when I found my dad's dead blue body - then suddenly I was overwhelmed
with this super strong heart love energy. The night before my pineal
gland had read that my dad had a heart BLOCKAGE. But that was the first
time I had read a heart blockage before - so it didn't register.
So that
night in full lotus - suddenly I go, "wow my dad just died!" I ran
upstairs but his bedroom door was closed and I didn't want to disturb
him if I was just imagining this. So when I found his dead body in the
morning - when I was now surprised to feel that amazing love - I knew he
was feeling the same amazing overwhelming heart love bliss as the truth
of reality. So basically in nonwestern meditation - the right side of
the heart is considered the "secret pinhole" to the consciousness of the
Universe (the Emptiness or Ether).
So in physiology this is due to the
right side vagus nerve - it does from the life force bliss area
(reproductive) up to the right side of the brain and back down to the
right side of the heart. For example in Haitian Voodoo when a person is
killed by a voodoo curse it's actually due to OVER activation of the
right side vagus nerve to the right side of the heart. So a high level
yogi can then "stop" their heart and even physically transcend death -
and also can access the ether via the heart. Gurdjieff called the Heart
then the Big Accumulator - as the secret power - that has the strongest
magnetic force of the body by far. So through meditation - we build up
this energy and it is actually a SPACETIME VORTEX!
So we think of
reality as some objective set existence but in fact the whole Universe
is ALIVE and we are part of it - eternally. So by resonating with it -
then we literally create a black hole-white hole "worm tunnel" that is
literally changing the information stored in the 5th dimension itself.
So it changes our future and also how we stored our past experiences,
etc. So any kind of sensation or perception is limited and ultimately
not "real" but rather there is this infinite process of
energy-information that we can not SEE. So science calls this the
"noncommutative phase" or 5th dimension, etc. So the future and the past
OVERLAPS - and time and spacetime is malleable.
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