Hi Bernie: My background: Intensive Minneapolis Minnesota classical piano music training starting from age 3 to university level music composition training starting in 1970s to 1990 influenced by blues, reggae, hardcore noise, jazz and native american indigenous cultures. Heart awakening from trance music! Performed piano concert by memory to finish high school as well as roots reggae music opening band at First Avenue main room (of Prince fame) at age 16. Pythagorean music theory alchemy discovery and qigong master Effie P. Chow initiation by 1995 in Minneapolis with precognitive dream coming true three years later in 1998.
The heart is called Yi [unified power] becuz when intent moves, spirit is agitated; qi is dispersed. Qi is the Mother of spirit; Spirit is the child of qi. The Mother as qi is the horse that guides/conducts the river chariot (yin spirit) in the water (yin jing). Once your mind is away from the lower Elixir Field, your Qi will be led away from it and be consumed. By gathering the Shen into the lower tan tien then the Qi follows it there. Light of eyes descend as Yang fire inner yin qi line
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
CryptoAlchemist Bernie says he will interview me in a week or two. My response.
Master's Degree at University of Minnesota-Twin Cities (2000) focused on philosophy of science and policy activism via music as sound-current nondualism
with final focus on nonwestern meditation as alchemy qigong training
with qigong master Chunyi Lin of http://springforestqigong.com (who has a
healing clinic and he works with Mayo Clinic medical researchers and
University of Minnesota medical researchers) and my discovery of the Actual Plan for the Matrix based on the "logarithmic music spiral." (see below for my online links for articles, and books).
Undergraduate degree: 1st year at Hampshire College, part of Five
College valley in Massachusetts, then University of Wisconsin-Madison
with semester in Costa Rica, School for Field Studies, 1992, studying
conservation biology and sustainable development (plus traveling to
"third world" several times and also living off the land for months).
different cash jobs for actual fiat currency from policy door to door
activism fundraising, organic farming, warehouse, office data entry,
biomedical research, lawn, and restaurant work. Went to Minneapolis
Christian private Swedish school for six years for middle school and
high school.
Here is what we will talk about! Ancient Advanced Acoustic Alchemy as the Highest Technology of All Technologies in three parts: 1) Nonwestern music as internal alchemy. 2) Quantum biology as negentropic antigravity. 3) Ecological Crisis and Platonic mathematics.
1) A:
includes Philolaus, the Liar of the Lyre and, Archytas, the military
engineer buddy of Plato and the infinite spiral of music Perfect Fifths
as the secret structural drive of Western mathematics (commutative
geometry) and technology from the wrong equal-tempered tuning as Alogon
Platonic philosophy. B: Gurdjieff (the Big Accumulator
heart love, tantra, celibacy, the "little death," right side vagus nerve
as kundalini, and psychic mutual orgasms - "Orgasms at a distance") and
Alain Connes (Fields Medal math prof. founder of noncommutative
geometry as Music of Forms (Shapes) from orchestration as spacetime
transformations. C: Three Gunas of India and Kriya Yoga (in contrast to Jnana, Karma, Raja, Bhakti yoga) - you can't fake the full lotus padmasana D. Daoism as Neigong (internal martial arts) and Neigong as noncommutativity math as quantum nonlocality as nondualism. Yin
qi (negative ions of Schumann resonance) and yang shen (matter as
spirit light from relativistic quantum chemistry of gold and virtual
photons as Fa Shen Absolute Void). Yang qi (positive ions and
neurohormones as ionized cerebrospinal fluid) and yin shen (biophotons
as ghost spirit). Yang jing as yin qi. E. Our original
human culture from over 200,000 years ago! The San Bushmen-Pygmy
connection via radical anthropology and Jazz musician shaman Professor
Brad Keeney and F. the most "highest technology of all
technologies" Yan Xin qigoing master Superman of China (and my own
Dragon Gate Taoist alchemy lineage: Wang Liping and Zhang, Yuan-ming,
and Zhang, HongBao (Zhong Gong). My own teacher levitated up nine feet
while in full lotus meditation soon after he finished his 28 days of
nonstop full lotus cave meditation at Mt. Qingcheng in China, around
1995. Saint Joseph de Copertino proves levitation as antigravity is
real: Professor Michael Grosso. Bigu.
