Thank you for the good question!
I recommend this website for further training details.
the beginning of the Taoist Yoga book says to focus on the center of
the brain until the light is bright - from the heart - and this means
that the yin qi has been replenished, so that the small universe can be
opened up for real. But to do this requires that the heart intention be
pure, such that the shen naturally goes down the front, instead of the
shen going out of the eyes, via "Evil Fire" of the heart. And so this is
much easier to do at a younger age when a person is pure of heart, and
since any older person is usually not pure of heart, then the small
universe is used to purify the energy. So then if chapter 1 can not be
done, then the small universe is used with the Quick Fire or Warrior
breathing - which has the power to sublimate the water, to get it above
the fire. In the above website, the author of the book, emphasizes, that
he taught that with standing active exercise, the results are achieved
twice as fast, when combined with the sitting meditation. This is not
mentioned in the Taoist Yoga book directly though.
But the
main point being that I am against the "meme" of "semen retention"
because as qigong master Effie P. Chow teaches - the healing is all
about the intention - and the goal is to increase and retain the qi
energy. "Generative Fluid" means an impure heart - and so if your mind's
goal is to retain "generative fluid" then you have negated the goal if
increasing and retaining qi from the get go! This is the subtle power of
the Mind as Shen, that the Westernization of the training has lost -
and so only a "lower path" is allowed. Taoist Yoga recognizes this
"lower path" stating it can be used for health but that is all.
then to even get to replenishing the yin qi to that of a 16 year old is
very difficult and 90% of people training do not make it - that is my
estimation. And then those few who do activate the Yuan Qi, as Master
Nan, Huai-Chin states, achieve spiritual capabilities, use those
capabilities, and so then "fall back into worldliness" due to "heroic
overexuberance." This is what happened to me. So then I have had to go
back and study the book Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality even more -
and so I recommend the "word searchable" format or "full text" format in - since that enables a better means to "connect the dots"
of that book, since so many terms are used that cross correlate, with
so many details that can be discounted, etc.
So when the Yuan
Qi is activated - that means all three tan-t'iens open up into the 5th
dimension as nondualism - and so the third eye opens up - but as that
above website link states, the ancestral cavity is inside the body and
yet the mysterious gate is outside the body - or as I have it quoted on
my blog -
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