The heart is called Yi [unified power] becuz when intent moves, spirit is agitated; qi is dispersed. Qi is the Mother of spirit; Spirit is the child of qi. The Mother as qi is the horse that guides/conducts the river chariot (yin spirit) in the water (yin jing). Once your mind is away from the lower Elixir Field, your Qi will be led away from it and be consumed. By gathering the Shen into the lower tan tien then the Qi follows it there. Light of eyes descend as Yang fire inner yin qi line
Sunday, July 9, 2023
Thorium Salt Reactors in China - another "too cheap too meter" nuke radiation apocalypse scam!
There is an extraordinary push by certain individuals to extol
the wonders of thorium-fueled nuclear reactors. In fact, so concerted is
this push that some blame me for preventing the ongoing expansion of
such technology. So here are the facts about thorium for those who are
The U.S. tried for 50 years to create thorium reactors, without
success. Four commercial thorium reactors were constructed, all of which
failed. And because of the complexity of the problems enumerated below,
thorium reactors are, by an order of magnitude, more expensive than
uranium-fueled reactors.
The longstanding effort to produce these reactors cost the U.S.
taxpayers billions of dollars, while billions more dollars are still
required to dispose of the highly toxic waste emanating from these
failed trials.
The truth is that thorium is not a naturally fissionable material. It
is therefore necessary to mix thorium with either enriched uranium 235
(up to 20-percent enrichment) or plutonium, both of which are innately
fissionable, to get the process going. Uranium enrichment is very
expensive, while the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel from
uranium-powered reactors is enormously expensive and very dangerous to
the workers, who are exposed to toxic radioactive isotopes during the
process. Reprocessing spent fuel requires chopping up radioactive fuel
rods by remote control and dissolving them in concentrated nitric acid,
from which plutonium is precipitated out by complex chemical means. Vast
quantities of highly acidic, highly radioactive liquid waste then
remain to be disposed of. (Only 6 kilograms of plutonium 239 can fuel a
nuclear weapon, while each reactor makes 250 kilograms of plutonium per
year. One millionth of a gram of plutonium is carcinogenic if inhaled.)
So there is an extraordinarily complex, dangerous and expensive
preliminary process to kick-start a fission process in a thorium
When non-fissionable thorium is mixed with either fissionable
plutonium or uranium 235, it captures a neutron and converts to uranium
233, which itself is fissionable. Naturally it takes some time for
enough uranium 233 to accumulate to make this particular fission process
spontaneously ongoing.
Later the radioactive fuel would be removed from the reactor and
reprocessed to separate out the uranium 233 from the contaminating
fission products, and the uranium 233 will then be mixed with more
thorium, to be placed in another thorium reactor.
But uranium 233 is also a very efficient fuel for nuclear weapons: It
takes about the same amount of uranium 233 as plutonium 239 — 6
kilograms — to fuel a nuclear weapon. To its disgrace, the U.S.
Department of Energy has already “lost track” of 96 kilograms of uranium
A total of 2 tons of uranium 233 were manufactured in the U.S., and
this material naturally requires similar stringent security measures
used for plutonium storage, for obvious reasons. It is estimated that it
will take over $1 million per kilogram to dispose of the seriously
deadly material. An Energy Department safety investigation recently
found a national repository for uranium 233 in a building constructed in
1943 at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. It was in a dreadful
condition, and investigators reported that an environmental release from
a large fraction of the 1,100 containers “could be expected to occur
within the next five years because some of the packages are approaching
30 years of age and have not been regularly inspected.” The DOE
determined that this building had “deteriorated beyond cost-effective
repair and significant annual costs would be incurred to satisfy both
current DOE storage standards, and to provide continued protection
against potential nuclear criticality accidents or theft of the
The DOE Office of Environmental Management now considers the disposal of this uranium 233 to be “an unfunded mandate.”
Thorium reactors also produce uranium 232, which decays into an
extremely potent high-energy gamma emitter that can penetrate one meter
of concrete, making the handling of this spent nuclear fuel
extraordinarily dangerous.
Although thorium advocates say that thorium reactors produce little
radioactive waste, they simply produce a spectrum of waste that’s
different from those from uranium 235, which includes many dangerous
alpha and beta emitters and isotopes with extremely long half-lives,
including technetium 99, with a half-life of 300,000 years, and iodine
129, with a half-life of 15.7 million years.
