Thursday, December 31, 2020

95 year old stud at the car dealer claims Potatoes were secret to he and his brothers' longevity

 The 95 year old was flirting with the check out lady at the dealer - for about 15 minutes or so. He said the reason people think he and his brothers have lived so long is because they would eat so many potatoes - about half the size of that check out room filled with potatoes. 

I started thinking about his claim and it makes sense since potatoes are high in potassium.

May 13, 2020 — The sweet potatoes' potassium content helps to reduce blood pressure. The tuber is also high in fibre (which is essential for a healthy gut microbiome) and low in cholesterol and saturated fat, all of which should reduce the risk of chronic disease. ( how a high-carb diet may explain why Okinawans live so long.)


re potatoes healthy? They are actually an almost perfect food ... › the-delicious-nutritious-potato-gets-a-bad-rap

Aug 23, 2018 — In 100g of steamed potatoes, you'll get nearly half your daily dose of vitamin C, more potassium than in a banana, and plenty of vitamin B6 and fibre. ... may actually be forgetting a key aspect—our overall health and longevity?

 potassium is a big secret to Yang Qi.

Oldest Person in US Dies at 114 After Lifelong Sweet Potato Diet

Jan 9, 2019 — ... the secret to her longevity was eating sweet potatoes every single day. ... 542 mg potassium, and 22 mg vitamin C. Potassium will aid in the ...

  I was behind a 95 year old at the car dealer yesterday - he was flirting with the check out desk lady. He said he and his brothers all lived long due to growing up on potatoes. I looked into it. A 114 year old lady said she had a sweet potato every day. The secret is that potatoes are very high in potassium. The potassium to sodium ratio is what powers electric eels. Qigong master John Chang said when he shocks people it is just the same as an electric eel. Potassium is the proton charge for our cells. Spiritual people avoid salt for this reason as the chloride is a negative ion. Wilhelm Reich in the 1930s figured out that potassium is positively aligned with serotonin and lecithin (from celibacy). Electric eels store their charge in the fat of the cells - which is what lecithin does. The celibacy is to myelinate the cells for storing increased charge.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

How is Heaven and Hell explained via Nondualism of NDE of Jeff Olsen?


My question is, if there is no judgment, can anyone rightfully explain to me how a serial killer or a child molester can go to this beautiful place of love? There has to be something for them to answer to? Wouldnt these type of souls taint heaven?
Keep in mind God has everything in order. We aren't saying everyone has a pleasant experience, Howard Stern's NDE is proof of that. I think Jeff was speaking to his experience. Thank you for participating in the conversation.
Bluefov, I ask myself this often and I never feel that any answer is satisfactory. In fact, I'd love to hear someone's perspective on this- a person who has directly been affected through an NDE or otherwise. This is a million dollar question I really LONG to understand too!!!!!!
@Lindsay Smith the answer is multi-layered and many experiencers are reluctant to give the long answer because it could be used as a justification for some to perpetuate the acts. .
If you read the "Tibetan book of the Dead" it explains that right at death when the heart stops then a person's spirit returns to the oneness or Emptiness - the Nondual source. Westerners do not learn about this except through rare mystics. So as the Tibetan Book of the Dead explains almost everyone's spirit still has attachments or lower frequency energy blockages and so the spirit can not handle the merging back into the complete impersonal oneness or Absolute Void that radiates light eternally. So then the spirit separates and depending on how much frequency blockages then goes to heaven or hell. So Tibetan monks will feel a dead body to see which part gets cold first and that indicates the frequency of the spirit when it left the body - and whether it went to hell or heaven. So the Soul goes through the right side of the heart. Ramana Maharshi calls this the "secret pinhole" to nondual awareness. The Right side vagus nerve goes to the right side of the heart. We all die of a heart attack eventually as the final cause of death and at that moment we all experience the greatest love of our life. 

Did I trick the HP Smart App? New Envy 6055 works fine so far with USB cable

 Some people have NOT been able to connect this printer - even with the help of Geek Squad.

The HP Smart App assumes you are making a "wireless" connection.

The instructions state - if you are using a USB cable connection first have it disconnected before launching the Smart App. THEN connect it.

Well the Smart App could not "find" the printer since I didn't turn on the wireless option and I did not have the USB cable connected.

So also - the power cable is kind of loose. 

Anyway the computer HP Smart App detected the printer.

I simply did an "advanced" printer port setting to USB - just as with the previous printer.

Only this time it works!! Printers color just fine.

Some said they could not get the printer to print color. Apparently the earlier updates were problematic for different operating systems.

