Wow, thanks so much for your plenty and thorough input and the links provided! I will most definitely look into them further, and I'm sure other viewers will too !
Thanks for your interest. (part 1) I finished my master's degree by doing intensive meditation training from Chunyi Lin who did the 49 day full lotus Daoist cave meditation (no sleep, no food, just full lotus meditation nonstop for 49 days) at Mt. Qingcheng where there is also Zhang, Yuanming of the Dragon Gate Complete Reality Daoist lineage. So a good book on that lineage - that I just reread - is "Opening the Dragon Gate" about Wang Liping, considered the "transmitter" of the Dragon Gate Neidan (alchemy) meditation.
So anyway since I'm a Westerner - I first got interested in Daoism through music theory. I first realized a basic secret of Pythagorean meditation. Then I met qigong master Effie P. Chow of San Francisco - she did a presentation or qi-lecture at St. Mary's University in Minneapolis in 1995. She blew the fuse in the room behind her and I felt very strong qi energy between my palms. haha. So I went to S.F. in 1996 and I stayed with my high school friend James T. Hong. He drove me up to Portland and I discovered Dr. John Beaulieu's book on Biosonics - and he states the Perfect Fifth (3/2) is yang and the Perfect Fourth (4/3) is yin - of music theory. So that is also the same secret that I had realized from Pythagorean theory.
But it was not till I discovered Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes that I corroborated my "secret" as he is the only one to emphasize that music theory is actually noncommutative phase logic (and therefore is also the secret of the Unified Field Theory). So I have a book on this called Ancient Advanced Acoustic Alchemy - it goes back to our original human culture that we are all from - the San Bushmen. So yeah my research is all free on my blog if you did see that already - you just scroll way down and on the left for my links to my free articles and books. I had to research a lot on my own because I did the intensive meditation training in 2000 but then I had a lot of after effects from the energy.
So another good book on the traditional Daoist training - is the one I mentioned - that is free online. So it is archived but there is also a lineage with some websites from that teacher who was also part of the Dragon Gate lineage. Chunyi Lin has worked with the Mayo Clinic doctors - and so he did some qigong "external qi" healing research that was published in a peer-reviewed journal - with Dr. Ann Vincent of the Mayo Clinic. And also Dr. Nisha Manek co-authored a qigong chapter for the Mayo Clinic complementary medicine textbook. So now Dr. Nisha Manek has a new book published from her work with Professor emeritus William Tiller - on how Western science can try to explain Daoist qigong energy. So I did a lot of similar research - it requires the most advanced western science - relativistic quantum biology, essentially. haha.
Anyway thanks for your video - it was very interesting as there were new connections for me. I suppose you are familiar with some of the already. My point is just based on the more abstract formal logic involved for yin-yang-Emptiness. For example for the male the left leg is yang and lower body is yin - so it is better to do full lotus with the left leg on top as this then stores up the energy. I did not know that even after my meditation training. So I was sitting in full lotus in public with my right leg on top - and I had a lot of qi energy going out of my pineal gland into people around me. I figured - well it is my body so then I can sit in full lotus if I want to. haha.
Anyway it was an interesting experience. I also saw ghosts - so I know ghosts are for real, for a fact. And I experienced telekinesis and telepathy and precognition. So as Westerners we really have no idea what our untapped potential is and so I am very grateful to traditional Chinese culture for maintaining this amazing truth of reality. So now I am growing shiitake mushrooms in the forest - on logs - and I will sell them to the Chinese community here in Minnesota. thanks. Then also I can meditate more in the forest as my hermitage.
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