electric field or electric force of one particle due to the proximity of another particle can
be described by the equation FE=q1·q2/4·π·ε·r2, which is very similar to the formula for
gravitation, where q is charge of the particle, and ε is the electric permittivity of free-
space (Serway and Jewett, 2004).
A Fugal Discourse on the Electromagnetic... (PDF Download Available). Available from: [accessed Apr 24 2018].
So I did a blog post on time-frequency uncertainty as defined by Fourier using symmetric math assumption of phase! We see a review of this also here for charge.
If we had a 2 cycle per second sine wave, the same quarter second corresponds to half a cycle, a phase of π behind the original.So with time and frequency it is 4pi as a sphere - but in quanta we have noncommutative phase as spin 1/2 so that time and frequency are noncommutative as 4pi - creating the "measurement problem."
The sin(2pi)=sin(4pi)=sin(1000pi)=0. These functions have a periodicity of 2pi.This is the symmetry lie.
In other words, the imaginary exponential,2 pi.eix, is periodic with period2π. Because of Euler’s Formula,eix=cosx+isinx, this means the trig functions cosine and sine are periodic with period
And this brings us back to Professor Louis Kauffman with noncommutative phase secret origin of time:
"The special synchronization is the algebra of the time shift embodied in ηη = 1 and [a, b]η = η[b, a] that makes the algebra of i = [1,−1]η imply that i squared = −1. "But Kauffman has a fascinating paper - pdf link - on eigenforms and nonlocality
The time of the nexus is at once flowing, beyond motion, an eigenform, a geometric operator, and a discrete dynamics counting below were counting cannot go.
Time and the square root of one are inseparable in the temporal nexus....only [square root of one x change in time] represents a true interval of time....Once this substitution is made, once the correct imaginary value is placed in the temporal circuit, the patterns of quantum mechanics appear.
So we are getting room temperature quantum computing based on noncommutative phonons
Since the phase momentum is wavelength x frequency with light having no mass then the velocity or phase velocity is directly proportional to frequency of the light and inverse to wavelength - as a noncommutative phase or relativistic mass "phase shift" of light causing the color change.
"Reciprocity of fundamental frequency transmission coefficient (FFTC) is now investigated. Since the geometry is symmetric with respect to its center at f from A to B with two opposite values of v is equivalent to comparing FFTCs from A to B and B to A at f with a single value of v. "
So you have "sub-wavelength" of light that is noncommutative phase - or reverse time as anti-matter with superluminal momentum!
So you harvest broadband light (high frequency) to a zero point as reverse time (high intensity) so that velocity slows down, with density as amplitude squared going to infinity. The wavelength structure enhances the energy by 10,000 times. This is de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony engineered into light harvesting from reverse time due to subwavelength singularity structures.
The density is then the light as wavelength that is nonlocal infinity time converted to photon as a particle.
For example h-bar means Planck's Constant based on a closed symmetric time phase cycle of h/2 pi aka ħ = h/(2π). But in fact spin 1/2 quanta are noncommutative to one phase cycle of 2 pi and so are converted to 720 degree spin that is symmetric math as the Poisson Bracket, circulating along a closed loop in a given time that is noncommutative! This is the secret cause of the Josephson Junction effect that converts phase into voltage as superconducting energy. In other words time is normally hidden in Planck's Constant as an outside parameter that has instead been converted to symmetric density as phase. And so due to noncommutative phase, de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony discovered there is a 2nd time operator that is from the future and superluminal, and nonlocal, as a guiding phase wave ether.
Pi is merely the ratio between circumference and diameter.So we are told that Pi is indefinite since the smallest unit of matter is still a volume - and so Pi has to be irrational. But this is not true if time is phase harmonic at zero space volume.
"We discussed the quantum tunnelling paths in phase space and found that the quantum tunnelling rate is a complex number due to the noncommutative geometry of phase space."
"The coordinate system of a phase space lattice has a noncommutative geometry which is fundamentally different from spatial lattices. It is this noncommutative phase space which creates an artificial magnetic field and is responsible for the asymmetry of the quasienergy band structure."
Synthesizing lattice structures in phase space - IOPscience ... 023006/pdf
by L Guo - 2016
So in other words if we define Pi as radians as time - then it is inherently noncommutative. If we define Pi as a geometric number that it is converted to symmetric math as the Poisson bracket.
Since the radian is a dimensionless unit, the radian per second is dimensionally equivalent to the hertz—both are defined as s−1. This may lead to confusion between the quantities angular frequency ω and frequency ν.
The Fourier theorem is purely mathematical: (Delta 2 pi f)(Delta t) > ½
O.K. so if frequency is 2/3 and wavelength is 3/2 this is Perfect Fifth as C to F and frequency is 3/2 and wavelength is 2/3 this is the Perfect Fifth as C to G. The ear listens and hears the same PITCH that is noncommutative time-frequency as spin 1/2. So the ear as quantum phonons does the Fourier Transform that Alain Connes refers to - converting the noncommutative time-frequency into a symmetric geometric spatial measurement (that is seen as 3D vision).
Instead with time as a spatial measurement it is assumed that the pi is a symmetric number so that doubling it is the same as squaring and therefore the time as wavelength is the square root!