No wonder the U.S. nuclear industry gave up on thorium reactors in
the 1980s. This was an unmitigated disaster, as are many other nuclear
enterprises undertaken by the nuclear priesthood and the U.S.
Dr. Helen Caldicott
Named after Thor, the Norse god of thunder, thorium has
been touted in recent years as the nuclear industry’s latest “magic
bullet,” a fuel solution that will provide cheap, safe, clean, abundant
energy while simultaneously helping solve climate change. Perhaps these
kinds of fantastic promises sound familiar to those who remember when
conventional nuclear power was billed “too cheap to meter.” As the
heavily-subsidized conventional nuclear power industry struggles to
overcome the stigma of its deadly waste legacy and increasingly
uncompetitive production costs, it clings to thorium as one of very few
potential lifelines. The actual advantages of thorium, however, are as
mythical as its name.
It’s not reactor fuel, and it’s not new
Natural thorium occurs in a metallic form composed almost
entirely of the isotope thorium-232 with a radioactive half-life of
14.05 billion years. (“Half-life” describes the amount of time that it
takes for an element to release half of its radioactivity, decaying to
another element or isotope.) The important fundamental difference
between thorium and uranium is that natural thorium is not fissile,
meaning it requires an outside source of neutron bombardment to start a
reaction. Uranium-235 — which only makes up 0.7% of worldwide uranium
deposits — is the only naturally-occurring fissile material,
meaning uranium-235 is essential to start every first-generation reactor
in the world. The use of thorium as a “fuel” will not change this fact.
When thorium is bombarded with neutrons from uranium-235
(or a reactor-produced fissile material), it undergoes a radioactive
decay chain that yields uranium-233, which is the actual fissile fuel in
a thorium-based reaction. So either the thorium fuel cycle must be
started with conventional uranium fuel — producing a long-lived
radioactive waste stream similar to current reactors — or it could be
started with reactor-borne uranium-233 from a previous reaction. As a
2012 report from the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists points
out, this second method would require a prohibitively large
infrastructure investment: “The only means of producing a constant
source of uranium-233 on the scale necessary to drive a commercial
reactor loaded with thorium at start-up would be a massive ‘separations
installation.’” Uranium-233 has a radioactive half-life of 160,000
Though it is often portrayed as a new technology, thorium
has been used to produce fissile material since the 1950s. The Atomic
Energy Commission (AEC, which later became the Department of Energy or
DOE) processed thorium into uranium-233 at Oak Ridge, Tennessee
(1954-‘58), Savannah River, South Carolina (1964-‘69), and Hanford,
Washington (1965-‘70), in part because of its great potential for use in
H-bombs. In fact, between 1955 and 1968, several nuclear weapon tests
were conducted using uranium-233. In the 1960s, the AEC extensively
explored thorium for civilian nuclear energy use, because it assumed the
US would have 1,000 commercial nuclear power reactors by the year 2000,
necessitating an alternative to uranium-only fuel use. In reality, they
were off by an order of magnitude, as just over 100 reactors were
operating in 2000. Currently, stable uranium prices do not provide
incentive for alternative reactor fuel development.
Failed experiments
The AEC launched several reactor projects in its efforts
to prove that the thorium fuel cycle was a safe and economical energy
source — including the Elk River Reactor in Minnesota, the Molten Salt
Reactor at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and the Light Water
Breeder Reactor at Shippingport, Pennsylvania. By 1977, however, thorium
fuel cycle research was effectively abandoned after the AEC and DOE had
spent billions on its research and development.
The commercial nuclear industry also invested heavily in
thorium fuel cycle experiments before abandoning them. New York’s Indian
Point Unit I was the first commercial reactor to use thorium, in a
pressurized water reactor opened in 1962. According to an Oak Ridge
report, the cost of recovering uranium-233 from the reactor was a
“financial disaster,” with less than one percent of the irradiated
thorium successfully converted to uranium-233, and the utility abandoned
thorium in favor of uranium fuel. The Peach Bottom Unit I prototype — a
40 megawatt, high-temperature, gas-cooled reactor in Pennsylvania —
also used thorium while it operated between 1967 and 1974. This reactor
was closed after repeated fuel element failures caused significant,
expensive down time. The Fort St. Vrain reactor in Colorado — a
high-temperature, gas-cooled 330 megawatt reactor using both thorium and
uranium-235 — operated from 1979 until hundreds of accidents involving
equipment failure, gas leaks, fuel failures, cracked piping and
graphite, and human error led to its ultimate closure in 1989.
