I am honored to be contacted by a professional opera singer! Wow! Yes unfortunately what I am referring to in music requires a lot of "unlearning" in terms of Western (Platonic) philosophy. hahahaha. Anthropologist Jerome Lewis gives a great talk on "music before language" that is on youtube - and he recently did a talk with his coauthor anthropologist Chris Knight - on vimeo. https://vimeo.com/896487430
Basically our original human culture relied on the women singing all night long but their singing is comprised of what you speak of - the octaves, fifths and fourths, overlapping in a syncopated hand clapping polyphony that is also improvised!
Well in terms of music as meditation there is no longer a "one" or "root tonic" as a "home tone" that is a physical wavelength or string!! Singing does not require relying on tuning to some external equal-tempered instrument. hahaha.
So when you mention undertones then the obvious case is throat singing - like Tuvan throat singing or Tibetan monk chanting - but what is not obvious is this requires relaxing the throat muscles via the right side vagus nerve. This right side vagus nerve deep relaxation occurs through meditation by listening to the highest pitch we can hear externally. This highest pitch heard externally is proven, in tinnitus research, to resonate the brain as a whole as ultrasound!
In quantum biology the ultrasound is proven to be quantum coherence of the microtubules of the neurons - so that the tubulin inside the microtubules have a superradiance or superluminal phonon acoustic nonlocality - and this signal is negentropic (meaning it is organizing reality from the future).
So as Dr. Andrija Puharich figured out the undertone as the Schumann ELF resonance is actually a "quantum undertone" from the future due to the phase velocity difference between the proton and electron and also creating a virtual photon nonlocal force (this is a newly discovered force). And this is why in our original human culture, the legs shake as the men dance - at around the Schumann resonance - the 8 hertz - that Dr. Brad Keeney calls the "shaking medicine."
So then all of matter is made of light but this light has a secret relativistic mass due to this eternal flowing of the future and past overlapping - and this relativistic mass from the virtual photons is an asymmetric time or "noncommutativity."
In terms of mathematics being created from music theory - all of modern science math is based on "commutative geometry" from Platonic philosophy derived from Archytas and Philolaus. I call Philolaus the "Liar of the Lyre" because he flipped his lyre around to hide the fact that he was using a DIFFERENT root tonic!
We know as musicians that listening to the source of the "one" is very important but it is now proven that 4/3 is NEVER a "harmonic" or more precisely - an "overtone" of the one (since it has a 3 in the denominator). So the Perfect Fourth as a "harmonic ratio" already assumes this lie that covers up a different root tonic! The Perfect Fourth is derived from the Perfect Fifth as 2/3 or time in the other direction but that C to F as 2/3 can NOT be in the same scale of "commutative geometry" or Perfect Fifth(arithmetic mean as 3/2) PLUS Perfect Fourth (harmonic mean as 4/3) = Octave Squared from Archytas.
So when I was a teenager ALL I did was be honest about the math. I realized that 2/3 as C to F is indeed a Perfect Fifth so WHY can NOT it be included. Sure enough Sir James Jeans in his book "Science of Music" explains that the Pythagorean tuning that does include the Perfect Fifth as 2/3 is the empirical truth of reality but it's also an infinite spiral whereby "all simplicity disappears."
Pretty ironic correct? The simplest math creates the greatest complication! In fact Fields Medal Math Professor Alain Connes calls this noncommutativity truth of reality simply as "two, three, infinity." hahaha.
Have you seen his "Music of Shapes" talk?
Anyway in terms of quantum logic this means the truth of reality is "neither A nor Not-A" - as a cognitive "no" or silence in the brain as deep music listening!! This "space between" our thoughts as deep listening then resonates this superluminal or superradiance phonon energy - with various names around in nonwestern cultures. Actually Pythagorean PreSocratics called it Aion.
Have you read my "Ancient Advanced Acoustic Alchemy" book? That is based on the "small universe" meditation as the 12 notes of the scale being really this infinite spiral that can not be seen. hahahaha.
So I recommend practicing the "small universe" meditation - and I provide a free class online - as a livestream. You are free to join in. I guide the practice (even though I make mistakes and I'm just a student). hahaha.
Alain Connes doesn't spell out the music math in his talk but what he is pointing out that the Pythagorean Comma as 2 to the 19th against 3 to the 12th when inverted back into the "octave scale" HAS to be noncommutative as 2 to the 1/12th against 3 to the 1/19th. Then Alain Connes explains the reason it is 19 is because the Perfect Fifth is the 7th interval and the first one to provide this transposition as diversity for the scale.
So because it is noncommutative means that in its discrete ratio form the "convergence" as a "double quotient" or as you say - overtones and undertones at the same time - is MORE dense than the real number commutative geometry spacetime continuum. This means that space inherently has no distance and ONLY time exists with frequency being nonlocal and noncommutative.
What else? He points out this is the Well-Tempered tuning of Bach originally but NOT the equal-tempered tuning (yet it is secretly the basis of equal-tempered tuning based on logarithms)....
Yes I have my youtube channel if you haven't noticed - that's where I do the livestream practice.
The heart is called Yi [unified power] becuz when intent moves, spirit is agitated; qi is dispersed. Qi is the Mother of spirit; Spirit is the child of qi. The Mother as qi is the horse that guides/conducts the river chariot (yin spirit) in the water (yin jing). Once your mind is away from the lower Elixir Field, your Qi will be led away from it and be consumed. By gathering the Shen into the lower tan tien then the Qi follows it there. Light of eyes descend as Yang fire inner yin qi line
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