when you build up qi - then with the eyes open - the qi goes out of the eyes - the yin qi of the liver goes out of the eyes via the heart with the eyes open. This causes the heart to then have passion.
What's the connection of the heart to the lungs?
When the heart is in excess it will over-act upon the lungs...
At this stage, when the foundation has been laid with all centres (and channels) cleared and no obstructions remain¬ ing, if the practiser is not strongly
supported by a dogged determination, gives rise to passion
when seeing beautiful forms, and lets spirit chase after sense
data, once he slips, all previous progress will be fruitless.
Quote When the eyes twinkle and the heart vibrates in sympathy, this is the ‘chief fire’ (chun huo), also called the heart’s fire. It is evil fire aroused by thoughts and should be avoided by the practiser. When the eyes see the opposite sex thereby giving rise to (evil) thoughts, the heart moves in sympathy and arouses the genital organ, if the practiser then tries to gather the alchemical agent, the impure generative fluid will produce an illusory agent. This illusory agent is likened to a football which, being kicked continuously, will lose air and shrink. Likewise as thoughts increase the evil fire which becomes more intense, the genital organ will be aroused more frequently. If you wrongly think that the alchemical agent is being produced and strive to gather it, your efforts will be sterile, and you will only harm yourself. Your body seems to be strong (so long as this evil fire lasts) but your health suffers from the consequences and will really decline. Frequent arousal of sexual desire is likened to putting straw on the head while going to extinguish a big fire; you will only injure your body, and will not only fail to achieve immortality but will also run the risk of shortening your life. Therefore, you should avoid gathering the alchemical agent when your heart’s fire is aroused by evil thoughts. and there is more: There are also meditators who (inadvertently) arouse the evil fire in the liver and kidneys which blurs their vision, and causes them to see double, their eyes to become astigmatic, the pupils to enlarge and the white to redden. andIt is like upsetting the contents of a basket by turning it upside down.So the yin shen going out of the eyes is the "hun soul" but the po soul of the lungs "grabs onto" the hun soul - if your eyes then obsess over what the heart sees. Just study "evil fire" of the heart - in the book Taoist Yoga: alchemy and immortality.
https://archive.org/stream/TaoistYogaAlchemyAndImmortalityLuKuanYCharlesLuk/Taoist Yoga Alchemy and Immortality Lu K’uan YĆ¼ (Charles Luk)_djvu.txt
andIf the practiser wants to avoid stirring this evil fire which can drain away the ‘precious thing’ at night, he should know that the trouble is caused by unwholesome food and intoxicating drink, by perverse thoughts and desires, by hot baths which scatter the heat of the elixir and by (uncontrolled) fire that scorches the body. This has many causes but mainly results from not taking precautions against the misuse of fire during the training. The practiser may also feel hot in the heart which causes him to be parched with thirst and to eat and drink too much. If he fails to overcome this fire his ‘most precious thing’ will drain away at night.
andhe should make pointed concentration to take hold of the black object firmly, breathe in fresh air to drive it into the lower tan t’ien (under the navel) and breathe out slowly to expel the inner evil fire which will then vanish; he will then feel truly at ease. There is no fixed number of inhalations to drive the dark object into the lower abdomen and of exhalations to expel the malefic fire, but they should be continued until the evil fire is completely extinguished.
andthe drain of positive vitality caused by the failure to stop fire in order to gather the macro- cosmic alchemical agent, but in your case your genital organ is aroused and shaken by the evil fire (of passion) due to lack of vitality and the weakness of the alchemical agent; if you do not gather more vitality and block the discharge channel for the generative fluid you cannot prevent the positive principle draining away.’
andThe outer agent which you have gathered is an illusory false one created by wrong thoughts; hence the nocturnal emission. This illusory agent is the generative fluid which contains the evil fire that develops when it is aroused by the vital force. The genital organ swells and quivers when the generative and vital forces vibrate causing this evil fire to scorch the testicles and so dilate the generative duct to drain the positive principle away. You have wrongly used this generative fluid which cannot be transmuted into immortal seed when it contains the evil fire (of passion) and cannot be employed to produce the macrocosmic agent;
and :Heart’s fire is the fire of passion excited by evil thoughts which arouse sexual desire; this is ‘chief fire’ (chun huo) or evil fire which should be avoided.
andTrue nature is prenatal vitality [yuan qi] in its cell (ch’i pao) on the top of the medulla oblongata [the pineal gland third eye]. If vitality is allowed to pass through the back of the head and down to the base of the spine to drain away through the anus and genital organ, its exhaustion will cause death. This exhaustion of vitality is in no way related to the breath that comes in and out through the nostrils and mouth. In nocturnal emissions the generative fluid carries with it (some) vitality which thus leaves its vibrating cell in the centre of the brain [pineal gland] to pass into the spine and then reach its base to drain away. It is this vitality which animates spermatozoa which, in its absence, become lifeless and non-reproductive. This cell is linked with the brain above it, the base of the spine below and the whole nervous system in the body and is the source of the vital energy of life. When the heart is stirred by sexual desires, it is impossible to draw back this vital force which will drain down in the marrow of the spine to leave the body; it will then be impossible to cultivate (eternal) life. That which so drains off is prenatal vitality and although sexual intercourse has not actually occurred, it nevertheless runs away by the genital gate.