LOTS of people complain about this Wireless connection - it turns OFF automatically after two hours and you have to re"launch" the Smart App to reconnect it?!

NO - the USB cable is fine with me - works just like the previous printer.



Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Professor Jean Bricmont DEBUNKS quantum field theory 

All our intuitive notion of causality collapses, because this notion is based on the idea that causes precede effects in an absolute sense that does not de-pend on the reference frame. 

What about QFT or relativistic quantum mechanics ? In standard textbooks, the reduction or collapse of the quantum state is never discussed in relativistic terms−→the question raised by EPR and Bell is not even raised.

 New Bricmont - at the end he goes into quantum field theory. 

Is Chomsky wrong about Discrete Infinity and the origin of Homo Sapiens? Noncommutative Finite harmonics as the alternative

 another idea that's been developed is that at some point in human evolution, probably, roughly around the time that Homo Sapiens emerged, there was a slight rewiring of the brain, which provided a compute, a mechanism of computation of discrete infinity; recursive functions that generate, that recursively generate an infinite number; discrete infinity of structures. And that this one then applied in language and applied arithmetic, maybe applied in music. Some think it was applied in moral systems. Well these are all researchable topics.

When I queried Professor Chomsky about the noncommutative music alternative of Alain Connes - he replied he wished he had the time to research the topic.

So he's not dismissing it - even though he has relied on the traditional "discrete infinity" of symmetric mathematics thus far.

My claim is that this ties into his political economics critique as well - in other words his concept of human freedom as well.

 Arithmetic could be piggy-backing on the system that's already there. But what about music. There is some interesting work, trying to show that the basic properties of musical systems are similar to the structural properties of linguistic systems. Quite interesting work on that. Maybe that will come out.

Professor Noam Chomsky

Science misses the point on Music Tuning once again! Why music theory exposes science as a religion!

  Why It's Impossible to Tune a Piano

5 years ago

This also gives a nice explanation for why it is natural to have 12 notes in a chromatic scale, and not some other number: powers of the twelfth root of two have a tendency to be surprisingly close to simple rational numbers. For instance it's fifth power is strangely close to 4/3, it's seventh power is close to 3/2, it's 4th power is close to 4/5, etc. Powers of, say, the 11th root of 2 would not play so nicely. Great video!

