medium” or “ether” - rather as “active information” or an “algebraic way” or process of noncommutative “transition frequencies.” It was Heisenberg who first discovered the spectroscopy Ritz-Rydberg combination principle (of absorption and emission of light by matter) is actually a noncommutative algebra! This is called a “transition frequency” and it means that matter is no longer a point particle as a commutative geometry or symmetric “center of mass” containment of infinity.
Of course, physicists focus on matter and external measurements and so certain mathematical tricks must be performed – Professor Hiley, for example, reveals precisely the error of Richard Feynman’s trick of “renormalization” that is now at the heart of quantum field theory, etc. Professor Jean Bricmont’s focus on Bell’s Inequality as nonlocality also reveals how the “primitive causality” of linear time is disproven in quantum physics. A proper understanding of the noncommutative algebra, as explained by math professor Louis Kauffman, reveals that the imaginary number “i” is actually an asymmetric time process of discrete number. What this means, as Professor Basil J. Hiley emphasizes, is that no longer can h-bar be reduced to zero as part of the infinitesimal conversion to a commutative geometry – and thus Planck’s Constant or “h” contains within it a secret about the energy of light as what is called “radiative forcing” in abrupt global warming science.
So, Professor Hiley emphasizes that below h-bar there can be no classical “squeezing” via Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle. It is precisely this Gromov “no squeezing” theorem that reveals the inherent quantum nonlocal potential energy
even in classical physics! And this requires that the “environment” must be “part of” the experiment in quantum physics but due to noncommutativity this energy can also “self-amplify” into the macroscale – just as Pascual Jordan first surmised in the 1930s as the secret basis for the negentropy quantum origins of life itself. In other words, the “protoconsciousness” that Bernard ‘d Espagnat and Sir Roger Penrose rely on is also this same “active information” as a nonlocal noncommutative process of the future and past overlapping via an asymmetric inherent discrete factorization of “transition frequencies.”
Math Professor Alain Connes explains then that this discrete “transition frequency” process is a “rolling motion” that is “unescapable” and only appears random due to our reliance on external measurements in modern science. Otherwise behind the external measurements that assume an “observer-relative” speed of light invariance, there is an “infinity” of “infinite degrees of freedom” that is the quantum nonlocal origin of what latter is assumed to be the primitive causality of linear time creating entropy. And thus, life on Earth inherently resonates out from this “negative frequency” and time-reversed discrete noncommutative signal that inherently cannot be observed in external measurements due to time being a linear operator with Fourier Uncertainty.
Listening to music though is proven to occur at up to ten times faster than Fourier Uncertainty and the highest pitch we can listen to externally is proven to resonate the brain internally as ultrasound. This ultrasound is proven to resonate the microtubules that have a negative refractive index metamaterial with the tubulin, creating superradiance inside the neurons, with an inherent superconducting quantum coherence at room temperature. It was Jack Sarfatti who informed us (the research community on youtube) that indeed plant photosynthesis is now proven to utilize the same secret of graphene as room temperature superconducting based on a relativistic quantum “Dirac Cone” via the ½ spin of light having a noncommutative phase. Just think of two hexagons overlapping in half phase – just as the microtubules have their tubulin overlapping in the same hexagonal half phase difference.
Since all matter is made of light then this process of internal listening resonating the superradiance creates what Sir Roger Penrose calls “negative resonance” as a time-reversed precognitive protoconsciousness signal of active information. The
military mind control scientist Andrija Puharich first postulated this same “negative resonance” process as the key to spiritual and paranormal “exceptional human functions” (as they are called in the Chinese qigong research of qigong masters). In other words, the quantum undertone creates a significant subharmonic amplification of power due to the conversion of virtual photons into actual photons that then condense and contain into matter. The article, “Light is Heavy” by Nobel Physicist Gerard ‘t Hooft and Martin van der Mark explains clearly that all of matter is actually made of light. But since light has no rest mass, so then the gravitational mass is due to the ½ spin that is inherent to reality as nonlocality from the momentum directly proportional to quantum frequency.