If thorium is such a miraculous reactor fuel source, why
did both the DOE and the private sector abandon it decades ago after
investing billions of dollars in its development?
Radioactive waste like all the rest
As part of its Cold War era nuclear programs, the US
produced about two tons of uranium-233. From that amount of waste, which
the industry calls ‘spent fuel,’ 1.55 tons of fissile uranium-233 was
separated at a cost estimated between $5.5 and $11 billion. Of this,
about 428 kilograms (kg) of uranium-233 (about half a ton) is stored at
the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee in a building
inadequately secured against terrorist and other threats and old enough
to be on the National Register of Historic Places. In fact, former DOE
official Robert Alvarez calculates that up to 96 kg of the separated
uranium-233 may actually be missing. (According to the International Atomic Energy Association, it takes only eight kg of uranium-233 to make a nuclear bomb.)
Myth #1: Thorium more efficient than uranium
Making electricity from thorium would require either: 1)
research, development, and building of a whole new fleet of thorium
reactors — it is likely to be at least 10 years before the technology
could be built in a commercial-ready format, and another 10 years for
the NRC to develop a whole new set of regulations for thorium; or 2)
development of a thorium fuel that works within existing reactor
technology. The only feasible way to use a thorium fuel cycle within the
existing fleet of nuclear reactors is with thorium dioxide, the
metallic element’s ceramic form. This kind of a “once-through” thorium
cycle within existing reactors still requires uranium enrichment or
plutonium separation and thorium “target rod” production for starting
the reaction — technologies which would require costly research and
development. Also, a once-through fuel cycle means no extraction of
uranium-233 would be possible once the fuel rods are removed. In a
price-driven electricity market, reactor operators would have no
economic incentive for using thorium this way. Not only would they have
to invest in the development of a new fuel rod technology, they would
lose the potential cost benefits of re-using the uranium-233 from the
used or “spent” fuel. Additionally, the unknown factors involved in
using a new reactor fuel pose significant economic risks.
Used within the existing reactor infrastructure, it is
true that thorium’s properties could allow it to generate more heat than
conventional fuel. However, most of the country’s aging reactors are
already operating near the limit of their capacity to turn heat into
electricity. A switch to thorium-based fuel would thus require hugely
expensive upgrades of heat exchangers and turbines to turn that heat
into electricity. Again, this kind of investment would be difficult to
justify within the current electricity market.
Thorium promoters often refer to its potential for use
within a “breeder” system — that is, one that creates more usable
fissile fuel products than it requires as initial fuel. In thorium’s
case, this means recovering the uranium-233 that results from the
reaction for use to fuel the next reaction. This sounds great in theory,
but the reality is that no thorium breeder that does not require
“reprocessing” (see section below) has ever been successfully developed —
though several countries continue to try. The Oak Ridge National
Laboratory tested “molten salt” reactors throughout the 1960s, with
efforts culminating in an early prototype of a thorium breeder reactor
that used uranium and plutonium as fuel, but — importantly — they were
never able to deploy the “thorium blanket” that would have been used to
actually “breed” the uranium-233 to be recovered from used fuel.
Myth #2: Thorium is safer
In its natural state, thorium is far more radioactive than
uranium, so its handling requires extra safeguards. The surface dose
rate from a 55-gallon drum of thorium is about 60 milli-Roentgens per
hour (mR/hr), about 13 times higher than a similar drum of uranium. A
worker in a thorium storage facility could expect to encounter estimated
dose rates of 60-100 mR/hr, meaning they could reach the US
occupational exposure limit of 5 rem in just over 6 days. Clearly, this
has serious economic and safety implications for thorium’s use in
commercial reactors.
Uranium-232 — a byproduct of the decay of thorium-232 into
uranium-233 — is 60 million times more radioactive than uranium-238,
which makes up the vast majority of uranium ore. Uranium-232’s intense
gamma radiation penetrates body tissues and is difficult to shield
against. With a half-life of 72 years, uranium-232 is a dangerous
product of the thorium fuel cycle that needs to be containerized for ten
half-lives, or 720 years.
