Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Farm-Sitting Agrotourist for the Holidays

 My  main job is being a "secondary caregiver" - this is the most difficult position because officially I don't do it: The whole point is that the person I help out gets to remain and be as independent as possible. haha. I do or the Emptiness does some psychic healing through the pineal gland as I sit in full lotus. But unfortunately I have not been meditating - yes I sit in full lotus most of the day at the computer or while reading but sitting in full lotus is not the same as meditating. 

Some two-thirds of our brain's energy is used for vision and so "turning the light around" as meditation is the best way to store up the Emptiness energy. This is called Wisdom or Prajna but the modern Westernized world calls it "Navel gazing" as the biggest waste of time!! It's considered "holier than thou" and other derogative (yes computer that is a word) - why? haha. I will try to meditate more I promise but I am literally creating a spacetime exorcism vortex that can be dangerous. I am going against the spacetime trajectory of modern civilization!

Because the WEST is not based on nondualism whereby the "you" and "me" don't exist - only the 5th dimension as formless awareness is the truth. haha. It cuts through all the b.s. - the Cosmic Mother as the Emptiness is in charge.

So now I get to stack five cords of firewood as I'll be farm-sitting for five days. haha. A cord of wood a day! Five pallets. Plus taking care of the animals and meditating!! I'll bring the new 10 gauge electric 2 horsepower snowblower in case there is a snow storm.

So it will be awesome exercise and I can store up some Cosmic Qi energy as well. Meditating this time of year is the best - especially with the full moon near the solstice. So Grand Qigong Master Chunyi Lin is doing his annual Tibetan Monk mantra chanting vacation - usually on a cruise ship - as they send out healing energy for world Peas. 

I make fun of it just because cruise ships are the worst pollution - the equivalent of one person driving a car for HALF their life - for one trip on a cruise ship. hahaha.

Oh well. We live in the Kali Yuga or whatever.

Luckily I am able to pay for my farmstay vacation as an Agrotourist. Why do I say luckily? My meditation activist University buddy built a whole fancy house with a restored 19th century colonial barn on top of the house!! He lets me stay in the farmstay and so I donate also for my farmstay - the house is listed as a commercial rental site. Actually it's listed for $225 a night - so I'm getting a discount!! 

Maybe I can donate dog food again like last time I farm-sat. I left them six bags of dog food!! They get the BEST dog food for their sheep dogs sleeping outside all winter!

So it works out perfectly because farmers are the hardest working least paid - if not total slaves - people on the planet and we all depend on them for our food. This farm just won a state farm union award for being a "rising star" farmer family!! The farm is documented to STORE CARBON as a regenerative agriculture farm.

So thank you all for your support and let's keep the circular economy going to see if we can have a few more years of "sustainability" on the planet. haha. The "biological annihilation" of modern Western "civilization" is accelerating as we all love our technology for our creature comforts.

 Last summer we had the Mega-Drought so the farm had to buy tons of hay that was very expensive. I am assuming that next summer will be even worse Mega-Drought conditions. Abrupt Global Warming is here and it's gonna get worse. That's why I bought land four years ago - in one of the coldest spots in the lower 48 - northern Minnesota - and so I will haul good soil compost up there to eventually farm there also. 

I can grow potatoes just like that documentary on Netflix about the farmers in Georgia using potatoes as their money currency!! My farm family friends are feeding me with potatoes grown on their farm also.

I grew potatoes when I had a big garden at our previous 10 acre forest-farm site that I worked. 

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