Saturday, November 30, 2024

19 Scientists get arrested a year ago for Scientist Rebellion against "biological annihilation" of global warming

 Scientist Rebellion, an international group of researchers that uses civil disobedience to prompt climate action, has organized protests across 23 countries throughout the COP28 meeting, between 30 November and 12 December. It has also crafted an open letter encouraging others to fight climate change that has garnered more than 1,400 signatures. “We need you,” the letter says. “Wherever you are, become a climate advocate or activist” to help create a liveable future. 

 In the Netherlands, scientists partnered with the local activist group Just Stop Coal on 4 December to block a coal-carrying train — with the goal of pushing the Dutch government to phase out fossil fuels. “Governments are not blocking [the construction of new] fossil-fuel infrastructure, which is their duty to us and to future generations to provide a safe, liveable world,” says Fabian Dablander, an interdisciplinary scientist at the Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics at the University of Amsterdam, who helped to organize the protest.

More on Basil J. Hiley correcting Richard Feynman and his renormalization error: "No explanation of the mass fluctuation was given"

 Thus Feynman required extra energy to appear from somewhere. A more detailed discussion of this feature appears in Feynman and Hibbs [ 35 ]. The Bohm approach indicates that some ‘extra’ energy appears in the form of the quantum potential energy at the expense of the kinetic energy. Could it be that the source of the energy is the same?

see  Feynman Paths and Weak Values (Robert Flack and Basil J. Hiley)

 we see that the quantum potential is playing a similar role as the mass/energy fluctuation in Feynman’s approach. In fact, de Broglie’s original suggestion was that the quantum potential could be associated with a change of the rest mass [36]
Notice that the quantum potential appears essentially as a derivative of the osmotic velocity,
which in turn is obtained from the imaginary part of S′(x, x′). Any fluctuating term added to the real part of Se(x, x′) should also be added to the imaginary part. This would also introduce some change in the energy relation shown in Equation (20). This interplay between the real components of the complex Se(x, x′) is clearly presented as an average over fluctuations arising from some background.
Here we can recall Bohr insisting that quantum phenomena must include a description of the whole experimental arrangement. More details will be found in Smolin [37] and in Hiley [38].

 de Broglie, General Covariance and a Geometric Background to Quantum Mechanics

Therefore, writing the rest energy in the form of Equation (13) not only covers the Feynman case but is more general, arising whenever the mass-flow involves acceleration from whatever cause. We therefore
have the emergence of the extra energy term ¯h2Q, which DeWitt [5] showed must be added to the classical Hamiltonian to obtain a general covariant quantum Hamiltonian. Hence, the quantum potential energy is a necessary part of the covariant formalism and not ad hoc as originally claimed by Heisenberg [14].


In this paper, we have seen how the quantum potential arises naturally from an algebraic approach which replaces the wave function with an element of the left ideal from the algebra itself. This emphasizes the role of the individual dynamical process rather than having to rely only on the statistical features of an ensemble of individual processes...

 This confirms the view developed in this paper, namely that the dynamics of the
individual quantum process is contained in the non-commutative algebra itself. Hilbert
space is not necessary.


No explanation of the mass fluctuation was given. What was actually missing was quantum potential energy which naturally cancels out the divergence without the need for an unexplained mass fluctuation. It is interesting to note that de Broglie [61] claimed that the quantum potential could be regarded as a change in rest mass.

The role of geometric and dynamical phases in the Dirac–Bohm picture 

 "it blows up but was Richard Feynman worried? Not at all! What he said is you know, "how do i?, where is this what about how can I get rid of this energy?" and then he said "Let me change the rest mass of the particle to the rest mass one plus delta where delta is a small chain for a short time say epsilon that's my epsilon." So the major thing is why and he doesn't tell us - he just says "do it" and nobody seems to say why, but we now have a story about mass re-normalization blah blah blah 

But hold it - this is a squared term and what we find look at the work of Maurice and myself, what we find is that the quantum potential never appears until you go to order h squared. So what he's missing here is the quantum potential and if you put the quantum potential in you get the right result and now the interesting thing is de Broglie, remember chris was saying,  it's the de broglie-Bohm theory that that he was talking about"

 Basil J. Hiley - How does the Classical World Emerge from the Implicate Order?

