An excellent paper on this topic is a paper by Nobel physicist Gerard 't Hooft, called Light is Heavy.
Because light has quantum momentum then it also has gravitational mass and yet since light has a finite inertial mass then the rest mass is zero - due to the speed of light as relativity.
So that creates a contradiction - of how to weigh light as a substance.
So if you put light in a box to weigh it - from the outside of the box the weight would be equivalent with a gas or substance.
So for example when an electron and its antimatter particle, a positron, are collided then light remains.
"matter is transformed into radiation but the mass stays."
So light has relativistic mass even though the rest mass is zero.
So to weigh any substance or object just means that the average center is zero in respect to the reference frame of the observer's light.
"What is intriguing is that matter's most basic building blocks, the elementary particles, all have non-zero spin, intrinsic angular momentum, which seems to imply that they all most have some sort of intrinsic dynamics."
"So what is matter really made of then?...matter is light."................................................................
Oh and let's remember Jevon's Paradox as well. The West is based on what Professor David F. Noble called "The Religion of Technology" - the title of his excellent history of science book. So there is this deep seated lie that technology is somehow increasing efficiency of energy and therefore can overcome entropy of environmental destruction.
This is completely turned around of course. For example entropy is defined as the infrared heat that the Earth emits after the solar radiation - so there is a conversion from high frequency to low frequency with increased entropy. But this model of entropy just ignores the fact that life on Earth is based on absorbing the energy of the Sun - so plants and bacteria perform photosynthesis that then stores the carbon. So that means the infrared heat is then allowed to escape the earth and it is not trapped by too much CO2.
That is how the biosphere naturally cycles on Earth - and so it's not entropy but rather it's controlled by quantum frequency as coherence since photosynthesis as quantum biology depends on quantum entanglement - to then store the carbon. But the West considers clearing land and developing technology to be "progress" and therefore "against entropy." So the definition of entropy is completely turned around.
So then even our supercomputers can not model the ecology of an equatorial rainforest - too many interactions. And yet we subsidize Cargill to then illegally built soy elevators - to store soy and then induce farmers to sell soybeans - so the rainforest and peat bogs are all destroyed, the Pantanal wetland - to convert to monocultural soybean farms relying on Monsanto herbicides and genetic engineering. This is considered to be going against entropy!! haha.
So in traditional nonwestern cultures - the Forest is the Mind of Earth - and the West is literally performing a lobotomy on Earth and then calling it "progress." And then Jevon's Paradox, of course, is that the more "efficiency" is produced then the more "demand" is increased for said "efficiency." Why? Because consumerism is driven by the commodity fetish which is a psychological void that can not be filled - it's patriarchy as ejaculation addiction - the Missile Envy as the Edifice Complex or Oedipal Complex going back to the myth of Egypt - due to lack of proper psychophysiological training by the males. So that's why I call this the Alchemy of DeNile.
right - meditation is not at all theoretical nor intellectual but instead it is logical inference. So instead of using concepts to take action, you infer the source of knowledge itself which then takes action for you. So it is similar to deep dreamless sleep - you can ask what's the point? While you are in deep dreamless sleep you don't experience spacetime nor any knowledge but when you wake up you realize you achieved great bliss from that deep dreamless sleep. Also you might realize you figured out some solutions - hence the phrase "I'll need to sleep on that" or similar phrases.
So logical inference is a means of leveraging time directly which then creates whatever substance is needed - from the future - therefore inherently always already knowing that particular solution you need. Normally the mind on its own is too weak to achieve this so instead there is a nonwestern science of mind-body transformation - it is more modeled by music than words. So your subconscious energy blockages from the past are actually symptoms of your future solutions - and this process requires a full body transformation (not just a "thinking it out" process."). For example "attention" is actually right brain dominant - so the "point" is literally your sense of awareness or attention that is right brain dominant. It is not necessarily any "object" but instead it is a process of energy transformation.
So then you can store up energy that is from the aether itself - or time itself as consciousness-energy.
This means the definition of "you" is no longer limited by physical or spatial boundaries, etc. So by means of logical inference you don't limit yourself. And then whatever needs to happen then happens on its own - and this can be demonstrated as "exceptional human functions" as they are called in qigong. You can watch my bioenergy demonstration playlist to see these being demonstrated.
yes to "fill" something implies a substance as space - the Western mindset has a deep cognitive bias due to the "continuum" that we all learn in early mathematics that defines space as a materialistic idealism. The Emptiness is in contrast from the FUTURE - so it is time that is not a physical geometry. That's why in meditation you sit in silence, not moving because the energy is faster than the speed of light as time.
So the 5th "dimension" (another wrong word) is time-like not spatial. Emptiness is a direct translation from the nonwestern philosophy but in Pre-Socratic philosophy it was called Apeiron - and it was gendered originally. So the Emptiness is actually what I call "female formless awareness."
