Yes Sir - a Minneapolis public school will have 40 (or is it 80?) different primary languages. So my last warehouse job I just used hand signals because my Chinese coworker knew no English and my Mexican coworkers knew hardly any English. But I discovered that my fellow humans get very embarrassed speaking in hand signals since it reveals how left-brain dominant language co-evolved with right-hand tool use (as Australian professor Michael Corballis has revealed). So in your vid on buying a guitar - this is reality - Eric Clapton and Jimi Hendrix - a left hander playing a right handed guitar. Music is really based on noncommutative phase and Palindromes are noncommutative. Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes gives the secret of music theory as being noncommutative. So I love accents - since English is a Pidgin language with by far the most words. As my friend from Ghana told me - the point of English is to confuse people. haha.
I corresponded with Michael Corballis about 15 years ago.
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