What is ecomusicology?” A brief etymology is going to help me contextualize the definitions. The word is a portmanteau of ecocriticism and Musicology; taking a step back, the literary studies field known as ecocriticism connects ecology and criticism, while my discipline, Musicology, connects music and logos, this last of which is Latin for both “word” and “the study of.” “Logos” is also part of the word ecology, which stems from the Greek oikos, meaning house or environment, a root it shares with economics. So putting these terms together, we might understand ecomusicology as the critical study of music and environment. The term has not been around for very long, but the idea of connecting these concepts goes back at least as far as the ancient Greeks. I found the first use of the term in 1972, but it did not start gaining traction until the first decade of the twenty-first century.I sent a blogspot comment to Professor Jeff Titon but
he is an emeritus - so he probably didn't see the comment....yet.
Current Directions in Ecomusicology 2017 pdf book
I'll send these folks an email. The "Music and Politics" journal that did an article on Ecomusicology - they only accept submissions from Ph.D. students and/or respected scholars. oops.
Dear Professor Emeritus Jeff Titon: I am very happy to discover my
Liberal Studies master's thesis actually has an academic niche of
"ecomusicology"!! Thank you. Now I discover you also went to the
University of Minnesota. Yes I continued studying privately and I
realized the secret to ecomusicology is noncommutative phase logic for
music theory. My blog http://elixirfield.blogspot. com has more details - along with my previous blog http://ecoechoinvasives. blogspot.com
I posted a comment to your blog but maybe you did not see it yet? I
have links on my blogs for further details on noncommutative phase logic
in music theory and what this entails in terms of ecomusicology. I hope
you are interested in this research - as I have already corresponded
with many academics, professors, etc. but most of them in quantum
physics (Brian Josephson and Ruth E. Kastner and Basil J. Hiley, among
Thank you Professor Titon! To put this very simply: 2/3 of C to F
as subharmonic was not allowed by Western music tuning (since
Philolaus). This cover-up of the empirical truth thereby enabled
logarithmic (symmetric) math to be invented as the "Greek Miracle." This
logarithmic math is then the structural drive of Western science. It is
a "deep pre-established disharmony" to quote math professor Luigi
Borzacchini. So then when the quantum revolution occurred, the
noncommutative logic was rediscovered that is also non-local. This is
simply G=3=F at the same time. So the ancients already understood this
and had developed a science of body-mind transformation based on music
harmonics. For example the 12 note scale is actually a spiral (as I'm
sure you know) but it's actually an alternation of 4/3 and 3/2 with no
"divide and average" symmetry math. So instead of trying to "contain"
time-frequency into a visual geometric magnitude "continuum" (whereby
linear magnitude is converted to geometric magnitude) - there is
actually a 5th dimension or "primordial time" that is a pre-existing
ether that is inside us and external to us.
did also rely on an American Studies U of MN Ph.D. thesis for one of my
research projects exposing the corporate control of the University of
Minnesota. haha.
I will now check out the link you provide, etc.
appreciate you're reply. What I'm talking about is a basic yet radical
cover-up that most people don't notice, since people learn by in large
by "rote."
So instead we are taught that
irrational magnitude (square root of 2) is more "advanced" etc. but
actually the noncommutative phase logic is relativistic quantum math (so
most scientists don't even know about it). This noncommutative phase
logic is summarized by Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes as (2,
3, infinity). That's IT!! (2, 3, infinity). So you can see how the
"mysticism" of the Tao Te Ching (for example) would not be understood by
Westerners - from the One came the two and the two the three and then
the rest of infinity. Sounds like counting right! But it's based on the
secret that the Perfect Fifth is BOTH 2/3 as C to F subharmonic and 3/2
as C to G overtone harmonic, at the same time, non-locally.
OK I'll stop "bothering" you now. haha.
by JZ McKay - 2009
Reviewed by John Z. McKay.
A popular truism asserts that music and math are intimately connected,
though the meaning of this statement is rarely addressed ...https://sc.academia.edu/JohnMcKay
Please let me know what you think of noncommutative music (i.e. with C to F as 2/3 and C to G as 3/2 at the same time). This is promoted by Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes as the "formal logic" for a unified science (relativistic quantum). And yet this basic noncommutative logic (found in Daoist music tuning or the "three gunas" of India) was covered up by Philolaus (see Professor Richard McKirahan) and created a "deep pre-established disharmony" (see math professor Luigi Borzacchini).
drew hempel
https://musictheorysoutheast.wordpress.com/ is still active ! - he chairs that committee.
Dr. John Z. McKay
ok he's not listed in the Music Department database but he's in the general directory. Oh well.
Dear Professor McKay: I was recommended to contact you by Professor
Emeritus Jeff Titon. Are you familiar with Fields medal math professor
Alain Conne's lecture on noncommutative music theory?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIziuv-WLMM So then I discovered Eddie
Oshins working at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, arguing that
noncommutative logic was the key to nonwestern meditation (specifically
Daoist neigong as the foundation of martial arts). I had figured this
out on my own but it was nice to have Oshins and Connes corroborate my
own research. Have you read math professor Luigi Borzacchini on
incommensurability, the continuum and music theory? He argues how this
cover-up of the music origin of Western math is "really astonishing" and
"shocking" and also it created a "deep pre-established disharmony" as
the "guiding evolutive principle" of science. So the nonwestern music
theory of say the "three gunas" of India or the yin-yang-Emptiness of
Daoism was based on the noncommutative secret that was only rediscovered
by Alain Connes (as the "formal language" for a relativistic quantum
unified science).
What's your take on this?
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Wow - an assistant professor at a state University has a "restricted" email address? strange.
He's no longer "listed" in the music department - so maybe he got fired or something?
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