For example, Persinger (2012) demonstrated thatthe frequency and current magnitudes of lightning strikes when scaled appropriatelycontain the same intrinsic electrical current density as those of action potentials and thefrequency of lightning strikes, which is about 44 +/- 5 strikes per second or ‘40 Hz’(Christian et al., 2003), approaches the ‘binding’ feature of consciousness (LlinĂ¡s andRibary, 1993).
A Fugal Discourse on the Electromagnetic... (PDF Download Available). Available from: [accessed Apr 23 2018].
This is the Ph.D. thesis of a protege of Persinger - and he uses music composition as a model for science analysis - very fascinating.
be most evident between the maximum widths of two hemi-ellipsoids which would occurapproximately at the level of the temporal lobes.The dynamic asymmetry of the human brain has been attributed to theapproximately 10% greater white-to-grey matter ratios and blood flow in the righthemisphere which is slightly larger and heavier than the left. The structural componentfor most interactions between the two hemispheres, primarily the corpus callosum andanterior commissure, is composed of numbers of axons that are less than 1% of thenumbers of neurons within the cerebral cortices of either hemisphere. Hence thereshould be specific latencies for quantities of information to be transmitted between thetwo loci.Effectively the human cerebrum is two boundaries or loci within which processesassociated with more than 90% of the neurons in each locus remain and do not interactdirectly with the homologous area in the other hemisphere. The differences inmorphological structure between the two cerebral hemispheres have beenunderestimated.
more neurons became coherent the subject’s experiences shifted along a continuumfrom “normal ideation” to vestibular and powerful thoughts, to “vivid perceptualexperiences” and ultimately to convulsions.
E. R. John [40] had shownexperimentally several decades ago that learning through different modalities wastransferable in a single trial if the frequency patterns of the pulses from differentmodalities were identical. Interactions of input from different modalities information couldbe synthesized into experiences.
An equilibrium model would predict that during this period there should be anincrease in current density within the right parahippocampal region as the Schumannamplitudes decrease. That would suggest the direction of this metaphoric “Poyntingvector” would be towards the intracerebral locus. The direction of the equilibrium wouldbe from the ubiquitous Schumann sources into the right hemisphere.
being that has ever existed could potentially be stored within the earth’s geomagneticfield. Accordingly, the transient interactions that occur along the earth-ionosphere-brainaxis approximately once every minute may be indicative of levels of consciousness that,by definition, can only be perceived on their respective time scale and would potentiallybe evidenced by the repeated but independent re-visiting of concepts and ideas thatpermeated throughout the course of history, such as the interdisciplinarity that was oncecentral to the major creative achievements of the Renaissance period as well as duringthe times of Ancient Greece. If this is true, Jung’s ‘collective unconscious’ may havemore relevance than suspected.
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