Then you need the Poisson Bracket to convert the noncommutative time-frequency back into symmetric quaternion equations (as Dirac realized). But the truth of reality is still noncommutative or asymmetric - as Alain Connes realized. So Connes is trying to rebuild science based on this empirical and logical truth (that was covered up at the FOUNDATION of Western science using symmetric commutative logic).
Of course science can not be totally recreated - and since most scientists have no idea even of this "problem" or solution to the unified field theory - then it doesn't really matter now does it? Of course the ancient nonwestern "sciences" already used noncommutative time-frequency resonance logic as the truth of reality (just study Daoist alchemy or the "three gunas" or India or even the original human culture, the San Bushmen).
Yes humans have been around for 90% of our history before the hoary origins of what became Western science. Math professor Abraham Seidenberg goes into the "ritual origins of geometry" that he promotes as "mass ritual sacrifice" through the "separation of heaven and earth" as a process that is "illuminating" (Freemasonry). Read professor David F. Noble's book "The Religion of Technology" for details or MIT Press book by professor Arnold Pacey on science - what did he call it again? "The Maze of Ingenuity:< Ideas and Idealism in the Development of Technology
ever heard of the "commodity fetish"? Galileo got his science funded by the Aristocracy since Galileo insisted he could "cut down on labor costs." Plato was an Oil Merchant. Science is part of Western Solar calendar dynasty religion as Imperialism (Funeral Pyre as mass ritual sacrifice). We assume that the rational mind is a "free choice." that is quite funny, as Freud's nephew worked for United Fruit to promote the CIA genocidal coup of Guatemala as part of the "freedom torch" liberation of females. I call science the "surplus value of consciousness" - a spoof on Marx. So mathematics is actually consciousness as defined by symbolic logic. Most people just accept math when they go to school and then study it to excel at STEM (as they are told to do) or else try to go into "humanities." I secretly rejected the Pythagorean Theorem logic. Turns out the Intuitionists in math philosophy realized the same error of the Pythagorean Theorem. This is quite funny since you really have to basically get a ph.d. in math to learn about the Intuitionists. Otherwise you're considered a total idiot if you disagree with the supposed hundreds of proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem.
So as Stephen Hawking points out in his book "When God Created the Integers" - in India the geometry is sacred or transcendent and instead the arithmetic is infinite. The West turned that around to "contain" infinity using irrational geometry. But the Eastern math is based on the same basic "divide and average" logic from symmetry - that originated out of Brahmin and Zoroastrian (Babylonian) logic.
>Essentially God is from the indoeuropean root word for Bull - and so plow-based farming was to 'contain" land for farm property and managed by the solar calendar (the zodiac divides the circle into 360 days from the solar calendar using 12 months from the precession of the equatorial stars). So - that's where geometry is from and the Lunar circular altars had to be "squared" to the solar altars as the same area. This was to stem of plagues and diseases to then center the wheels of chariots. So there was always a parallel between science as a religion and the technology. With Greece it was doubling the cube for catapults and also to stave off another plague (by expansion of course). But this is only starting from 10,000 years ago. Before that humans relied on noncommutative phase logic - as Alain Connes discovered from music theory.
So in India it's the oldest philosophy called the "three gunas" (before the Brahmin invasion) and in China it's the yin-yang-Emptiness originally from the Dragon-tiger philosophy that is connected to India. So this is from music theory which goes back to the original human culture the San Bushmen, that is from before 70,000 bCE - before even human language had "solidified."!! So biologically we are really more based on music and reality as complementary opposites. For example for males our left foot is yang while lower body is yin and right hand is yin while upper body is yang. So we modernized Westerners we are trained from a young age to think of the unit 2 as an inherent symmetric unit that exists before number (as pure geometry). This is a lie from Plato based on a lie about music theory! I call this the Liar of the Lyre.
Eugene Wigner has gone so far as to say that
“the enormous usefulness of mathematics in the natural sciences is something bordering on the mysterious and that there is no rational explanation for it” (1960, p. 223).
The problem with math as the "language of science" is that it assumes a left-brain and right-hand bias to human consciousness. This then controls how entropy is defined in ecology.
"As proved by Hawking, had the Universe's entropy increased been reversed, this reversal would be impossible to observe. This is because time orientation of all biological processes (as we show elsewhere in detail) relies solely on entropy's increase."
Avshalom C. Elitzur, Shahar Dolev
Black-Hole Uncertainty Entails An Intrinsic Time Arrow, Dec. 2000 So this assumes a left-brain dominance in human perception - a cultural bias. Many human cultures do not count numbers beyond three and "several." To state that "math works" is to ignore the true entropy created by Westernized imperial science posing as civilization.
I was reading Euclid in the Rainforest by math prof. Joe Mazur. He says how he used trigonometry to get a truck unstuck or something. I write him - look I also went to Costa Rica and I don't think Western math is saving the rainforest at all - quite the contrary. So then I mentioned my music-math research and I mentioned David Fowler who is considered the expert of Platonic math. So Mazur encouraged me to research this more.
I then found a quote from Fowler stating that he thought music theory would solve the conundrum of how continued proportions were turned into irrational numbers. So I had then dreamt this music-math equation that I had mailed off to math prof. Luigi Borzacchini. Turns out Fowler was dismissing Borzacchini's research on what Borzacchini calls the "deep pre-established disharmony" at the foundation of Western science that is the "evoltive guiding principle" of western science.
Borzacchini calls it "Plato's Computer" - but his book is not translated out of Italian and he's retired now. Anyway so Mazur told me to submit my research to the top-read math journal. But science i was using music theory to critique ALL of Western math, of course my article was rejected. But now Alain Connes who got the Fields Medal (much harder to get than the Nobel Prize) has a lecture out on the music theory origins of the unified field theory from noncommutative phase math. This is precisely the same argument I was making (of course I didn't have all the fancy maths but I did have the same music theory). haha. So music theory is really the missing link connecting math to reality or science or whatever you want to call it - Fake Puke.