 It is not the momentum of a single ‘particle’ passing the
point Q, but the mean momentum flow at the point in question.
The question remains as to the nature of the underlying reality. Is it
particulate in nature or is it a more subtle notion of a quantised process
involving a novel organisation of energy and momentum? The Bohm ap-
proach was taken as support for a particle-like picture, even though the
appearance of the quantum potential suggested that there was an element
of non-locality present, an element of the wholeness Bohr talked about.
The identification of the canonical relation PB = ∇S, an unjustified
assumption in Bohm’s original paper [23], was always a worrying feature of
the approach. Now we see that it has its origins in the averaging over a
deeper fundamental non-commutative stochastic process, being related to
the infinitesimal transition amplitude shown in equation (13).


 However the spray of possible momenta
emanating from a region cannot be completely random since, as Feynman has shown, the transition amplitudes satisfy the Schr¨odinger equation under
certain assumptions. 

Dirac, Bohm and the Algebraic Approach

 If they do not commute, the eigenvalues cannot be simultaneously speci-
fied. However in the Heisenberg algebra these operators depend on time and,
in the non-relativistic theory, all operators that occur at different times com-
mute2. Thus if we write them in a time order, then a meaning can be given
to the expectation value.



Friday, November 29, 2024

“Listening tunes our brain to the patterns of our environment faster than any other sense.” - Seth Horowitz neuroscientist

 Seth Horowitz interview starts at 8 minutes in

 Wow he threw up from a freak accident with his cat jumping on the synthesizer! 

Fish can hear electrical fields....hearing is truly a universal sense. The earliest fossil vertebrates we can find all had inner ears. ..eternal warning: It's on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week...sound is a mechanical sense....startle [jumping up] takes less than 15 milliseconds from a basic auditory circuit...

the only time you see these kinds of pseudo-harmonic waveforms is when you have a voice or musical instrument going completely out of control - someone screaming - showed the exact same waveform - it's not frequency content, it's microchanges in time (way less than a thousandth of a second) - the difference...sends a signal to us that their vocal cords are out of control and that gives us the basis for the fingers on the blackboard - it's the flip side of constant's very similar to someone in great pain or stress.

Ear start getting multisensory convergence - a tight coupling between auditory flow rate and emotional ..meaning.... you pick up a much wider vibration through your skin [and bones] than your ears....

Seth Horowitz another talk

 @danielfaben5838  I'm having an academic article published this next month - so I give a concise overview. Basically I promote the algae that Sir David King was emphasizing when Nate interviewed him. Most humans these days grow up in cities or cookie-cutter suburbs or commuting ex-burbs and even most "family farms" now are just monocultural input factories, disconnected from natural ecological wealth. For example when I visited the most traditional Berber village in Morocco in 1997 the women there had been farming using humanure composting - and as science has documented - the Berbers settled that area with wheat farming around 5000 BCE. But then a truck went past on the new gravel road nearby and all the women raised their fists in the air with no tolerance for noise and pollution. Each house now had 1 light bulb for 2 hours of electricity. That was 1997 and now Morocco is barely surviving the extreme drought conditions of abrupt global warming. How quickly Western modernization flip-flipped yet the dynamic of early wheat farming was already there. We could think of the Berbers as Europe was before the Yamnaya invasion around 3000 BCE!! That's how "far back" I went in time - but there is an even deeper time travel in terms of psychophysiology.
I finished my master's degree testing out a theory I had - so I went through the African studies department Chair at U of Minnesota-Twin Cities - doing self-directed nonwestern philosophy training with a Chinese qigong master, Chunyi Lin who has a healing center in Minnesota. From that training then I experienced ghosts and I could smell cancer as rotting flesh in other person. A few years later I was reading "Healing Makes our Hearts Happy" about our original human culture - the San Bushmen - and they have a quote that described my experience to a tee!! My point being that DNA science now has proven the "pygmies" separated from the San Bushmen 225,000 years ago yet both have the same music-focused healing spiritual culture, as Dr. Jerome Lewis, the professor at UCL with Chris Knight (the radical anthropology research group) documents. They have a great video lecture series on vimeo with many posted on their youtube channel also.
So when we try to analyze our brain motivations, our intentions of the mind - we need to consider the whole body and the spirit (now defined in science as biophotons). The nonwestern ancient training meditation cultures have figured this out. As Westerners we project our modern warfare onto even chimpanzees as Professor R. Brian Ferguson's new book, "Chimpanzees, War and History" details (Oxford U Press).