For the death of the earthly heart exposes the moonlight of (essential) nature which is always screened by the dust of passions so long as the mortal mind is allowed to exist. ...
In your meditation when you achieve utter still¬ ness the inner mechanism suddenly dilates and quivers in the absence of evil thoughts that stir
andthe passionate heart. This is caused by the vibration of vitality in the lower tan t’ien centre (under the navel) in spite of the absence of thoughts. If the practiser does not recognise this vibrating vitality he will achieve nothing.
The genital organ is also aroused and stands erect in the
absence of sexual desire; this is due to the postnatal genera¬
tive force vibrating in the body (to seek an outlet) and also
to the inadequate circulation of fire during your meditation
which fails to reach and check the penis.
Most practisers fail in their training because they do not know how
to control this fire which intensifies the very passions which they intend
to cut off. Hence many religious men break the rules of pure living and
commit immoral acts which can be easily avoided by the ordinary man.
the heart is the house of fire. When the heart is
stirred the penis stands erect in spite of the
absence of
thoughts. This is real fire in its house, which
arouses the
genital organ, and although thoughts are absent,
this fire
is not the genuine one which vibrates at the living hour
of tsu (between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m.) when the penis erects. 13
If you gather the alchemical agent at this unsuitable mo¬
ment it is too young because vitality is not full and can
scatter easily; hence the agent should not be gathered for
it is not the proper time to do so.
andandIf he has previously given rise to perverse thoughts while gathering the generative force, to sexual desires when seeing attractive women or to disturbance at licentious talk, the arousal of the genital organ indicates that he will lose the ‘precious thing’ at night even in the absence of thoughts during his sleep. It will be a matter for regret if he does not practise the method dealt with here to stop nocturnal emission.
As to the erection of the penis in the absence of (perverse)
thoughts, this is due to the manifestation of the positive
principle at the living hour of tsu (i i p.m.-i a.m.) when you
should take advantage of it to practise the two phases (of
ascent and descent in the microcosmic orbit) in order to
gather the alchemical agent (as explained earlier).
Therefore, you should not confound the dilation and
vibration of the genital root with the erection of the penis
for they have nothing in common.
andandIf spirit wavers causing nocturnal emission of the ‘most precious thing’ the absence of this light con¬ firms the loss of real positive generative force.
and :The practiser now should guard against the arousal of intellect which will prevent vitality from developing and spirit from continuing; he should never break the prohibition against both (utter) neglect and (un¬ due) attention. If stirring thoughts cause the spiritual body to vanish, this is due to neglect; and if the heart does not wander outside and never strays from the spiritual body, this is due to absence of neglect. If he is unduly specific and obstinate thereby hindering the process of alchemy this is because of excessive attention; but if he refrains from interfering with what is happening quietly, this is freedom from undue attention. Neglect leads to dullness and confusion and excessive attention to the dissi¬ pation (of spirit and vitality); these are grave mistakes which all practisers should avoid.
Seven passions that damage vitality, The: Intense delight
that harms
the heart; intense anger the liver; grief the lungs; fear the
gall bladder; love spirit; hate the disposition; and intense
desire the stomach.
Therefore, alchemy consists first in controlling the heart
(the seat of fire) so that it cannot be stirred by the seven
emotions (pleasure, anger, sorrow, joy, love, hate and
The above seven kinds of fire: freezing, driving and
lowering the fire, shifting fire, calming fire, fire in its own
house and the heart’s fire, come from spirit and can trans¬
mute the generative force into vitality. This spirit’s fire
derives from the spiritual power in the eyes, and if supported
by postnatal breathing through the nostrils, can sublimate
the generative force and sustain the inner vital breath.
The technique of lifting fire should on no account be
used frequently for to do so causes dizziness and injures
vitality. Each turn of the eyes causes vitality in the cavity
of life to soar up, spreading to the mouth, eyes, ears and
nostrils which are the seven openings by which vitality
scatters away. Of the seven, the heavenly pool
(t’ien ch’ih) above the mouth is the opening by
which the
greatest quantity of vitality drains away. This
is why the
loss of vitality due to excessive speaking and
singing is
comparatively greater than in other activities.
The generative force is neither matter nor form; when
it remains in the body, it is vitality and when it is discharged,
it is the generative fluid. It is impaired within by the seven
passions (i.e. joy [heart], anger [liver], grief [lung], fear [kidney], love [hun spirit],
hate [po spirit] and desire [stomach])
that affect the heart
Seven kinds of fire, derived from spirit, to transform the generative force into vitality
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