In other words - how does the LUST photic signal that causes the prostate to kick out lecithin - then get reversed back into cerebrospinal fluid?
We know the answer from Daoist Neidan alchemy - it's Quick Fire breathing. Now we know the answer from science - blood-pressure via splanchnic nerve
Sympathetic innervation to the male reproductive organs derives from T10–L2 intermediolateral cell column neurons and reaches the hypogastric plexus via thoracic and upper lumbar splanchnic nerves. Parasympathetic innervation derives from the S2–S4 intermediate gray of the spinal cord and travels to the inferior hypogastric plexus via pelvic splanchnic nerves. Sympathetic nerve fibers cause contraction of the vas deferens and prostatic capsule and contract the sphincter to the bladder, which prevents retrograde ejaculation. Sympathetic nerve fibers also contribute to vascular responses in the penile corpora cavernosa that are related to erection; beta-receptor blockade can result in erectile dysfunction. Parasympathetic nerve fibers regulate the vascular dilation that initiates and maintains penile erection.
So when lecithin is produced by the prostate - due to the lust reaction - can it be reintegrated back into cerebrospinal fluid?
So that's from 1913 - citing science from the 1890s. Pretty cool.
The innervation to the seminal vesicles is from the sympathetic nervous system. ..
the seminal vesicles, prostate, and bulbourethral glands are considered accessory glandular structures. These organs work together to produce and excrete semen ("seed" in Latin), which is composed of mature spermatozoa residing in a thickened, mucous fluid. The spermatozoa are produced by the testes, and they travel to the urethra by means of the ductus deferens. Along this route, the genital ducts and accessory glandular structures produce mucous secretions that combine with the spermatozoa to create semen
So how is this all connected?
The Renal - kidney adrenal medullae - connection
The sympathetic nervous system, however, must have at least a modifying influence on erection because bilateral sympathectomy may disturb it. By contrast, unilateral sympathectomy seems not to affect sexual function.50 The second component, ejaculation, can be divided into two phases. The first phase, expulsion of seminal fluid into the prostatic urethra, is a response mediated predominantly by the sympathetic nervous system through the superior hypogastric plexus.
Relieving Stress through the Pineal gland
This should be good.
The significant effect of melatonin on various adrenal cortex secretions and functions during thermal stress establishes such relationship between the two endocrine glands. These studies established the anti-stress properties of melatonin in goats.
Activation of stress pathways may directly affect the activity of Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons within the hypothalamus or higher neural centers which in turn affects the synthesis or secretion of GnRH into the hypophysial portal blood. It is also possible that stress directly influences the responsiveness of gonadotrophin cells in the anterior pituitary gland via the action of GnRH. A further potential action of stress is to alter the feedback actions of sex steroids in the hypothalamus or pituitary and inhibin in the anterior pituitary gland. Reproduction processes in animals may be impacted during heat exposure and glucocorticoids are paramount in mediating the inhibitory effects of stress on reproduction. Glucocorticoids are capable of enhancing the negative feedback effects of estradiol and reducing the stimulation of GnRH receptor expression by estrogen. Glucocorticoids may also exert direct inhibitory effects on gonadal steroid secretion and sensitivity of target tissues to sex steroids.So by flexing my Pineal gland - which I can consciously do - then I can INHIBIT the production of adrenaline! nice
(1) Pineal effects on the A cell system of the adrenal medulla were inhibitory to the synthesis and secretion of epinephrine into the perivascular space and stimulatory to the opioid synthesis, and augmented by SPX.
Lecithin POWERS and feeds the Pinealocytes (pdf)
Now were getting somewhere.
Adrenaline (which stimulates the alpha-, beta 1- and beta 2-adrenoceptors) ...These results indicate that alpha-adrenergic receptors are present in the muscle cell membrane of the rat seminal vesicle.
OK so I am corroborating my previous PHotic adrenal research - I'll find that.
So vagus nerve INCREASES melatonin while melatonin DECREASES cortisol.
the hypothalamus activates the sympathetic nervous system by sending signals through the autonomic nerves to the adrenal glands.So I mentioned recently how violence and lust are closely connected. Dr. Helen Fisher, the anthropologist professor, emphasizes that lust is different than attraction. Attraction causing erection is the parasympathetic nervous system but lust does not require any thoughts!! Lust is caused by seeing an image that is provocative or hearing a sound. But when seeing an image - so you have a photon that triggers an electromagnetic signal which then activates the hypothalamus. The crucial thing about vision is that with the eyes open - we process images subconsciously before we have conscious control of it. Whereas with hearing a sound - even with the eyes open - we can "flex" our middle ear muscles and this will focus our mind to control the reaction to external sounds.
So this is why seeing images is like a "black hole" for alchemy training. The key question is - one thing I always wondered about - how can Chinese alchemy claim that the kidney energy is the reproductive energy! I never really researched this but amazingly they were completely correct about the science!
So what I noticed is that if I accidentally see a very provocative image - this immediately triggers the production of what is called "pre-cum" - which is really the lecithin that makes up ejaculation. Not all of it - but this is instantly triggered!Int J Androl. 1997 Apr;20(2):104-11.Involvement of the adrenal medulla in ejaculatory reactions in the dog.