Andrew Nelson, a research scientist in the Materials
Science and Technology Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory, wrote
in a 2012 journal article, “The claim that thorium fuels are ‘meltdown
proof’ has no basis in reality, barring the design, development, and
construction of completely new reactor types.”
Thorium-uranium dioxide fuels used in conventional
reactors could indeed have favorable safety attributes compared to
conventional fuels — studies suggest they would melt down more slowly in
a loss-of-coolant accident scenario, and thorium fuels may be more
resistant to cracking or fracture (which creates more surface area). In
the event of a cladding failure or accident, extra surface area would
more rapidly release collected fission products. Cladding is the metal
sheath that holds the uranium fuel pellets. But, as Nelson notes, “it is
important to consider that the response of the fuel is … of engineering
importance only if the cladding fails. If enhanced accident tolerance
is the primary goal, it makes sense to first address the cladding
material itself.” Wouldn’t research dollars be better spent on these
types of safety measures, instead of an unproven new technology?
Myth #3: Thorium is waste-free
The use of thorium-uranium dioxide pellets in current
reactors would provide a small reduction in the production of
transuranic elements (heavier than uranium) such as neptunium, plutonium
and americium. However, as Nelson points out, unless the federal
government changes its policy in taking financial responsibility for
long-term radioactive waste produced by private companies, the potential
for realizing this small transuranic reduction will not provide
incentive for reactor operators to go through the process of developing a
thorium fuel source.
Using thorium within an “advanced fuel cycle” reactor —
including a “breeder” reactor as mentioned earlier — still requires
reprocessing under current technology. Reprocessing means dissolving the
irradiated material in acids and then chemically separating out the
fissile uranium-233, leaving liquid radioactive wastes that hold dozens
of fission products — pieces of split atoms, “activation products” and
“transuranic elements.” Thorium reprocessing poses the same problems and
the same degree of hazard as military plutonium reprocessing, which has
produced hundreds of millions of gallons of highly radioactive wastes
and resulted in over a million gallons of high-level liquid waste.
Like uranium mining, thorium mining produces long-term
hazards. Beyond producing millions of tons of radioactive mine tailings,
both types of extraction are associated with hazardous non-radioactive
metals in their mill tailings, not to mention fossil fuel inputs and
their accompanying carbon emissions.
Myth #4: Thorium is not a proliferation risk
Its proponents often say thorium is not a proliferation
risk because the gamma radiation from its uranium-232 by-product is so
deadly. However, Robert Alvarez argues that the uranium-232
concentrations in uranium-233 do not protect it from use by a
potentially suicidal terrorist, because its deadly effects are not
immediate. Based on a DOE report about waste uranium-233 currently held
at Rocky Flats, Alvarez found that it would take one to two weeks of
exposure at 12 hours per day before the accumulated dose would be
Again, uranium-233 can be used to make nuclear bombs. In
fact, it is in many ways preferable to plutonium for weapons use, as it
does not require advanced shaping and implosion technology to be made
into a bomb. Recognizing uranium-233’s proliferation risk, the DOE
requires stringent safeguards for any quantity of uranium-233 over two
kilograms to prevent “onsite assembly of an improvised nuclear device.”
Like most new technologies proposed by the nuclear
industry, the supposed benefits of thorium are, in fact, too good to be
true. There is a chance that, despite decades of research and billions
of dollars already invested in the technology without success, further
investments could yield a method for using thorium as a fuel that is
better than the uranium used currently. But with climate change, aging
reactors, nuclear waste, and other energy catastrophes looming, why not
invest in proven wind, solar, and energy efficiency solutions instead?
Studies like the Rocky Mountain Institute’s Reinventing Fire and the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research’s Carbon-Free, Nuclear-Free scenarios
have proven it is possible to mitigate global warming and climate
disruption using readily available, safe, clean, renewable technologies.
Unproven, environmentally hazardous, radiotoxic “solutions” like
thorium are only promoted by corporations that stand to profit from
their implementation — and the governments foolish enough to have taken
on the financial burden of their research and development.
— An expanded, footnoted version of this article is available at
There is an extraordinary push by certain individuals to extol the wonders of thorium-fueled nuclear reactors. In fact, so concerted is this push that some blame me for preventing the ongoing expansion of such technology. So here are the facts about thorium for those who are interested.
The U.S. tried for 50 years to create thorium reactors, without success. Four commercial thorium reactors were constructed, all of which failed. And because of the complexity of the problems enumerated below, thorium reactors are, by an order of magnitude, more expensive than uranium-fueled reactors.
