But what about cattle flycatchers? I realized the REASON I had recalled my traumatic memory (by the way I did NOT make any significant page turning error - thankfully - at least not that I can remember - we SURVIVED is all I can say with confidence)..... And so it is with the cattle - they "survive" the flies without some big flycatcher device. I saw one cattle with over 100 flies on it. I have also watched vids on means to reduce cattle flies. So you can use flypaper in various ways or you can also use essential oils like lemongrass - in their drinking water and also spraying them. I'm not on the "ranch" anymore - so it will be up to my farm friend and his wife, the farmer, to figure this out. They had used flypaper before but found it inordinately sticky and gross and too expensive. So now their plan is to build bluebird houses on the fence posts - with the hope any bluebirds would eat the flies.
right - normally a population would crash past "carrying capacity" but
we modern humans figured out how to take the REST of Nature down just so
we could explode our OWN population. That's why cities are so boring -
it's all just the SAME "modern human" b.s. while in Nature you get tons
of different species all interacting - and kingdoms - bacteria, archaea,
fungi, animals, plants. I forgot Protista! vid Nature is so much more beautiful than people
trying to make "art." Yet you go into a city and it's as if "art" is
some super fantastic center of the Universe reality while nature is
non-existent - a trifle to be dismissed like garbage. People complain if
your room or bed is messy but look at Nature - all the species are
interwoven and mutually interdependent - you can not separate one from
other very easily. Civilization is a joke - Rectilinear REality lacks
strength and constantly needs to be repaired. Life is self-repairing and
infinitely more "high tech" than supercomputers. Our human population
explosion that has attempted to destroy ecology on Earth? It's like that
movie Solaris by Tarkovsky - Mother Nature is alive as the whole cosmic
Universe. Biological diversity on Earth will reestablish itself despite
our attempt to replace Nature (Earth, Wood and Water) with Metal and
yes - AmeriKKKa is the great Evil Empire but unfortunately Drumpf just epitomizes a trajectory of technology going back to Plato, etc. We easily are transfixed by the Problem while the "solution" slips past us. There is the hidden iceberg of 90% of our biological past as based on "complementary opposites" - much to the dismay of our supposed "liberated" technological society. For example the original human culture did not even know that homosexuality existed nor did the males masturbate! So our psychophysiological standards were completely different in our original human culture - such that such standards are considered UNTHINKABLE now in our modern liberated technological "freedom." We literally have no idea what we are missing - the spiritual healing training of our original human culture is supposedly done by backwards primitives yet the "science" involved is more advanced than any technology we have thus far created. The joke is on us and Mother Nature gets the Last Laugh.
yes - what is fascinating is that "noncommutative phase" as a mathematical concept not only DRUMPFS the exponential function but is the secret to understanding the truth of reality as resonance with Mother Nature. Eddie Oshins figured this out while he worked at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center studying what he dubbed "quantum psychology." Then Fields math professor Alain Connes figured out "noncommutative phase" is the secret to understanding reality - and Connes uses music theory to explain it - stating that music theory provides the "formal logic." More specifically it is NONwestern music theory (all cultures use the octave, Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth as 1:2:3:4) - so essentially - a mosquito mating call is also in a Perfect Fifth. the 2/3 is C to F as undertone and C to G as overtone AT THE SAME TIME - thus number to geometry is not a "one to one correspondence" (contrary to all previous Western mathematical logic based on symmetry from the logarithmic-exponential math of the equal-tempered music scale).... So once this secret is understood and applied - then ancient alchemy is also understood. A good book explaining this is "Taoist Yoga: alchemy and immortality" translated by Charles Luk. He spent 30 years translated that book - it's free online as the Daoist alchemy lineage of that book does not charge money for the teaching.
Yes our brains go unused because in fact we are supposed to be able to consciously FEEL our pineal gland! Left brain - right hand technology "dominance" is a perceptual lie (much akin to autism or some other kind of brain damage). So we have this lie of mathematical logic being "objective" based on symmetry when in fact it is a psychological projection as objectified Oppression of external reality due to our internal repression of lower body life force energy. The left brain vagus nerve does NOT connect to the right side of the brain but the right side vagus nerve (with 90% of its signals SENT UP from the lower body) DOES connect to the left side of the brain.
So we created this modern technological "paradise" only at the expense of our Lying Cheating Eyes (the left side of the brain). Our original human culture relies on the HEART as the real "mind" of true humans - since the heart has such a strong electromagnetic field - and then projects a spirit body via this electro-gravitic field.
RElativistic quantum biology is beginning to realize what we have missed out on - for example the magic of bird migration and other "miracles" of ecology. We humans are part of that magic - the LUNAR cycle exists WITHIN our pineal glands! the Cosmic Mother controls us from INSIDE. Growth happens from WITHIN first. This is our great error - that we think we can make "external measurements" that do not change in time and so are "objective." yes Bifocal Vision has created this illusion of linear time and 4D spacetime - while our First Eye is really the pineal gland and the heart and Gut interactions. The gut has more neurons than the heart.