2) A: includes quantum nonlocality Dirac Dance as nonlocal 1/2 spin before observing a particle. Reality can not be repeated. B. Bell's Theorem as nonlocality as noncommutativity as holographic reality C.
Time-frequency noncommutativity before the particle exists as
Ritz-Rydberg combination principle of Heisenberg Algeba Matrices as
transition frequencies of discrete noncommutative number = holographic
reality of Basil J. Hiley and David Bohm: A new novel force as superluminal quantum antigravity. D.
Chiral-Induced Spin Selectivity for quantum biology technologies via
quantum coherence as the Actual Matrix Plan (post apocalyptic). E.
All Matter is actually made of light since gravitational mass of light
does not have center of mass (Gerard 't Hooft the eternal black hole,
Louis de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony, Martin van der Mark, Quicycle
project of John G. Williamson). Relativity is from kinetic and potential
energy before amplitude - gravitational potential as quantum
negentropy. F. Herbert J. Bernstein and Buddhism - my own
quantum physics professor designed the quantum teleportation satellite
system for NASA based on noncommutative Donut Torus of both orbital
angular momentum polarization and spin - intrinsic angular momentum as
nonlocality. Bernstein-Susskind-Aharonov Effect as basis for "quantum
psychology" of Eddie Oshins at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
(worked with Stanford Research Institute and Andrija Puharich
parapsychology research). Wilhelm Reich figured out the potassium, vagus
nerve, serotonin connection in the 1930s! Didn't get translated into
English till 2013. G: My own TR-3B sighting - so close I
could have hit it with a rock!!: Big red light in the center of
equilateral craft with NO fuselage - low and slow and made humming
noise. Ties to Schauberger plasma as fourth state of water as yang qi,
splitting protons delocalized, virtual photons: quantum biology Ph.D.
research Mae-Wan Ho and Sonotrode spacetime deformations of Fabio
Cardone as cold fusion: Ed Fouche's claims corroborated: superconducting
mercury and MHD ion propulsion research done in 1960s by military. H.
Sir John Pendry creates photons from virtual photons with Archimedes
Spiral of Light - turning the light around just as in meditation.
3) A:
quantum physics explains abrupt global warming ecological crisis
(Oxford University Physics Prof. Raymond Pierrehumbert, Cambridge
University physics professor Peter Wadhams). Drought and
famine is spreading fast! Arctic ice about to be gone with 1200 gigatons
of pressurized methane in world's largest ocean shelf - East Siberian
Arctic Shelf - already accelerating into atmosphere. B. Roger Penrose explains gravitational entropy is the opposite of the entropy of matter. Brian Josephson,
Nobel Physicist, practices qigong at Cambridge and considers biology to
be primary to physics. The Josephson Effect as spacetime symmetry
breaking is the origin of the volt while charge originates from nonlocal
noncommutative geometry as 1/2 spin. C. All modern physics based on commutative geometry is decreasing entropy of matter by increasing gravitational entropy D.
Exponential growth is inverse of logarithms with symmetric commutative
geometry as accelerating biological annihilation of life on Earth E.
The psychological denial is due to left-brain dominance (communism) and
right-hand technological use dominance (fascism) while humans did not
have war before agriculture F. Quantum biology is based on
diffraction gradients as metamaterials as biophoton spirit ghost energy
since the Cambrian Explosion with current CO2 rates faster than any
time in past 500 million years: the paranormal includes long distance
healing, psychometry, telepathy, telekinesis, levitation, transmutation,
bilocation and it's all based on precognition! G.
Two-headed babies from depleted uranium are discounted as cost of
radiation as evolution or radioeugenics. 15% of babies born in certain
Iraq cities have depleted uranium deformities yet science can't "rule
out" other causes. Cell phone radiation is proven to damage mitochondria
and microtubules. Breast cancer increasing among females from cell phones. H.
Ultrasound is both mechanical and piezoelectric (internal chills -
tingling) for protein transformation and bioelectromagnetic - the
highest external sound we hear, resonates our brain internally as
ultrasound for quantum nonlocality: Sony Matrix technology back to our
ancient advanced acoustic alchemy.
My Books and Articles: All Free Research!
While doing intensive volunteer policy activism then I was hired as University of Minnesota MN Daily op-ed writer for 50,000 daily readership.
Then after my master's degree I entered into the world of the Interwebs:
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