You should do a video about it! Yours are noticeably better than Minute Physics (more thorough and accurate... And interesting). I await with excitement for your next video. Greetings from Mexico!
Actually, my next video will also have a little something to do with this :)
+3Blue1Brown you answered! Awesome haha I found your videos about 3 days ago, so it was a cool coincidence to find your comment on this video. I am a math fan, and your different way of explaining complicated problems is like a fresh breeze in a rather straight forward field. Keep up the good work! I'll keep recommending your channel to others like us who appreciate the beauty of mathematics. Cheers!
I have made music where the notes are all based on the eleventh root of two, and the harmonies are really odd I must say. None of them are harmonise in as simple of a ratio as in 12ET.
Now try the fifty third root of two, or f = 1.013164143... f^31 = 1.49994... ~= 3/2 f^22 = 1.3333858... ~= 4/3 f^17 = 1.24898... ~= 5/4 f^14 = 1.200929.... ~= 6/5 f^9 = 1.124911... ~= 9/8 Of course, the issue there is that 53 is prime, so you would have to use a digital device that could re-tune itself each time you changed keys. Otherwise the spacing would be inconsistent.
3Blue1Brown yeah so do powers of the 53rd root of 2. Don't pretend like 12tet isn't arbitrary.
3Blue1Brown and it's not a strange tendency, 7/12 is one of the convergents to log2(3/2)
Teddy Dunn the problem with 53-tet is that there are 53 notes
@Cooper Gates "Of course, the issue there is that 53 is prime, so you would have to use a digital device that could re-tune itself each time you changed keys. Otherwise the spacing would be inconsistent." There's no problem with 53 being prime. It is a functional Equal-step Tuning as well, named 53ET (53 Equal-step Tuning) or 53edo (53 equal divisions of the octave). The problem is that it is not as practical as it would require many more keys on the piano to cover the same pitch range.
@groszak1 I suppose you could skip certain intervals depending on what keys and chords are most used, so there'd be gaps of 2^(2/53) or 2^(3/53) or more, and something like 24 keys for each octave.
I assume thats also why, since ancient times up to the French revolution, we used twelver systems. Not decimal systems.
@Ethribin Or sexagesimal (Babylonians)
Grant! I'm a few years late, but, happy to see you here 😆
I thought 12 was chosen because 12 is a highly composite number. Macro- and microtonality, though, are not uncommon outside Western music. Audible to humans are intervals as small as 5 cents (which is one 20th of a semitone), but even a 15-cent interval is probably difficult to discern for most people. The neutral third, which lies midway between the major third and the minor third, is one of the most common intervals produced by human infants. I think that there are good arguments to be made in favor of certain intervals being thought of as more "universal" or "fundamental" than others; on the chromatic scale, these would be the traditional "perfect consonants", in descending order: the unison, the octave, the fifth and the fourth.
@ewqdsacxz765 12 is a reasonable number of increments in an octave. 53ET, on the other hand, while it can obtain much higher accuracy, would require irregular subdivisions depending on the intervals and keys desired. 1 step, 2, steps, 4 steps, or some number of powers of 2^(1/53).
@Cooper Gates 53ET would be fine for making microtonal music in, though, no? With the added benefit of approximating the 3:2 and 4:3 pitch ratios even more accurately than is allowed for in 12ET.
@ewqdsacxz765 You should be able to even make a physical piano using 53ET, except you wouldn't want to include all 53 intervals in each octave, which would produce, for instance, 318 keys for 6 octaves, so you'd have limited options to modulate a particular set of chords, because keys would be missing.
@Cooper Gates Right, unless you limit yourself to only playing within the range of a single octave, which, to be fair, could be pretty limiting. I guess microtonal music is a lot easier to compose on a computer than on a more traditional instrument.
@ewqdsacxz765 Another thing I've wondered is why octaves are based on powers of 2. Because it's the first prime? I almost wish someone had a piano based on powers of 3, but I haven't checked which fractional powers of 3 can best approximate the most common harmonics yet.
@Cooper Gates Well, acoustically, an octave is simply a doubling of a frequency. I doubt it has anything to do with primality; just a matter of "2" being the smallest plural element of the set of natural numbers (provided that "plural" is defined as such that possess a cardinality greater than 1). If you attempt to do the same with a smaller integer, multiplying a numerator by 1 fails to produce any novel value. Multiplication of acoustic frequency by zero would imply a perfect vacuum, if I'm not mistaken, and that's a quantum-mechanical impossibility. If you try to use negative integers, it would be just as unusable as multiplication of frequencies by zero, since there is no such thing as subzero acoustic frequencies, either (unless you redefine them to mean something weird, like antiparticle acoustics). Audition (or auditory perception) of the octave, however, is as much of a psychological phenomenon as it is physical/acoustic. Humans and chimpanzees are both believed to experience octave equivalence (perceptually), whereas birds are believed to not. "Sound" is an ambiguous word, since it can refer to either acoustic waves (as studied in physics) or the perception thereof (as studied in psychology and musicology). "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" Depends, on how you define "sound." Men's and women's voices are typically an octave or so apart, and that's handy for choir singing. Here's one last trivium for fun: music and language have probably co-evolved, in the biological sense. This applies to both pitch and rhythm. The pitch range of musical instruments typically overlaps closely with the pitch range of human voices, as used for both song and speech. It's safe to assume that vocals were the first musical instrument ever used, and that other non-percussive instruments imitate the human voice to some degree. As for rhythm, the range of tempo in music roughly corresponds to the range of heart beat rates, and people further adjust their heart beats to music tempo by rhythmic motion (i.e. dance).