 @wholebodysneeze  I'm listening to "Climate Denial and Disaster Nationalism | Richard Seymour and Tad DeLay" on Verso youtube channel - uploaded 2 days ago - this new book author is talking about "shared socioeconomic pathways" as a new model for abrupt global warming. The problem with this "social systems" approach to global warming is that it's anthropocentric. I agree with conservation biologist Guy McPherson's analysis as well as Andrew Glikson, the professor posting on "arctic-news" blogspot. The empirical evidence is much worse than these attempts at "modeling" and "managing" a system. For example Professor Robert Nadeau's 2006 book "Environmental Endgame" emphasized that a supercomputer can not model the complexity of an equatorial rainforest ecology. Yet as chaos math professor Steve Strogatz points out the reliance on supercomputers using chaotic iterations means science is inherently authoritarian in terms of what the models project for avoiding "biological annihilation."
Generosity as a concept is similar to charity in contrast to justice relying on say a progressive income tax to redistribute wealth. The recent COP results were a great disappointment when the developing countries asked for trillions and the pledge is for billions yet the previous pledges have not been fulfilled. People are brainwashed as corporate-state brown-no$ers to blame the poor for their own poverty by individual sins - laziness, ignorance, yet since the 1980s the top-down "trickle" model has been the ethic that "greed is good" and the "strongest survives." So generosity as a structural dynamic would embrace the inherent symbiosis in ecology - the recent book "Survival of the Friendliest" is a great example. I contacted the authors though since their natural science backgrounds are inaccurate about political economy (i.e. the claim that liberal democracies are more generous than authoritarian regimes).
The U.S. is an empire with 750 military bases in other countries and this lie about "democracy" goes back to ancient Greece itself - as I mentioned how each citizen was valued as a logarithm that needs to "compromise for the good of the state" to prop up exponential wealth growth for the elite. So yes our injustice of wealth is inherent to our construction of Western science from a symmetric spacetime continuum definition of reality (originating from irrational magnitude math based on the wrong music theory).
Music taps into our deep unconscious emotions and so true generosity is actually based on the right side vagus nerve connection from the reproductive organ up to the brain and down to the right side of the heart. This is the secret based of the matrifocal feminist original human culture - the Tshoma training that was required by males. So by the time a male is finished with puberty they are hard-wired into a left-brain dominant culture that cuts them off from the original right-brain dominant music training fostering generosity. For example a male's first hunt was something he could not eat himself - he was forced to share it first. And if the male wanted to get married then he had to live with his future wife's family while hunting for three years to provide for them. This is how he proved his generosity and the females controlled access to the land.
What we find though is that for female chimpanzees, they learned to hunt with spears so the females were not dependent on being violated when the males returned with meat from hunting. So our whole reliance on technology by modern humans is in fact just an extension of the same deep psychophysiological problem that female chimps tried to solve. This reliance on external technology just is a symptomatic solution that projects the problem into ecology itself. But what I call "Technofeminism" is thus deeply hard-wired into humanity and thus our disconnection from ecology as symbiotic sharing - mutualism as generosity is lost on a hard-wired physiological basis.
What the original human culture realized is that all matter is actually composed of light - this is proven today in physics in the article, "Light is Heavy" by Nobel physicist Gerard 't Hooft. And there is something even beyond this light origin of matter - the light originates from a newly discovered force that is also called protoconsciousness. The ancients called it N/om as "shaking medicine" - a kind of acoustic nonlocal superluminal phonon force that is also antigravitational, negentropic and can create new matter. This force is also precognitive. Even Sir Roger Penrose in his latest youtube talks on "Science of Consciousness" channel explains how protoconsciousness is actually precognitive! Most scientists are not even willing to conceptualize this possibility and Penrose gets ignored since he is in his mid-90s now. I think he's 92 or something?
Anyway as modern humans we assume our original human culture was "more primitive" since they lived in Nature yet in fact their perceptual reality was in contact with the source for the whole Universe! Andrew Zimmern got a dose of this when he burst out crying on his "Bizarre World" cooking show. He explained in his follow up book what he experienced - the San Bushmen healer placed his hand over Zimmern's heart and Zimmern left his body, experienced his life as a holographic reality and when the healer took his hand away, Zimmern felt a strong shock and sucked back into his body. The healer explained later he had just wanted to get to know Zimmern on a real level.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Mass Force plus Angular Momentum acceleration haymakers to the right temple=KO genius of Butterbean Eric Esch

