The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) has given a boost to an unsettling idea: that the novel coronavirus can spread through the air—not just through the large droplets emitted in a cough or sneeze.
SARS-CoV-2 can float in aerosol droplets—less than 5 microns across—for up to 3 hours, and remain infectious.
“the results of available studies are consistent with aerosolization of virus from normal breathing,” Harvey Fineberg, who heads a standing committee on Emerging Infectious Diseases and 21st Century Health Threats,
They're a pretty good "science journalism" site - although I did notice an error they had...
When did I do my blog post on "breath fog"?
Someone comments - we knew this in January - (not just a month ago)...
We release respiratory droplets when we speak.”
“When you go outside and it’s really cold out and you see your breath fog — that’s respiratory droplets,” she said.
So the question is HOW did the US mass mind control corporate-state media reverse this basic truth of science? Rasmussen, a virologist at Columbia’s Mailman School, provided more vivid descriptions for my mental tableau. “Droplets are not necessarily huge, like globs. We release respiratory droplets when we speak.”
Current guidance and public health information has slowly shifted focus towards aerosols as a transmission pathway - predominantly associated with breathing and talking by asymptomatic individuals. Providing guidelines for sufficient inhalation protection will be important in curbing the spread of COVID-19.
The study, "Consideration of the Aerosol Transmission for COVID-19 and Public Health," recently published in Risk Analysis, provides several lines of evidence for aerosol transmission, as well as recommendations for further research and public health communication.So that is NEWLY issued a few days ago... and then states:
To date, the primary transmission methods of concern have been near field transmission (coughing and sneezing) and hand-to-face transport from infected surfaces. More attention should be paid to the inhalation of aerosols, which are small particles that can remain airborne and are capable of short- and long-range transport.
So "To Date" means ignoring a month of science? I just used the PreCautionary Principle of science - that until something is Proven Safe then you assume it is not safe - based on the circumstantial evidence. So I was proven correct by science. haha.
Has this made the corporate-state mass mind control media yet?
Oh that was a month ago again...
Not exactly corporate-state mass mind control media - "newsy"?
No - how about some Nationally syndicated show?
So fascinatingly - the use of masks is a "debate" based on "unproven" risk? When in fact the Precautionary Principle should be used in a Pandemic!
Hindustan Times is the only mass media nationally syndicated channel - but it's for India. Just goes to show how bad the media is in the US.
South Korea got the first Covid-19 positive SAME DAY as the US - and now they are back to normal! Why? Testing testing, testing. oops. Science is in control in South Korea. US? It's imperial Implosion here - PetroDollar on decline - massive fake money bubble for the Rich - tens of trillions of fake FED money corruption. So we don't rely on science anymore cuz the Spoiled Rich don't want to hear the truth. haha. the US has 900 military bases in OTHER countries - it's not a two-party issue. It's an Imperial Implosion Issue. Mother Nature will keep taking care of the problem Methane Bomb going off in East Siberian Arctic Shelf - hot weather gonna save us? Quite the opposite. haha.
South Korea got the first Covid-19 positive SAME DAY as the US - and now they are back to normal! Why? Testing testing, testing. oops. Science is in control in South Korea. US? It's imperial Implosion here - PetroDollar on decline - massive fake money bubble for the Rich - tens of trillions of fake FED money corruption. So we don't rely on science anymore cuz the Spoiled Rich don't want to hear the truth. haha. the US has 900 military bases in OTHER countries - it's not a two-party issue. It's an Imperial Implosion Issue. Mother Nature will keep taking care of the problem Methane Bomb going off in East Siberian Arctic Shelf - hot weather gonna save us? Quite the opposite. haha.
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