The heart is called Yi [unified power] becuz when intent moves, spirit is agitated; qi is dispersed. Qi is the Mother of spirit; Spirit is the child of qi. The Mother as qi is the horse that guides/conducts the river chariot (yin spirit) in the water (yin jing). Once your mind is away from the lower Elixir Field, your Qi will be led away from it and be consumed. By gathering the Shen into the lower tan tien then the Qi follows it there. Light of eyes descend as Yang fire inner yin qi line
Saturday, February 16, 2019
The Global Warming Doomosphere via my delivery of the JVC CRT D-series TV to a Hybrid electric car
I call this the Alchemy of DeNile as the origins of the global warming ecological crisis goes back 10,000 years with what archaeologists call the "symbolic revolution" when anthropocentric symbols developed as geometric rectilinear math to "contain infinity" via patriarchy (plow-based monocultural wheat farming).
So as for the future of global warming - two aspects make this a "case closed" scenario: the East Siberian Arctic Shelf "methane bomb" and the Global Dimming Effect. Quite amazingly these two factors are hardly known about at all in our current fake paradigm of debate regarding this ecological crisis. What is really at hand is the expose that left brain and right hand dominance defined reality (aka modern science) is inherently doomed. So that means there will be endless debate and distractions and even the scientists being depicted as eco-socialists or whatever - their supposed "biases" are also too late, too little.
There is an excellent lecture on youtube by physics professor Albert Bartlett, "Arithmetic, Population and Energy." He gave this SAME lecture over 1000 times during his life. What he points out is what I call the "surplus value of consciousness" that has created the "trajectory of tantric technology." Essentially Bartlett points out that modern industrial civilization promotes and relies on exponential growth with the exponential function as the inverse of the logarithmic function. We all learn the logarithmic function by 14 years or so - the Pythagorean Theorem. It is the origin of Western science as the "Greek Miracle" - and yet the Pythagorean Theorem aka "The Power Set Axiom" is actually a logical lie. I call this the "Liar of the Lyre" since the logarithmic irrational magnitude math originates from the wrong music theory.
The correct music theory is based on "noncommutative phase" as complementary opposites aka Daoist philosophy. So it is inherently against Western symmetric-based logic of the past - at least 5000 years. As math professor Abraham Seidenberg points out - this "divide and average" math was used to center the chariot wheels but originates from religious sacrifice altars - that he promotes as the Separation of Heaven and Earth (the opposite of Daoism as Freemasonry). So even on this website most people want to assimilate Daoism into Western esotericism based on Platonic philosophy of irrational magnitude math (the Golden Ratio as Freemasonry).
So the ecological crisis is not only accelerating and inevitable (I realized we are doomed back in the mid-90s) - but also it is hard-wired into our left-brain and right-hand dominant physiology. This means even so-called "debate" about this issue is inherently doomed. As Professor Bartlett exposed - the math is wrong. We define reality based on the wrong symmetric logic that we consider to be inherently "rational." People don't understand what logical inference is based on noncommutative phase - aka real Daoist philosophy or Orthodox Pythagorean philosophy - this is real nonwestern philosophy that was our dominant culture from before 10,000 years ago - for the original human culture from 70,000 years ago, the San Bushmen original humans that we are all from. This is modeled by nonwestern music theory and is as simple as (2, 3, infinity) to quote Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes.
Yes I have an undergraduate degree in an "environmental option" of International Relations - so I got a certificate in sustainable development and conservation biology from the School for Field Studies in Costa Rica (semester, 1992 from University of Wisconsin-Madison). Then I did a master's degree studying sustainability and philosophy of science. I worked for Citizens for a Better Environment as my first full-time job in 1989 - and then for Greenpeace and University of Wisconsin Greens, and organic food production and distribution, and social justice human rights nonprofits and did volunteer organizing and civil disobedience - and worked for Clean Water Action for 10 years. So I have a lot of work experience that makes me "biased." haha.
In no way do I think that modern humans can survive - and also our situation will accelerate. A good blog on this global warming crisis is
Yes I corresponded with the science director of the National Snow and Ice Data Center - Dr. Mark Serreze. He at first said that he thought an "abrupt methane eruption" in the arctic was "sensationalism" and he handed me off to his "senior research scientist." So I presented the quotes from Natalia Shakhova - and this scientist then stated he was not an expert on arctic methane. So a year later then Dr. Mark Serreze was quoted in the UK Guardian stating the warming in the arctic was noW "crazy crazy." So I emailed him again. This time he admitted that Natalia Shakhova was the world's expert on arctic methane. Then he sent me one of her papers - it was the same one I had sent him a year before (and so not even her latest paper).
