An international team of scientists from the CNRS and National Museum of Natural History in France, the University of Mainz in Germany, and UCL in the UK were able to conduct the study by first extracting DNA from the bones of domestic cattle excavated in Iranian archaeological sites. These sites date to not long after the invention of farming and are in the region where cattle were first domesticated.Domesticated Cattle originated out of the Near East, 10500 years ago, based on new DNA science
"A small number of cattle progenitors is consistent with the restricted area for which archaeologists have evidence for early cattle domestication ca. 10,500 years ago. This restricted area could be explained by the fact that cattle breeding, contrary to, for example, goat herding, would have been very difficult for mobile societies, and that only some of them were actually sedentary at that time in the Near East."So first farming had to develop and then cattle domestication.... since farming was sedentary.
For the Nuer nilotic tribe....
So the sacrificed Bull is rare as most of the male cattle are castrated early - and the Bull then can impregnate 40 cows (or whatever - as a small herd).
I reference in my 2012 book how for the Kenyan tribe - the Turkana - an animal is sacrificed to save the Son from the Sun being eclipsed by the Moon. So early on we have animal sacrifice tied to the solar calendar and also tied to farming after domestication of cattle.
But keep in mind that as anthropologist Shelly Ortner points out - most males are "domesticated" for civilization (male humans) and so the Bull to be Sacrificed as the Sun/Son of God (Bull or Brahmin) then is very rare also.
So the castrated cattle - steer - get fatter and we know that the male Eland Bull has the most fat around the HEART - and this is the source of the JING energy or N/om in the original human culture. So the female human as first menstruation is considered to be a male Eland Bull - very fascinating!!
The secret is to transform the fat as jing into Qi via the HEART (instead of just being a fat bellied castrated steer or domesticated male)....
anyone who can make money writing obviously has some mojo. Thanks for the vid. I have a lot of free research on the parasympathetic secrets and including quantum biology - I finished my master's degree (2000) at University of Minnesota by doing intensive qigong meditation training from Chunyi Lin who works with the Mayo Clinic doctors Chunyi Lin went 49 days with no sleep at Mt. Qingcheng - in full lotus yoga meditation the whole time in a cave. So I know you have written "cult debunking" books. I'm just saying that it is hard to find real deal qigong masters. I first attended Effie P. Chow, qigong master - and she blew the fuse in the room behind her at St. Mary's University. I was so skeptical at first - I had seen her poster on a telephone pole - I then called to ask for a price admission. So she gave me half off admission fee - $10. That was 1995. I felt very strong magnetic force pushing my hands apart. I got curious and began investigating. In 1999 I did the intensive qigong training and that is when I had very wild experiences. I saw ghosts - so I know for sure that ghosts are real. I also accidentally pulled this lady's spirit out of the top of her skull - without touching her (she immediately burst out bawling and kept bawling for at least five minutes). Anyway I also did healing but I misused and overused my energy as free psychic tantric healing (in the hood - I was even sitting in full lotus in fast food restaurants!). I then read ONE scholarly science book A DAY for ten years - to try to convert my qigong meditation training back into science.
I have been corresponding with quantum physics professors - like Nobel physicist Brian Josephson who practices qigong at Cambridge. I realized that Eddie Oshins discovered the SAME secret science explanation of qigong (and yoga) powers - while Oshins worked at SLAC (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center) as a quantum physicist. Also Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes has figured out this same secret - and so did astrophysicist Paul S. Wesson. It's an advanced logic principle called "noncommutative phase" (Louis Kauffman, math professor worked with Oshins) but it originates from nonwestern music theory.