  400 lb beer belly knocks out jacked beasts

Butterbean was his diet to qualify for his first fight

 Butterbean was running 2 to 3 miles a day at 400 lbs!! 

40 to 50 MMA fights. Plus all his boxing fights before that. 

 he developed a form of yoga explicitly tailored to having done years of high impact things like wrestling or MMA. It's also a dietary system as I understand it.

Butterbean - Eric Esch - the same height as me. His 300 pounds to 400 pounds of mainly fat protected his body from blows but also added a lot of force to his punches. So he was a top KO fighter. Then he stops boxing after fighting some top rated boxers - Larry Holmes?! who was way taller and way more muscle....actually it was the MMA kicks to the legs that ended his career and then he ballooned to 550 pounds, almost permanently crippling himself - he turned to yoga to save himself.
Holmes has that jab that no one can get at so Holmes is declared winner.
In 2007, boxing icon Eric Esch, also known as Butterbean, knocked out a 6'5" heavyweight known as "The Colossus" in 43 seconds.
Butterbean's secret is his overhand haymaker hits the TEMPLE of the person. So someone says it's the angular momentum to the side of the head that causes the head to accelerate too fast for the cerebrospinal fluid to catch up. So the brain shuts down!! Fascinating.
Butterbean consistently achieved KO with an overhand haymaker to the temple.
Very fascinating.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

World War III is already happening: "Real threat of global conflict": Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk

   Looks like it's already a global war considering Russia has to rely on North Korean forces and Iranian, Chinese weapons.

Iranian-made Shaheen missiles. This attack highlights the deepening military collaboration between Russia and Iran. As the prolonged war grinds on, Russia has increasingly leaned on allies like Iran, China, and North Korea for supply of arms—nations united in their challenge to the U.S.-led global order.

“Russia cannot continue waging the current war beyond late 2025, when it will begin running out of key weapons systems.” Fortune, November 24th, 2024.  

Alexander Mertens, a professor of finance at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, explained how Russia can’t produce enough to replace what it’s losing on the battlefield. For example, the military is losing about 320 tank and artillery cannon barrels a month, while Russian factories can produce only 20 each month, forcing the Kremlin to dig into aging Soviet stockpiles. But that’s not enough, and Russia will run out of barrels sometime in 2025, In addition, Russia is losing about 155 infantry fighting vehicles a month, but its defense industry can make only 17 a month. The supply-and-demand economics of artillery shells and troops are also unsustainable.

"Russia has been using ballistic missiles throughout this war, but this is alleged to have been an intercontinental ballistic missile – which normally has a different use, which, if it is the case, is on the one hand an escalation and a signal, but on the other hand also an act of desperation that Putin is unable to win in this war," he said.

Sikorski added that he is currently observing the Russian economy experiencing "real stress". He also noted reports of desertions among Russian soldiers, emphasising that "inviting mercenaries from North Korea is not exactly a sign of strength".