Zeno's Paradox: Unraveling the Ancient Mystery Behind the Science of Space and Time is the book that Mazur asked me to review on Amazon. He's got a new one coming out this year that takes the subject deeper into the perception of time. I asked him to discuss precognition. He said he's going to have a chapter on music.
from another review:
And then my own review:By far, this is Mazer's best work on Zeno. He also mentions how the Stadium paradox is used to cut off any valid description of motion in terms of discrete entities. Zeno shows that our micro-micro world is neither discrete nor continuous. So what is it? When we find out, we will be able to travel to the stars. I give Mazer five stars because he firmly stands against a host of noisy mathematicians who have falsely claimed to have finally solved Zeno's paradoxes. Instead, they use an 'overlay' onto reality that employs nonexistent dimensionless points, figments of the imagination. When these figments are added up they can equal anything you want, including zero and infinity. Presently, I believe that Zeno's paradoxes point to Kant's theory of a noumenal world where we will never know "The Thing Itself." It is wonderful that mathematicians have found and employ mythogenic solutions to reality. My only complaint is when they start substituting their mythopoesis for the real world.
Professor Mazur does an expert job of giving the behind-the-scenes wrangling of conceptual philosophy which gave rise to applied science. What is the difference between time and motion exactly? If that question seems too abstract, this book proves the opposite.Zeno's Quiver: The Story of Time and Its Effects on Our Lives. By Joe Mazur
Most college graduates assume that Zeno's paradoxes of motion were solved by calculus with its continuous functions. Mazur puts the calculus at the heart of the book, from Descartes and Cavalieri to Galileo, Newton and last but not least Mazur's favorite: Gabrielle-Emilie de Breteuil.
In fact, upon investigation, one finds many top scientists still studying and learning from the anomalies in infinite measurement. Regarding relativity Mazur states the wonder of absolute motion is that it "conspires with our measuring instruments to prevent any possibility of detection."
As Mazur points out "we don't measure with infinitesmial instruments" and so the perceptual illusion of time continuity remains despite the reliance of science on discrete symbols. With attempts at a unification of quantum mechanics and relativity Zeno's paradoxes reemerge with full-force in the "Calabi-Yau manifold." Mazur writes that the original concept of dimension still holds but now means measuring more by abstract reason than by sight.
Although each scientist featured by Mazur appears to have increasingly solved the paradox of motion in the end I think Zeno will be avenged and science will return to right back where it started. There seems to be a deadlocked struggle between discreteness (particle) and continuity (wave) in science and Mazur argues that indeed Nature "makes jumps" despite seeming continuous. But Mazur admits we are left with "splitting operations that can take place only in the mind."
Still waiting - should be out this year.
But it is solved by "noncommutative phase" as the origin of non-locality. The key issue here is that quantum entanglement is not some construct of some unique experiment but rather entanglement is the foundation of reality that is always-already eternal motion of time-frequency resonance. This is something I also discussed with quantum physics professor Basil J. Hiley (who emphasizes that most physicists are still in denial about the nonlocality of reality) and also Nobel physicist Brian Josephson at Cambridge (he told me he practices qigong and yes most scientists have now rejected him even though the "volt" is measured by NIST by using Josephson Junctions, and every MRI uses Josesphson Junctions). OK so I have also discussed this with Dr. Ruth E. Kastner, a quantum philosopher of science and pianist.
yes this was my critique of Ken Wilber being a racist with his whole "trans" model considering indigenous cultures to be childish or something. Music - Western music is the origin of logarithmic/exponential math but it's from the WRONG music theory! This is a little known secret. Only Alain Connes, the top math professor, acknowledges that music theory is actually based on noncommutative phase logic. I was called this "complementary opposite ratios" for years and no one could understand what I was talking about. But I realized this logical paradox while taking music theory as private training in high school. Science calls it time-frequency uncertainty or the "measurement problem" of quantum physics.
yes as John Judge points out there's tons of classified underground information in D.C. and other places. For example my quantum mechanics professor had his research classified top secret by the military - and he didn't even know it! So there's a huge "top secret" science realm that is not available in public - which is why DC has the highest wealth level, all the tax monies going to military spending. And then the military is not based on open access so it is very easy for different "ufo" craft to not be known by other craft. And also there are official "disinformation" projects - and also false flag projects. Really it's a big mess.
The gas explosion in a hospital is a good example. We think civilization is fairly well run but actually there's a lot of luck and duct tape involved. Yes I call it the "salaried sellout" phenomenon. For example Nobel physicist Brian Josephson got dis-invited from speaking at a quantum mechanics conference on Louis de Broglie. Why? Because Josephson researches paranormal phenomenon. The young physicists didn't dare have that conference on their CV or whatever - afraid they'd lose their job prospects.
And of course when we realize that science caused abrupt global warming then we realize the scientific method is inherently dishonest. I call this the "Liar of the Lyre" based on the "rotten root" - at the foundation of western civilization. Certainly science "works" most of the time but for whom and at what greater cost is another question. So for example Jean Bricmont was co-author of the Sokal Hoax that infamously fooled social scientists. But now that Bricmont is openly supporting the de Broglie "pilot wave" model of reality, then most scientists are too leery to consider him a stalwart contender of what real truth is. Bricmont, in turn, points out that even Stephen Hawking doesn't properly understand quantum mechanics. So considering quantum mechanics is the "foundation" of science - it's quite funny how much disagreement there is about what truth is about.
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