Sir Roger Penrose also emphasizes that mass originates from quantum frequency also due to the de Broglie-Einstein relation, just as Gerard ‘t Hooft emphasizes. They use different mathematics of course and so they squabble about the proper use of Penrose’s light cones to examine the paradoxes of quantum black holes or “eternal black holes” as the true origin of matter as Gerard ‘t Hooft explains. Penrose admits he is not good at noncommutative geometry mathematics or “quantum algebra” but then why should he be? Just as Alain Connes emphasizes most scientist consider noncommutative geometry to be a “nuisance” and “strange.”
Fortunately, in meditation we can practice noncommutative geometry directly via the “Dirac Dance” that explains nonlocality as the “self-referential motion” for “quantum psychology” and “neigong” or internal martial arts training, as Eddie Oshins working at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center explained in his collaboration with math professor Lou Kauffman.
Similarly, our abrupt global warming crisis was created from the wrong classical physics mathematics driven by the structural logic of the commutative geometry leading to relativity. The same process of entropy of energy from quantum frequency in abrupt global warming can then be reversed during meditation. This is why qigong master Yan Xin calls qigong meditation the “highest technology of all technologies.” So, for example, there is overlap in the quantum frequency of the water molecule and CO2 but not in the same range. Ironically it is the secret of “tummo breathing” in Tibetan Yoga that creates strong internal heat by precisely increasing the CO2 in the body to then radiate infrared energy into the
body (that is then absorbed by the mitochondria and then powers the microtubules).
So, when we do thirty deep FAST breathes, called “Quick Fire” breathing in Daoist alchemy, then we expel CO2 at a faster rate than our body creates CO2. This changes our blood pH so that then the Diver’s Reflex is NOT activated when we hold the breath AFTER exhale (after the 30 quick deep breaths). The Deep part of the breathing physically doubles our adrenaline levels by activating physically the kidneys but it is the holding the breath AFTER exhale that then activates the adrenaline via the parasympathetic nervous system in the brain. It turns out the brain must FIRST signal the kidneys to then ACTIVATE the adrenaline that was first created from the quick reverse breathing. As “reverse breathing” we mean below the navel you suck in the belly so that it physically stimulates the kidney energy via the diaphragm muscle. Wim Hof has subjected himself to scientific scrutiny to prove that indeed he and his students do double their adrenaline levels simply from the breathing method – but it is the holding of the breath AFTER exhale that actually CREATES the heat from the increased vagus nerve activation in the brain.
Master Nan, Huai-chi, the top-selling Ch’an Master of China, also emphasized this secret of holding the breath only AFTER exhale and as qigong master Roger Peng emphasizes it’s actually the space between breathing that is then extending. So, through simple deep relaxation of the vagus nerve being activated via meditation as a synchronization of the biophoton signals in the body then this “jing” or adrenaline energy is naturally activated also. With standing meditation exercises the bending of the knees and the shaking of the legs at 7 to 9 times per second is the ELF Schumann resonance that effectively acts as the quantum undertone of the time-reversed precognitive signal as the truth of Earth’s biosphere consciousness – this is what Andrija Puharich first figured out. So, when we naturally stand with the legs bent this pushes the sympathetic nervous system to its extreme since our leg muscles are much greater than the arm muscles. With the extreme sympathetic nervous system there is then a dialectical reversal to an extreme parasympathetic rebound aka the “relaxation response” as Harvard medical Dr. Herbert Benson discovered when he studied the Tummo training of the Tibetan yoga master monks directly in the Himalayas.
So, the Qi or cosmic “Yuan Qi” - original qi – is this “new quality of energy” as the noncommutative nonlocal quantum potential from the future, and hence an “active information” that is NOT a medium of spacetime – it is “prespace” as Professor Hiley calls it – and it is also the negentropy that creates life on Earth. The solar fusion is not the source of this energy as Roger Penrose explains, but rather the “gravitational potential” of the Universe is also the secret of “dark energy” as Penrose explains and again it originates from the quantum negentropy of a time-reversed negative frequency that is superluminal or retrocausal. Physicist Guenter Nimtz got in trouble with his “superluminal sound” signal experiments because he used the wrong terminology. As Nimtz explained the signal was due to the time phase being inverse to the frequency and thus not the typical signal in classical physics from the amplitude squaring as the definition of energy.
