@irmab9044 yes your comment was great help with my rambling upload - adding that Aharonov explanation helps a lot. The idea that the future really can change the past is so radical that almost all scientists are unaware of Aharonov's research - his "weak measurement experiments" are being elaborated by Professor Hiley with Robert Flack (an experimental physicist) using argon or helium. So they did not want to use photons - which is what the "weak measurements" normally use - because the noncommutativity is not limited to the quantum scale. So the nonlocality should manifest with mass and not just a photon that has no rest mass. I don't understand all the details but the idea of all matter being made of photons from the 1/2 spin of matter (electrons and protons) - this relies on the virtual photon. As Penrose says it technically is NOT energy since energy is based on a squaring measurement that is symmetric! Professor Hiley then gave a talk to Penrose that if you realize quantum nonlocality is noncommutative then you no longer are limited by the "measurement problem" of the collapse of the "wavefunction" (which is a symmetric math measurement).
Anyway this is why Einstein was wrong but also the "spooky action at a distance" as nonlocality is actually asymmetric time-frequency or complementary opposites (yin-yang) - and so that is another critique that Hiley has of Yakir Aharonov. Hiley says that Aharonov is basically using the wrong math - since he is still assuming this symmetric commutative geometry. So normally by time and energy physicists mean a symmetric spacetime. But in noncommutativity you have this asymmetic pure time or "fundamental time" to frequency.
I understood this as a teenager from my music training (especially Blues music!) so it took me a long time to find the science. It's quite ironic how brainwashed the scientists are by Platonic philosophy. Einstein knew that spacetime changed or was relative to the speed of light but he is still assuming a symmetric change. So Einstein disproved simultaneity at the speed of light but if you are measuring as an internal light or biophotons - this enables a direct resonance with the future.
Yes the idea that there is no particle would mean the "now" is also never static or the now can only be LISTENED to and the "now" can not be observed. So in meditation we can have precognitive visions or in dreams - precognitive - but any perception of light even in meditation is still in the "past." In what is called Vichara or logical investigation as meditation any perception has to constantly be emptied out. This can be achieved as a kind of "strobe light" effect where you can observe without thinking and then keep listening to the source of the perception - thereby emptying it out and harmonizing it with the Cosmic Mother who will never be Unveiled.
Wow - I'll post this on my blog. I've tried to explain this before also - it's called the Quantum Zeno Effect in science.
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