"Take the interval of 4/5, the interval of the Major 3rd. What happens when we stack 4/5 intervals on to each other, we get a most discordant sound indeed very quickly.Yes you are repeating the argument of Archytas.
Take a Major 3rd, 5/4 and a minor 3rd, 6/5 and stack them, we get a perfect 5th. Stack the minor 3rds, 6/5 and stack them 4 times and we should get the Octave. We don't.
The resonant ratios are those of an equal to a no equal ratio. That is obvious, they have to be other wise there would be no ratio, the ratio would simply divide to a different single frequency.
It is for the simple reason that the ratio of an equal number to an unequal number is not mathematically coherent that there is no coherence between resonance and musicality. "
"However, he [Archytas] noted that the product of the arithmetic mean and the harmonic mean is equal to the square of the geometric mean, so this gave a way of dividing the fifth of 3:2 into the product of 5:4 and 6:5."
A Truman State University review on Scriba, Christoph J. “Mathematics and music.” (Danish)
38 (1990), no. 1, 3–17, 52.
So from Philolaus then Archytas is assuming that the frequency is already based on irrational geometric magnitude. So that the frequency of the octave is actually already derived from what was called the "Greater Perfect System" - the need to use two octaves with two different fundamental root tonic pitches. So then the Geometric Mean was created as the substitute for the octave as frequency such that 3/2 x 4/3 = Geometric Mean Squared as 2.
That process covered up the truth of the noncommutative phase math that the ancients knew. So you want to insist that music requires a line or a circle and a string or a pipe but in fact all human cultures use the Octave, Perfect Fifth and Fourth from 1:2:3:4 as infinite time-frequency resonance from noncommutative phase as non-locality (the 5th dimension). So the original music did not require a string or a pipe because not only are people singing but they are also LISTENING. This is why the throat singing training requires meditation to listen to the higher harmonics.
So western science has assumes that we can not hear ultrasound but nonwestern music like the gamelan then utilizes not only ultrasound harmonics but also ELF subharmonics as a nonlinear feedback or an infinite spiral of fifths and fourths with the octave as the Emptiness. So in Japan this is proven as the "HyperSonic Effect" that increases the alpha brain waves in the center of the skull. Dr. Andrija Puharich realized this secret from ultrasound also creating subharmonics that are the magnetic moment of electrons and protons as a reverse time phase energy. Louis de Broglie figured out the same truth also as the Law of Phase Harmony.
You will have to read my "Ancient Advanced Acoustic Alchemy" book for more details. thanks,
So I've actually read Donald Hoffman's papers. He is a computer scientist so he has not really studied quantum physics enough. Yes he is getting a lot of people following his views. My farm friend told me about him and also one of the abrupt global warming posters was promoting Donald Hoffman. Also there's an ET psychedelics promoter relying on Donald Hoffman. haha. So the problem is that Donald considers the "collapse" of the wave function as to be the foundation of reality - based on amplitude squared. That is the standard view of quantum physics but it ignores just way too much research of other prominent quantum physicists like Yakir Aharonov or Ruth Kastner or Basil J. Hiley or Sir Roger Penrose or Brian Josephson, etc. (Bernard d'Espagnat, Jean Bricmont, Olivier Costa de Beauregard)
Yes science is another religion for sure and so I scrutinize science now just as I grew up scrutinizing religion (my minister said I should become a minister). haha. Actually my own quantum mechanics professor, Herbert J. Bernstein, taught me in my first year of college, 1989-90, about quantum entanglement that went beyond what Donald Hoffman knows. As Bernstein emphasized, people should learn quantum mechanics first before learning classical physics - why? Because quantum mechanics is now the foundation of reality, as per science - not classical physics (and the math that it's based on).
thanks for sharing,
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