So yes we modern humans do not even understand our OWN BODIES much less the external "nature" that we study. It's quite funny actually. Like the fish not understanding the water they live in is their source of oxygen - so our sense of "time" as an external parameter that we can supposedly "STOP" to measure as a "contained geometry"? That is hilarious!! How can fish "stop" the water they live in to extract the oxygen? I call this the Cosmic Strong MisAnthropic Principle - the accelerating space and slowing down of time of the Universe is Inversely Proportional to the accelerating time on Earth as the destruction of space of ecology.
yes - AmeriKKKa is the great Evil Empire but unfortunately Drumpf just epitomizes a trajectory of technology going back to Plato, etc. We easily are transfixed by the Problem while the "solution" slips past us. There is the hidden iceberg of 90% of our biological past as based on "complementary opposites" - much to the dismay of our supposed "liberated" technological society. For example the original human culture did not even know that homosexuality existed nor did the males masturbate! So our psychophysiological standards were completely different in our original human culture - such that such standards are considered UNTHINKABLE now in our modern liberated technological "freedom." We literally have no idea what we are missing - the spiritual healing training of our original human culture is supposedly done by backwards primitives yet the "science" involved is more advanced than any technology we have thus far created. The joke is on us and Mother Nature gets the Last Laugh.
yes - what is fascinating is that "noncommutative phase" as a mathematical concept not only DRUMPFS the exponential function but is the secret to understanding the truth of reality as resonance with Mother Nature. Eddie Oshins figured this out while he worked at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center studying what he dubbed "quantum psychology." Then Fields math professor Alain Connes figured out "noncommutative phase" is the secret to understanding reality - and Connes uses music theory to explain it - stating that music theory provides the "formal logic." More specifically it is NONwestern music theory (all cultures use the octave, Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth as 1:2:3:4) - so essentially - a mosquito mating call is also in a Perfect Fifth. the 2/3 is C to F as undertone and C to G as overtone AT THE SAME TIME - thus number to geometry is not a "one to one correspondence" (contrary to all previous Western mathematical logic based on symmetry from the logarithmic-exponential math of the equal-tempered music scale).... So once this secret is understood and applied - then ancient alchemy is also understood. A good book explaining this is "Taoist Yoga: alchemy and immortality" translated by Charles Luk. He spent 30 years translated that book - it's free online as the Daoist alchemy lineage of that book does not charge money for the teaching.
Yes our brains go unused because in fact we are supposed to be able to consciously FEEL our pineal gland! Left brain - right hand technology "dominance" is a perceptual lie (much akin to autism or some other kind of brain damage). So we have this lie of mathematical logic being "objective" based on symmetry when in fact it is a psychological projection as objectified Oppression of external reality due to our internal repression of lower body life force energy. The left brain vagus nerve does NOT connect to the right side of the brain but the right side vagus nerve (with 90% of its signals SENT UP from the lower body) DOES connect to the left side of the brain.
So we created this modern technological "paradise" only at the expense of our Lying Cheating Eyes (the left side of the brain). Our original human culture relies on the HEART as the real "mind" of true humans - since the heart has such a strong electromagnetic field - and then projects a spirit body via this electro-gravitic field.
RElativistic quantum biology is beginning to realize what we have missed out on - for example the magic of bird migration and other "miracles" of ecology. We humans are part of that magic - the LUNAR cycle exists WITHIN our pineal glands! the Cosmic Mother controls us from INSIDE. Growth happens from WITHIN first. This is our great error - that we think we can make "external measurements" that do not change in time and so are "objective." yes Bifocal Vision has created this illusion of linear time and 4D spacetime - while our First Eye is really the pineal gland and the heart and Gut interactions. The gut has more neurons than the heart.
So yes we modern humans do not even understand our OWN BODIES much less the external "nature" that we study. It's quite funny actually. Like the fish not understanding the water they live in is their source of oxygen - so our sense of "time" as an external parameter that we can supposedly "STOP" to measure as a "contained geometry"? That is hilarious!! How can fish "stop" the water they live in to extract the oxygen? I call this the Cosmic Strong MisAnthropic Principle - the accelerating space and slowing down of time of the Universe is Inversely Proportional to the accelerating time on Earth as the destruction of space of ecology.
Top 5 Page Turn FAILS During Classical Performances! - YouTube
Jun 8, 2018 - Uploaded by Black Piano
What can go wrong during piano or symphony concerto?
Jul 29, 2013 - Uploaded by Georgii Cherkin LIVE
That was during a live performance of one of the most challenging compositions in the chamber music ...
Nov 19, 2010 - Uploaded by abbjorko
Page-turning mistake! ... [Giuseppe Andaloro, pianist - Tatsuo Nishie, violinist] .... Top 5 Page Turn FAILS ...
Oct 20, 2006 - Uploaded by Johanna
Victor Borge takes help from another man when he has trouble playing the piano and turning the sheet music ...
Dec 11, 2015 - Uploaded by Oddly Noted 7
Concerto for Page Turner No. 1, adapted from W.A. Mozart's Violin Concerto No. 1 Sketch from the Second ...
Aug 16, 2007 - Uploaded by Alex
Berezovsky page-turning (comedic genuis) ... Mix - Berezovsky page-turning cg
Oct 17, 2008 - Uploaded by damemirren
a short scene from 'the page turner' :) All rights reserved.
Aug 2, 2013 - Uploaded by tom riddle
F. Liszt - "Ständchen" Piano Transcriptions After Schubert - Khatia Buniatishvili - Duration: 6:37. Les beaux-arts ...
Oct 28, 2015 - Uploaded by euronews Knowledge
At a concert in Budapest, 11-year-old pianist Misi Boros used the Musica Piano instead of a printed score ...
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