Now consider that I am just an unpaid internet troll. That is his CAREER! How come he has not alerted the world to the methane crisis in the arctic? Well it's a huge cover up. USGS just ignores the largest ocean shelf in the world - the East Siberian Arctic Shelf. Shakhova's work has been corroborated by a team of international scientists. She continues to keep publishing research on the area. Nothing has changed - only the methane levels are accelerating - even over this winter! So there has been significant methane releases this winter - record high levels in fact.
So yes the ice volume in the arctic is over 75% lower than normal - and the ice freezing this winter was very slow. So as Natalia Shakhova emphasizes - when the arctic goes ice free - called a Blue Ocean Event - then yes the Methane bomb will go off and so global warming levels will double worldwide - also due to the loss of albedo (the earth's air conditioner). So in just the next few years we will experience something that has not happened in over 3 million years - an ice-free arctic. Also the rate of warming now is faster than any previous time - the CO2 emissions rate. The oceans have absorbed the warming so far but that is not really happening much anymore.
And it's locked in - meaning that Global Dimming is localized - so that India and China are significantly cooler because they burn so much coal. So if they switch to renewables - along with anyone else - the renewables reduce the sulfur aerosols and so stop the Global Dimming Effect - meaning that causes the planet to warm even further - another 1 to 2 degrees celsius. And that is an "average" - so the interior of the continents - the "bread baskets" of modern civilization - they will all be too hot to grow food - very soon. Way sooner than the current "predictions" of mainstream science that ignores both the Methane Bomb of ESAS and the Global Dimming Effect.
yep - a recent edition of the Economist (rothschilds) is all about Leveraging the "free market" to profit from Global warming. Basically argues that big government is evil but carbon taxes will enable freedom to save us. yes "harvesting" methane is being experimented on - and both China and Russia are competing with the US - to see who can make the most profits in the energy sector. China is exporting Coal Plants so other countries can develop faster. And let's remember that "natural gas" turns out to emit way more methane than the industry had self-reported.
Yes back in the early 90s when I was at University of Wisconsin-Madison - I argued with my hippy commune friends taking Ornithology with me - we have enough science - what we need is more activism to change political policies. The problem with the activism approach is there is NO money in it - and if someone does get any money then it's just to shut down the activism - to turn it into "hobnobbing" and glad-handing, etc.
So I have seen this all first hand - for example the "democrats" promoted natural gas industry, to "export it" worldwide just as the Chinese are exporting the "coal plants."
The Economist featured ExxonMobil's business plan of leveraging oil profits. Clearly the US Empire is set on maintaining the oil petrodollar monopoly (so is targeting Venezuela and Iran - after Iraq and Central Asia).
Yes - the Billionaire Brats are literally planning on leaving earth or going deep into underground cities to somehow "survive."
It's all really due to a Primate ejaculation addiction physiology - who can be "King of the Hill" (the Edifice Complex as part of the Alchemy of DeNile).
Mother Nature will return to the Archaea and Bacteria kingdoms that live much more harmoniously - off of pure biophoton quantum entanglement energy. Maybe some Fungi will survive also.
Earth was plunged into its Snowball phase before - now it will plunge into its Fireball phase from the nuclear power plants melting down and whatever nuclear weapon terrorism is unleashed from lack of fresh water over the next 5 years.
Yes I realize I am supposed to be taking "cruise ships" and visualizing rainbow unicorn love while my shit is spewed out of the cruise ship. I'm just not as good at the New Age late capitalism thing. for the real skinny on Rainbow light and global warming via quantum physics.
when you say "our dominant culture" - you mean all the priests raping the native indigenous peoples? Certainly the US with 900 military bases in other countries - has worked extra hard to "spread democracy" (i.e. train Neo-Nazi death squads in Indonesia, Latin America, Africa, Asia, etc.) The US is an "exceptional" example of global leadership (we had a revolution to protect our slavery system since england was outlawing slavery). Yes when the US military killed 200,000 people in the Philippines - I understand this was just to spread democracy there (and if we didn't do it then the Germans would do it just as the Germans used concentration camps in Namibia around the same time German colonists in Minnesota set up concentration camps for the native Dakota people here).
yes for democracy and Western goodness to spread - we need the locals to eat grass and pick out vitals from the undigested remains in animal shit. And then we need to "dump our food" into over 100 countries - so that their local farm markets are wiped out. Because only once another country is dependent on us for food can they properly accept democracy up the backside. It's a tough job being the arbitrators of goodness on Earth - the White Man's Burden as it were - but if we don't do it then the Myth of Progress might get exposed for what it is.
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