Olivier Costa de Beauregard explains that due to time invariance in relativity then the time signal in quantum physics must be retrocausal and inherently precognitive. It is only when we observe it that it is inherently asymmetrical but this observation is also “observer-relative” due to the speed of light invariance in the quantum vacuum. Thus, in meditation the Quantum Zeno Effect prevents the collapse of the wavefunction and the precognitive visions are “more real” than being awake! The nonlocal noncommutative “direct perception” that is precognitive is due to this inherent superradiance negative frequency signal that is the origin of all external perceptions and also all life on Earth!
It was the original life – the algae in the oceans – that first relied on photosynthesis and these same algae then had symbiotic evolutionary cooperation to become the mitochondria inside complex life cells. It is the infrared radiation from this complex life that then increases the fourth phase of water inside our bodies. This again was first realized by Andrija Puharich but it has been studied in detail by Professor Gerald Pollack and also by physics Professor Emilio del Guidice. So, in other words, they both also realized, just as Guenter Nimtz realized that the phase signal is superluminal or retrocausal – depending on what terminology you want to use. The splitting of the water actually works via the quantum coherence of the ultrasound activated by the vagus nerve via the
infrared increase from the microtubule activation in the collagen and neurons – this is the “yang qi” in Daoism and the “yin qi” is through the negative ionization of the blood.
We can thus accumulate biophotons in the body just as the Earth is accumulating photons via the emission of CO2 and similar molecules that resonate the infrared “entropy” of Earth’s energy. Normally the forests and other life – algae – and bogs and wetlands and prairie grasslands would be absorbing this CO2 that then accumulates over millions of years as either coal (in the land) or oil (in the oceans). So, all our “progress” based on classical physics has simply reversed the quantum negentropy of life itself on Earth. Life is literally antigravity since antigravity is an “observer-relative” reality that is internally resonating the precognitive “active information” of superradiance. When we leave our bodies then this coherent biophoton light begins to dissipate but the information is still stored in the eternal black hole. As Gerard ‘t Hooft explains – the Hawking Radiation that evaporates black holes is quantum entangled to the negative energy going into the black hole (but from the perspective of Hawking Radiation that negative energy is actually negative frequency).
Sir John Pendry’s recent “Archimedes Spiral” of light experiment has demonstrated, just as with the Dynamical Casimir Experiments, the ability to absorb negative frequency virtual photons to increase the photons externally. This is how meditation works also. Similarly, we need to turn the light around to listen to its source since this ½ spin source is resonated via a noncommutative time-frequency “imaginary” time or “primitive time” before spacetime.
Our current abrupt global warming crisis will soon reunite us with this secret of reality that our original human culture called “Re-Entry into First Creation” and is more popularly known as the “rainbow time” of the logarithmic singularity from both rainbows and black holes. OK maybe Dream Time is what I was thinking of – Not “rainbow time” since that’s some cheesy movie. Haha. We can of course practice this truth of reality – it's not some “altered state of consciousness” as is often the claim by left-brain dominant modern Westernized people who don’t see the value of logical inference of the source of the I-thought! Fortunately Edgar Alan Poe realized the value of logical inference and hence invented the Mystery novel that relies on the secret of the time-reversed signal “solving” the crime in
the end. It is only that this time we realize, as in the Raymond Chandler novel, that the detective (the classical physics scientist) is the murderer.
The term “Dark Heat” is what Fourier called infrared radiation when he first realized the basic principle of abrupt global warming – in 1821. Ironically it was Fourier’s reliance on an external visual symmetric mathematics that cover-up the secret origin of life on Earth. Fourier Uncertainty can be overcome just as Heisenberg’s Uncertainty can also be overcome and just as the predicament of abrupt global warming can also be overcome. It’s only through the “Dark Heat” itself – by embracing it and investigating its true negentropy cause in “Dark Energy” that we then transcend our predicament. Ghosts are real and we enjoy being embodied ghosts. Our body only is maintained by understanding what powers our ghost or coherent biophoton signal body inside of us! So let us embrace the Dark Energy inside us to properly dissipate the Dark Heat causing abrupt global warming.
The heart is called Yi [unified power] becuz when intent moves, spirit is agitated; qi is dispersed. Qi is the Mother of spirit; Spirit is the child of qi. The Mother as qi is the horse that guides/conducts the river chariot (yin spirit) in the water (yin jing). Once your mind is away from the lower Elixir Field, your Qi will be led away from it and be consumed. By gathering the Shen into the lower tan tien then the Qi follows it there. Light of eyes descend as Yang fire inner yin qi line
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