And so as I have stated before - the sympathetic nervous system is triggered and so even if ejaculation does not occur - then the ejaculation will happen during sleep. And so ONLY quick fire has the power to reverse this nervous system energy trigger that has already been fired. But the key thing is that you need to push the sympathetic nervous system to the extreme - and so simply deep breathing is not good enough. The standing with the legs bent then causes the thigh muscles to be sore - to then push the sympathetic nervous system to the extreme - and cause an opposite dialectical reversal of the parasympathetic.
So when we read the above abstract -
The above results indicate possible involvement of the greater splanchnic nerve and adrenal medulla in ejaculatory reactions in the dog.
So you see a lusty image and wham! Hypothalamus is activated as the sympathetic nervous system triggered - goes to the adrenals which then goes to the Lumbar Splanchnic nerve....
So then here we have the sympathetic nerve then stimulates the prostate to kick out the lecithin. This all happens as FAST as an electromagnetic signal with NO thoughts! Just seeing a lusty image will cause the prostate to kick out lecithin. The point of meditation is to then not have this happen by keeping the eyes closed and visualizing light in the lower tan t'ien. This ionizes the lecithin which then myelinates the nerves and reverses the glands - increasing the thymus and pineal gland (in contrast to the testes).
Supplementing the diet with soy lecithin has been found to increase the volume and amount of prostate secretions so that the volume of the ejaculate is increased consequentlySo what this means is that if there is even just a sighting of a lusty image - then IMMEDIATELY - at the speed of an electromagnetic signal - the prostate will kick out a bunch of lecithin and this is then pissed out as foamy "pre-cum" piss.
So the point being that true meditation depending on building up this lecithin as ionized lecithin that is then a "soliton" - and myelinates the nerves. The right side vagus nerve is normally "unmyelinated" but if you build up the lecithin then this insulates the nerves so they carry greater charge. This is precisely how electric eels store their qi charge - in the lecithin.
So just by SEEING a lusty image - then the lecithin gets pissed out as foamy piss. That is why this training is so difficult and best not to be on the interwebs. I accidentally was sent to youtube when I was not in my own account - so the "general" youtube page is all soft porn images and so immediately - at the speed of electromagnetic signal - my prostate suddenly kicked out all this lecithin. haha.
NOW I know what the hell happened to me - psychophysically. I always was not quite sure how the kidneys were involved. As you build up this energy - the kidneys get HOT and the thymus gets HOT and then the pineal gland gets HOT - why? Because you are returning that charged up vagus nerve energy that would have previously been "triggered" into a sympathetic discharge of lecithin. So you build up the lecithin back into those glands while also building up the charge.
In the alchemical book Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality - this is called "dilation of the genital duct" - and so it is said that even if you have NO THOUGHTS of lust - you can still have the genital duct get dilated - by seeing an image of beautiful form - causing the eyes to "sparkle" as evil fire of the heart. So that is the sympathetic nervous system having gotten trigger. And then it causes ejaculation at night.
UNLESS you do the moving of yin and yang exercise to reverse this discharge of the sympathetic nervous system - by restoring the parasympathetic charge as an opposite reaction, through Quick Fire breathing, that then pushes the sympathetic to its extreme causing a parasympathetic rebound reaction.
So the other thing is that sending qi out of the eyes as evil fire energy - this is also a sympathetic discharge of qi. Only it is without ejaculation - it is the sympathetic nerve going the opposite direction - pulling the kidney energy UP and burning off the lecithin - and then sending it out via the pineal gland.
The afferent [meaning signal directed to] input to the pineal gland is transmitted from the retinal photoreceptors through the SCN and sympathetic nervous system.
Wow - I didn't realize - it really IS the Sympathetic nervous system that sends the qi out of the eyes - as Evil Fire!! Amazing.
O.K. I thought it was the vagus nerve going up the front of the body - but it really IS the sympathetic nervous system that sends the qi out of the eyes!!!
The suprachiasmatic nucleus controls the circadian rhythm of heart ...
by WS Warren - 1994 - Cited by 61 - Related articles
Physiol Behav. 1994 Jun;55(6):1091-9. The suprachiasmatic nucleus controls the circadian rhythm of heart rate via the sympathetic nervous system.
By the way - someone reading my posts on this forum - they went to China and India looking for qigong masters. They met Jiang Feng and saw his pyrokinesis! But in the end this person decided that the "love" healing of Chunyi Lin was more what they were interested in. So then I was sitting in full lotus on the couch and suddenly he blurts out:
Yeah I knew they were pulsating but I was never sure if other people could see them pulsating.Your eye balls are pulsating!!
That is the qi going out in the opposite direction - OUT the eyes.
And so the only way to stop this from happening is to flex the sphincter and perineum and that pulls the qi back down and holds it in the lower tan t'ien.
So this 2014 pdf on physiology of ejaculation emphasizes in italics:
Ejaculation should NOT be confused with orgasm.
And I quote:
The initial step in emission commences with closure of the bladder neck due to SYMPATHETIC innervation of the base of the bladder.
is the SYMPATHETIC (my emphasis)....
So that is what I'm referring to as the initial pre-trigger from the photic signal.
So emission is
deposition of seminal fluids and sperm in the posterior urethra
So this is what I am referring to when you can feel the prostate start kicking out lecithin as the "pre-trigger."
Unless this is reversed - then it will trigger ejaculation during sleep.
Emission of semen into the urethra depends on sympathetic nerves that elicit contractions of smooth muscles in the vas deferens, seminal vesicles, and prostate.
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