Frequency is inversely proportional to the square root of the mass per unit length of the string; ...So Newton then pondered this:
A significant correlation was found between resonant frequency and the square root of the reciprocal of inertia,
frequencies are proportional to the square root of the tension;
For he [Lucretius] affirms that fire, and other bodies which are designated weightless, rise upwards not of their own accord but by a force which drives them from below....Newton then quotes twelve lines of Book I of De Rerum Natura which state that the void exists, and that of any bodies which are equal in magnitude, difference in weight is explained more or less by interstitial void. [noncommutative phase]
Which is another way of stating - equal in pitch but different in frequency! Or as Alain Connes states - at each zero point in space there is a triple spectral or 3 frequencies of 2, 3, infinity with the same pitch of the Perfect Fifth. This is light turned around to time zero at zero point in space but having no zero rest mass then having hidden superluminal momentum as noncommutative phase (frequency 0 x infinite wavelength) = Perfect Fifth as Perfect Fourth or G=3=F at the same time of 1:2:3:4. So seeing the light as the past it is the Perfect Fifth and seeing it as the future it is the Perfect Fourth but both are the same geometry as C to F or 2/3 and 4/3 - the same phase doubled. Phase is based on radians and so is noncommutative and nonlocal. So you have have the same geometry (C to F) as phase with different frequency (2/3 and 4/3) or you can have different geometric phase (C to G and C to F) with the same pitch (Perfect Fifth) that is noncommutative (2/3 and 3/2).
Even though the frequency/wavelength (amplitude) is changed, the ear hears no difference since both are still Perfect Fifth |
Quantum physics says you can't Hear the Shape of a Drum because it has different geometric phase at the same time as nonlocal proto-consciousness. But we do not need to "look" at the drum's shape. Alain Connes says this is "hidden behind the scenes" - but we can LISTEN to behind the scenes (we do not need to see behind the scenes).
The force that drives the fire up is reverse time energy. Of 8/12 is Fire into Earth so that Water turns into Air (steam) as 9/6.
So with the Aharonov-Bohm Effect - the phase is "doubled" but it cancels out - and so it should be zero - as per symmetric radians - with just a "line" as the resulting oscilloscope. But because the truth of reality is noncommutative phase - the result is NOT zero.
The symmetric opposite phases should be the difference between 0 and 1 - as a closed phase time circle. But they are NOT.
Instead we get a self-amplifying force - not a self- "contained" force.
So this assumes the waves combined are symmetric - but I have just pointed out the truth of music theory is the noncommutative phase of quantum nonlocality! So that if you double 2/3 as C to F harmonic you get 4/3 as C to F - but one is the Perfect Fifth and one if the Perfect Fourth - a different phase or pitch - the noncommutative phase secret.
Which is to say if you have opposite phase as in the Aharonov-Bohm effect - you still get a charge due to the hidden 5th dimension that is noncommutative to time-frequency or 4pi uncertainty.
So for example math professor Louis Kauffman said he would read this paper that critiqued his view on the imaginary number. The paper argued you can just use Fourier complex number (cosine plus sin) to derive quantum physics as harmonic analysis - and so you don't need the noncommutative imaginary number. But Fourier harmonics is still based on symmetric math, not noncommutative: Complex numbers as symmetry.
"complex numbers are generally expressed as two-component vector-like quantities" - you can express them in terms of two real components, just like you can express a real number in terms of an integer and fractional component, or you can express a rational in terms of a numerator and a denominator.
Which is to say that the imaginary number can still be symmetric math of complex Fourier analysis but it is the noncommutative phase of time x frequency that makes the imaginary number as spin 1/2 (720 degrees to complete a full rotation).
...except if one is to feed the corresponding Poisson bracket in classical mechanics from behind the scene into the quantum picture. It has been argued that the commutation stated in the fourth postulate is a consequence of the operators associated with the corresponding observables, and thus a consequence of the experiments....a connection between discrete Fourier transform and uncertainty relations used in signal processing applications has been noticed in the past....generalized form of the Poisson Bracket , that is [...]= imaginary number x Planck's Constant as h-bar [ h divided by 2π,]....a comparable commutator between energy [frequency] and time... [change in]energy x [change in]time = 1/2 h-bar [half of the quantum phase space is quantum spin, which cannot be put in a Poisson bracket].
A Proof for Poisson Bracket in Non-commutative Algebra of Quantum Mechanics by Sina Khorasani, University of Vienna, 2014 pdf
Next, an exact self-adjoint 4 × 4 relativistic time operator for spin-1/2 particles is found and the time eigenstates for the non-relativistic case are obtained and discussed. Results confirm the quantum mechanical speculation that particles can indeed occupy negative energy levels with vanishingly small but non-zero probablity, contrary to the general expectation from classical physics. Hence, Wolfgang Pauli's objection regarding the existence of a self-adjoint time operator is fully resolved.
Time Operator in Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, Sina Khorasani, 2017the "phase is accumulating."
It is important to note...pump amplitude is a complex number containing the relative phase of the pump field....The sign of the coupling constant for retrieval must be the opposite of the sign for storage in order to cancel the phase accumulation during the pulses....The [time-frequency] pulse swaps the state halfway so that they become maximally entangled....oscillates around the horizontal plane of the Bloch sphere.
So the photons and phonons are entangled as a "quantum interferometer" (between two mirrors) but then one of the mirrors is a beam-splitter.
harmonic oscillating mirrors that pump photons (doubling the positive momentum with each phase conjugate pump or echo) and then store the information and convert it, through quantum entanglement, into then electromechanical energy for microwave data processing.
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