  Russia will have moved some of its critical capabilities beyond their reach – and done so probably well before Biden’s decision. ... The use of just six ballistic missiles, albeit in combination with a large number of drones, might be an indication that Ukraine, for now at least, has relatively limited stock of these missiles and cannot commit them in large numbers to individual strikes.... Given that the Ukrainian attack, according to Russian reports, caused no damage, this is highly unlikely.... air defence systems intercepted five and damaged one.
following the Biden administration's announcement, the French daily Le Figaro reported that the U.K. and France said they, too, would allow Ukraine to use their Storm Shadow and SCALP missiles to strike inside Russia. That will put pressure on Germany, which has so far refused to deliver its Taurus missiles to Ukraine.
Chinese and Indian warnings to Russian President Vladimir Putin not to cross the nuclear red line....Only railroads can fill the demand, and railroads are vulnerable to long-range strikes. Physical infrastructure—track, bridges, tunnels, switching stations, engine yards, diesel fuel depots—can be struck and restruck to isolate the occupying Russian army.
  Furthermore, Biden’s decision releases any constraints on Britain or France supplying SCALP/Storm Shadow air-launched missiles, which could be effective when used alongside the ground-launched ATACMs. However, all the relevant weapon systems have a range of only a few hundred kilometres – for example, 300km for ATACMs – meaning they are incapable of striking too deep into Russian territory.

Pentagon spokesperson Sabrina Singh said Russian officials warned the U.S. of the launch through nuclear risk reduction channels. That helped ensure that it wasn't misidentified as an intercontinental ballistic missile and therefore a possible nuclear threat.

While Russia already has sufficient weapons in its arsenal to strike NATO partners, Poland is particularly unnerved by these new developments. Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said there is a "serious and real" threat of global war. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called it a "clear and severe escalation" by Russia. Zelenskyy accused Putin of using Ukraine as a "testing ground." 

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk stressed that "the events of the last few dozen hours" point to a "real threat of global conflict".
the missile defense base in Poland has long been included among the priority targets for potential neutralization. If necessary, this can be achieved using a wide range of advanced weaponry," Zakharova claimed, according to an article by Russian state-owned news agency TASS.

I’ve said before, if Russia attacks Poland, we’ll strike targets in St. Petersburg. I’ll do everything to avoid it, but if necessary, we’ll act.

Poland is buying 800 missiles and preparing its army because we understand Russia’s language. Ukraine’s Western partners must also understand that withholding permissions or weapons won’t help.

Polish Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Paweł Wroński stressed the Polish base in Redzikowo is purely defensive, set up to counter ballistic missile threats, according to RMF24.

Wronski added that if Russia continues its threats, the US and NATO may need to bolster air defenses along the Alliance’s eastern flank.

more than a dozen different North Korean oil tankers arriving at an oil terminal in Russia’s Far East a total of 43 times over the past eight months.

Pyongyang was sending Moscow weapons.

The shipments have continued as thousands of North Korean troops are reported to have been sent to Russia to fight, with the last one recorded on 5 November.

“While Kim Jong Un is providing Vladimir Putin with a lifeline to continue his war, Russia is quietly providing North Korea with a lifeline of its own,” says Joe Byrne from the Open Source Centre.

Its biggest worry is that Moscow will provide Pyongyang with technology to improve its spy satellites and ballistic missiles.

Last month, Seoul’s defence minister, Kim Yong-hyun, stated there was a “high chance” North Korea was asking for such help.

“If you’re sending your people to die in a foreign war, a million barrels of oil is just not sufficient reward,” Dr Go says.

the National Intelligence Service said that North Korea exported 170mm self-propelled guns and 240mm multiple rocket launch systems to Russia, according to lawmaker Lee Seong Kweun, who attended the meeting.

North Korea likely dispatched personnel to teach the Russians how to use them and handle their maintenance.

Last week, Russian Telegram channels and other social media posts published photos apparently showing North Korean’s “Koksan” 170mm self-propelled guns being moved by rail inside Russia. The Financial Times, citing Ukrainian intelligence assessments, reported Sunday that North Korea in recent weeks sent some 50 domestically produced 170mm self-propelled howitzers and 20 240mm multiple launch rocket systems to Russia.

Monday, November 25, 2024

I'm asked to comment on the flow of the CSF tied to energy healing

 In my experience I used to call it "flexing the pineal gland" - and the skeptics insisted this was not possible since there are no muscles in the brain. So what is "flexing"? The video link she gives argues breathing moves the CSF the best. This is true but the "flexing" is actually the spirit or biophotons that are "turned around." Normally with the eyes open the biophotons go out of the eyes. So when we meditate we have a 17 watt laser from coherent biophoton energy.

Sunday, November 24, 2024