Hi Bernie BurnEye - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgHTasSX8MU
is a demonstration of antigravity as a one-finger hand-stand by a
Daoist internal alchemy master who also taught at Shaolin. Hai-deng. I
have lots of stories about him and this vid. For example George Lucas
went to Shaolin, met Haideng and Haideng was the real life inspiration
for Yoda!
here is my playlist of internal alchemy energy demos.
some 900 vids - there's a few that I hope you can play part of - I'm a
luddite so I don't plan on "sharing my screen." hahaha.
Now I
have some background details for these vids. Here is a demonstration of
pyrokinesis. This qigong master Jiang overused his energy when healing
someone and he instantly keeled over. I was visited by a qigong student
who had gone to China to personally experience Jiang's pyrokinesis
I have super slow internet right now - very annoying! Usually the speed is fine.
is qigong master Effie P. Chow - she just left her body last year. I
saw a poster for her on a telephone pole in St. Paul Minnesota in 1995 -
I so so skeptical that I called up the number to ask for HALF off. I
heard hear talking in the background, agreeing to my request. So my
girlfriend and I each paid $10 and Effie P. Chow blew the fuse (I figure
that's 12 amps!!) in the room behind her at St. Mary's University in
1995, Minneapolis! I have more details about that experience. She did
qigong research with the National Institutes of Health and she had a
healing clinic in San Francisco - she moved from Canada though! ...
is one of the female spiritual healers from our original human culture -
the San Bushmen! Andrew Zimmern, the cable t.v. travel chef - published
in his book about why he burst out crying on t.v. when visiting the San
Bushmen. When the healer placed his hand over Zimmern's chest then
Zimmern's spirit left his body and he saw his life pass before him as a
life review. When the healer pulled his hand from his heart then
Zimmern's spirit went back into the body and he felt this strong shock.
Zimmern asked the healer why that had happened and the healer said he
had just wanted to know Zimmern on a more personal level.
this vid then qigong master Chunyi Lin was flooded with medical healing
requests. I started training from him in 1999 and did intensive
meditation training with him to finish my master's degree through the
African Studies department in nonwestern meditation. Lots of stories
about that! Including Levitation!
is the most famous qigong master demonstration vid on the internet -
John Chang. Lots of stories about that also - he demonstrates
pyrokinesis also.
vid proves why Joe Rogan doesn't understand internal martial arts! The
qigong master here is repeatedly kicked in the groin and the UK t.v.
host even is told to feel for anything - NOTHING. The qigong master
sucked his genitals BACK inside his body! More on this and what it
My free training manual - is also my first upload on
youtube. I do NOT have my name on this document since people like to
play ego-games about this information. hahahaha.
Based on the free internal alchemy Dragon Gate training manual:
from this lineage:
part of the Dragon Gate internal alchemy lineage
is qigong master Yan Xin who did qi-talks as 7 hour long nonstop qi
healings to thousands of people at a time. The Chinese Communist regime
even made a documentary about him called Yan Xin Superman that I saw -
when I studied with the Yan Xin qigong meditation group with the Chinese
University community. Yan Xin was the first time Chunyi Lin was
healed.... There were tons of science studies on Yan Xin - like slowing
down the decay rate of gamma radiation and fasting yet not losing
calories - called "bigu" or "energy feasting." The CIA also studied Yan
More stories there.
Infrasound female vagus nerve orgasms. Dr. Andrija Puharich and my book on him. Gurdjieff, tantra, psychic energy, etc.
My free books and articles
My correspondence with Nobel Physicist Brian Josephson - who practices qigong at Cambridge.
Medical Doctor Herbert Benson proves Tibetan Monks can heat themselves
in the freezing cold overnight - Benson realizes this is due to the
"relaxation effect' based on the vagus nerve - more secrets there.
Robert Peng, qigong master Zapping the Prime Minister of Australia.
Peng also trained with a Shaolin Monk and Peng did a 100 day long fast
in an underground chamber under the Shaolin Temple.
At age 15, Robert endured a 100-day water fast in a small dark room at a secluded
The "gong" in internal alchemy is 100 days.
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