This is why the Voidisyinyang. In other words the "yang shen" creates "yuan jing" as new matter - "yin jing." It's an eternal process of energy-matter creation but works via light turning against itself to access the relativistic mass of light also called the noncommutative phase of light or the super-momentum of light or the 1/2 spin of light.
Formless awareness is fine. I’m more into that and Dzogchen than incredibly hard to understand and life threatening alchemical practices.yes the mind on its own is too weak to get results - so tummo is the foundation of Tibetan meditation. A good book on this is called Yogins of Ladakh (little Tibet). As that book documents - most yogis now in Tibet can not even achieve tummo - which means they can live without food and sleep - and so then they also can not acheive Dzogchen. But Westerners are easily entranced by what Master Nan, Huai-chin calls "dead tree zen" - this was the problem in Japan as well. Unless a person can sit in full lotus padmasana - then their brain is still too weak since the energy channels to the pineal gland are not open yet. It is dangerous training to be sure. In fact for true female formless awareness to be achieved then physical death is transcended. once again what is the point of this female formless awareness? Can you even describe what it is? Sounds like nothing more than a state of mind or state of being...this book gives a good description of the preliminary stages before the Emptiness is achieved (also called Nirvikalpa samadhi). So then the kidneys get boiling hot, then the thymus and then the pineal gland and then you get this orgasmic bliss that spreads down from the top center of the skull - then the body fills with qi energy so that it pulsates - the bones get soft. So the top of the skull fontanelle opens up like a baby - and the centers of the palms and feet "breathe" with qi energy. So you need less physical breathing with the lungs and less food and less sleep - because the qi energy fulfills all the chemical needs of the body.
Then the Emptiness itself is a spacetime vortex - if your spirit leaves your body without enough Yuan Qi surrounding it. So I compare it to General Relativity versus special relativity. So with special relativity you have a constant velocity - and so that means you can maintain a rest frame of Yuan Qi that surrounded the Yuan Shen when the shen leaves the body. So the Yuan Qi is beyond the body and mind - it is the aether of reality. If you don't have enough Yuan Qi surrounding the Shen then you get dizziness and confusion - and that is general relativity.
Light has a hidden "hyper-tube" as quantum physicist J.P. Vignier called it - another name for this "hyper-tube" is called "super-momentum" or else it is called "1/2 spin" - so spin is not dependent on the photon as a particle. The spin exists always-already as the aether of nonlocality in quantum physics. So when time is zero - before a measurement is made or a measurement is observed - then there is still this 1/2 spin that is non-local (faster than the speed of light). This is also called "noncommutative phase" or "noncommutative spacetime" that gives light mass - so it's also called "relativistic mass" of light.
You can read an article - "Light is Heavy" by Gerard 't Hooft - I did a blog post on this recently.
Just scroll down on my blog - linked below.
So the reason it is different for everyone is because the value of the mass - it is based on the observation via the light - so the light has to turn back on itself to have a zero time - a zero/infinite rest frame - but even this zero/infinite rest frame is RELATIVE to the superluminal 1/2 spin that is the Yuan Qi that powers light. This is also called the "pilot wave" by Louis de Broglie - or it was called a "Ghost Field" by Einstein (who could not believe in it). So it is the interaction of relativity and quantum physics. The noncommutative logic goes against science since science relies on symmetric commutative logic. But Eddie Oshins realized - working at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center - that the secret of relativistic quantum physics is actually also the secret of Daoist Neigong (alchemy) training - this secret being the noncommutative phase logic.
My blog has more details.
I have an article with lots of images - that can explain this more .
Light has a hidden "hyper-tube" as quantum physicist J.P. Vignier called it - another name for this "hyper-tube" is called "super-momentum" or else it is called "1/2 spin" - so spin is not dependent on the photon as a particle. The spin exists always-already as the aether of nonlocality in quantum physics. So when time is zero - before a measurement is made or a measurement is observed - then there is still this 1/2 spin that is non-local (faster than the speed of light). This is also called "noncommutative phase" or "noncommutative spacetime" that gives light mass - so it's also called "relativistic mass" of light.
You can read an article - "Light is Heavy" by Gerard 't Hooft - I did a blog post on this recently.
Just scroll down on my blog - linked below.
So the reason it is different for everyone is because the value of the mass - it is based on the observation via the light - so the light has to turn back on itself to have a zero time - a zero/infinite rest frame - but even this zero/infinite rest frame is RELATIVE to the superluminal 1/2 spin that is the Yuan Qi that powers light. This is also called the "pilot wave" by Louis de Broglie - or it was called a "Ghost Field" by Einstein (who could not believe in it). So it is the interaction of relativity and quantum physics. The noncommutative logic goes against science since science relies on symmetric commutative logic. But Eddie Oshins realized - working at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center - that the secret of relativistic quantum physics is actually also the secret of Daoist Neigong (alchemy) training - this secret being the noncommutative phase logic.
My blog has more details.
I have an article with lots of images - that can explain this more .
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