I had started out in music in Minneapolis - doing intensive classical and rock music training and singing in choir, etc. Anyway - all my writing is free online so my writing style is whatever I want it to be! I have free articles and free books (well free full preview) and interviews with me, etc. Just scroll down on my old blog for a list of old articles and books or my new blog for new books - and articles - or go to my channel for playlists for more research leads. By the way - the SAIC reads my blog regularly - and they are contracted by the CIA to study the paranormal and remote viewing, etc. So don't just dismiss this stuff as just New Age woo woo. take care, drew hempel, MA
Science was always funded and controlled by the Aristocracy - a good book on this is "America By Design" by professor David F. Noble - he got fired from MIT since he exposed the elite control of science. But it goes all the way back to Plato being an Oil mercantile trader (olive oil) and then Galileo getting funded by saying he could "cut down on labor costs." Automation is even the number one cause of job loss in CHina!! yeah even science is a hoax. That's how Deep the DeNile is about abrupt global warming. Science ain't gonna save us and no one is gonna agree about the science since ever science group will accuse the other science group of brown-nosing to the elite, etc. It's all a big quagmire. Left-brain dominance is an altered state of consciousness. We don't even know how to crap properly in the West - why did Rome build all those impressive aqueducts? Cuz they crapped in their drinking water! Nothing has changed since then.
You probably know about "the strategy of tension" based on False Flag Operations - called Operation Gladio? It was the CIA-Nazis after World War II doing terrorism in Europe to attack the Communist Union movement that had been the best anti-Nazi fighters. Gabriel Kolko covered the union aspect of this. The EU was created by the CIA-Nazis to reestablish the aristocracy. So the CIA relied on the Nazi Gehlen network for all the Commie "information." Most of it was wrong but it was great for Missile Envy ejaculation escalation sales. It's all a race to the "bottom" - as Camille Paglia points out - Western civilization isbased on ejaculation addiction. So - for example the US military Killed 200,000 in the Philippines becuz if we didn't do it as an "investment" then we feared Germany would do it. Right now Cargill just said they can not Ban Deforestation of the Amazon to sell Soybeans (that Cargill buys) because if Cargill bans it then some other corporation will just start buying soybeans! Cargill doesn't mention they were the first to ILLEGALLY build the soy elevators in the Amazon! The liberal Good Cop Empire "news" won't go into that since it's based on a Brazilian Judge issuing an order against Cargill's soy elevators (we can't let a little international law get in our way).........
Throughout our lives we don't realize how close we are to losing control of our brains.... a lot of it is on autopilot... you don't realize it is on autopilot until you have to start to man the ship for yourself and realize you don't even know what the controls look like or mean and you feel like you can't manage it.what it feels like to die - vid
It's like this slow motion. ... I remember like trying like to grab on to something.... I need to focus... I need to breath deeper.... and all these things, I was trying to "man" the ship and I couldn't... and that's when it got really strange for me. I averted... I went from being "in control" and excited about figuring out what's going to happen, to being a five year old - that quick. I was an adult... this is fine, this is happening, I was a responsible human being... and like a split second later I was a was so uncontrollable.
It's freaky how much of you feel is instinctual... your brain is scrambling to try to protect you and make you want to be alive. It doesn't matter how many times you've thought about death.... when it happens every single cell in your body is telling you, "Go BACK to being ALIVE - stop this BUll Shit - pull yourself together - fight for your life - you turn into a little kid who is playing.... You know when you're a kid and you play imaginary games and you had to fight the demons and it is REALLY REALLY exciting - and there's a lot going on and there's people playing with you and you had actual adventures - and it meant EVERYTHING to you and you didn't know why and you knew it was fake but you were completely WHOLE-HEARTEDLY into whatever you were playing.
I'm dying, there's nothing you can do about it, I'm crying, just hold your mom's hand, turn off the switch. I'm trying to turn off the switch... but this time's its real but I could NOT turn off the switch. But another part of the brain was saying BITCH - don't turn off the brain NO MATTER what you do! So don't let it go because if you let it go then you die. So every part of the brain is getting you to hold to something good and something real. You can't just let it go, the whole point is that you should WANT to be alive, because you're loosing every single possibility that was ever in front of you. You're losing the person you could have become....
You will grieve the live that you could have lived otherwise and there's no way to get around that. There's no amount to being ok with yourself. There's no amount of being proud of yourself... that's gonna make you ok with leaving when you leave. Because the whole point of being alive ARE alive and you can make something with this - we're in a tangible - we are literally the manifestation of some kind of underlying brilliance of how everything works.... we are in physical form. We are relating with the physical world around us and consciously relating of the world around us....
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