This also gives a nice explanation for why it is natural to have 12 notes in a chromatic scale, and not some other number: powers of the twelfth root of two have a tendency to be surprisingly close to simple rational numbers. For instance it's fifth power is strangely close to 4/3, it's seventh power is close to 3/2, it's 4th power is close to 4/5, etc. Powers of, say, the 11th root of 2 would not play so nicely. Great video!
You should do a video about it! Yours are noticeably better than Minute Physics (more thorough and accurate... And interesting). I await with excitement for your next video. Greetings from Mexico!
Actually, my next video will also have a little something to do with this :)
+3Blue1Brown you answered! Awesome haha I found your videos about 3 days ago, so it was a cool coincidence to find your comment on this video. I am a math fan, and your different way of explaining complicated problems is like a fresh breeze in a rather straight forward field. Keep up the good work! I'll keep recommending your channel to others like us who appreciate the beauty of mathematics. Cheers!
I have made music where the notes are all based on the eleventh root of two, and the harmonies are really odd I must say. None of them are harmonise in as simple of a ratio as in 12ET.
Now try the fifty third root of two, or f = 1.013164143... f^31 = 1.49994... ~= 3/2 f^22 = 1.3333858... ~= 4/3 f^17 = 1.24898... ~= 5/4 f^14 = 1.200929.... ~= 6/5 f^9 = 1.124911... ~= 9/8 Of course, the issue there is that 53 is prime, so you would have to use a digital device that could re-tune itself each time you changed keys. Otherwise the spacing would be inconsistent.
3Blue1Brown yeah so do powers of the 53rd root of 2. Don't pretend like 12tet isn't arbitrary.
3Blue1Brown and it's not a strange tendency, 7/12 is one of the convergents to log2(3/2)
Teddy Dunn the problem with 53-tet is that there are 53 notes
@Cooper Gates "Of course, the issue there is that 53 is prime, so you would have to use a digital device that could re-tune itself each time you changed keys. Otherwise the spacing would be inconsistent." There's no problem with 53 being prime. It is a functional Equal-step Tuning as well, named 53ET (53 Equal-step Tuning) or 53edo (53 equal divisions of the octave). The problem is that it is not as practical as it would require many more keys on the piano to cover the same pitch range.
@groszak1 I suppose you could skip certain intervals depending on what keys and chords are most used, so there'd be gaps of 2^(2/53) or 2^(3/53) or more, and something like 24 keys for each octave.
I assume thats also why, since ancient times up to the French revolution, we used twelver systems. Not decimal systems.
@Ethribin Or sexagesimal (Babylonians)
Grant! I'm a few years late, but, happy to see you here 😆
I thought 12 was chosen because 12 is a highly composite number. Macro- and microtonality, though, are not uncommon outside Western music. Audible to humans are intervals as small as 5 cents (which is one 20th of a semitone), but even a 15-cent interval is probably difficult to discern for most people. The neutral third, which lies midway between the major third and the minor third, is one of the most common intervals produced by human infants. I think that there are good arguments to be made in favor of certain intervals being thought of as more "universal" or "fundamental" than others; on the chromatic scale, these would be the traditional "perfect consonants", in descending order: the unison, the octave, the fifth and the fourth.
@ewqdsacxz765 12 is a reasonable number of increments in an octave. 53ET, on the other hand, while it can obtain much higher accuracy, would require irregular subdivisions depending on the intervals and keys desired. 1 step, 2, steps, 4 steps, or some number of powers of 2^(1/53).
@Cooper Gates 53ET would be fine for making microtonal music in, though, no? With the added benefit of approximating the 3:2 and 4:3 pitch ratios even more accurately than is allowed for in 12ET.
@ewqdsacxz765 You should be able to even make a physical piano using 53ET, except you wouldn't want to include all 53 intervals in each octave, which would produce, for instance, 318 keys for 6 octaves, so you'd have limited options to modulate a particular set of chords, because keys would be missing.
@Cooper Gates Right, unless you limit yourself to only playing within the range of a single octave, which, to be fair, could be pretty limiting. I guess microtonal music is a lot easier to compose on a computer than on a more traditional instrument.
@ewqdsacxz765 Another thing I've wondered is why octaves are based on powers of 2. Because it's the first prime? I almost wish someone had a piano based on powers of 3, but I haven't checked which fractional powers of 3 can best approximate the most common harmonics yet.
@Cooper Gates Well, acoustically, an octave is simply a doubling of a frequency. I doubt it has anything to do with primality; just a matter of "2" being the smallest plural element of the set of natural numbers (provided that "plural" is defined as such that possess a cardinality greater than 1). If you attempt to do the same with a smaller integer, multiplying a numerator by 1 fails to produce any novel value. Multiplication of acoustic frequency by zero would imply a perfect vacuum, if I'm not mistaken, and that's a quantum-mechanical impossibility. If you try to use negative integers, it would be just as unusable as multiplication of frequencies by zero, since there is no such thing as subzero acoustic frequencies, either (unless you redefine them to mean something weird, like antiparticle acoustics). Audition (or auditory perception) of the octave, however, is as much of a psychological phenomenon as it is physical/acoustic. Humans and chimpanzees are both believed to experience octave equivalence (perceptually), whereas birds are believed to not. "Sound" is an ambiguous word, since it can refer to either acoustic waves (as studied in physics) or the perception thereof (as studied in psychology and musicology). "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" Depends, on how you define "sound." Men's and women's voices are typically an octave or so apart, and that's handy for choir singing. Here's one last trivium for fun: music and language have probably co-evolved, in the biological sense. This applies to both pitch and rhythm. The pitch range of musical instruments typically overlaps closely with the pitch range of human voices, as used for both song and speech. It's safe to assume that vocals were the first musical instrument ever used, and that other non-percussive instruments imitate the human voice to some degree. As for rhythm, the range of tempo in music roughly corresponds to the range of heart beat rates, and people further adjust their heart beats to music tempo by rhythmic motion (i.e. dance).