The longstanding effort to produce these reactors cost the U.S. taxpayers billions of dollars, while billions more dollars are still required to dispose of the highly toxic waste emanating from these failed trials.
The truth is that thorium is not a naturally fissionable material. It is therefore necessary to mix thorium with either enriched uranium 235 (up to 20-percent enrichment) or plutonium, both of which are innately fissionable, to get the process going. Uranium enrichment is very expensive, while the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel from uranium-powered reactors is enormously expensive and very dangerous to the workers, who are exposed to toxic radioactive isotopes during the process. Reprocessing spent fuel requires chopping up radioactive fuel rods by remote control and dissolving them in concentrated nitric acid, from which plutonium is precipitated out by complex chemical means. Vast quantities of highly acidic, highly radioactive liquid waste then remain to be disposed of. (Only 6 kilograms of plutonium 239 can fuel a nuclear weapon, while each reactor makes 250 kilograms of plutonium per year. One millionth of a gram of plutonium is carcinogenic if inhaled.)
So there is an extraordinarily complex, dangerous and expensive preliminary process to kick-start a fission process in a thorium reactor.
When non-fissionable thorium is mixed with either fissionable plutonium or uranium 235, it captures a neutron and converts to uranium 233, which itself is fissionable. Naturally it takes some time for enough uranium 233 to accumulate to make this particular fission process spontaneously ongoing.
Later the radioactive fuel would be removed from the reactor and reprocessed to separate out the uranium 233 from the contaminating fission products, and the uranium 233 will then be mixed with more thorium, to be placed in another thorium reactor.
But uranium 233 is also a very efficient fuel for nuclear weapons: It takes about the same amount of uranium 233 as plutonium 239 — 6 kilograms — to fuel a nuclear weapon. To its disgrace, the U.S. Department of Energy has already “lost track” of 96 kilograms of uranium 233.
A total of 2 tons of uranium 233 were manufactured in the U.S., and this material naturally requires similar stringent security measures used for plutonium storage, for obvious reasons. It is estimated that it will take over $1 million per kilogram to dispose of the seriously deadly material. An Energy Department safety investigation recently found a national repository for uranium 233 in a building constructed in 1943 at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. It was in a dreadful condition, and investigators reported that an environmental release from a large fraction of the 1,100 containers “could be expected to occur within the next five years because some of the packages are approaching 30 years of age and have not been regularly inspected.” The DOE determined that this building had “deteriorated beyond cost-effective repair and significant annual costs would be incurred to satisfy both current DOE storage standards, and to provide continued protection against potential nuclear criticality accidents or theft of the material.”
The DOE Office of Environmental Management now considers the disposal of this uranium 233 to be “an unfunded mandate.”
Thorium reactors also produce uranium 232, which decays into an extremely potent high-energy gamma emitter that can penetrate one meter of concrete, making the handling of this spent nuclear fuel extraordinarily dangerous.
Although thorium advocates say that thorium reactors produce little radioactive waste, they simply produce a spectrum of waste that’s different from those from uranium 235, which includes many dangerous alpha and beta emitters and isotopes with extremely long half-lives, including technetium 99, with a half-life of 300,000 years, and iodine 129, with a half-life of 15.7 million years.
No wonder the U.S. nuclear industry gave up on thorium reactors in the 1980s. This was an unmitigated disaster, as are many other nuclear enterprises undertaken by the nuclear priesthood and the U.S. government.
Dr. Helen Caldicott
Thorium Fuel’s Advantages Mythical as the Gods
Nukewatch Quarterly Summer 2014
By Arianne Peterson
Named after Thor, the Norse god of thunder, thorium has been touted in recent years as the nuclear industry’s latest “magic bullet,” a fuel solution that will provide cheap, safe, clean, abundant energy while simultaneously helping solve climate change. Perhaps these kinds of fantastic promises sound familiar to those who remember when conventional nuclear power was billed “too cheap to meter.” As the heavily-subsidized conventional nuclear power industry struggles to overcome the stigma of its deadly waste legacy and increasingly uncompetitive production costs, it clings to thorium as one of very few potential lifelines. The actual advantages of thorium, however, are as mythical as its name.
It’s not reactor fuel, and it’s not new
Natural thorium occurs in a metallic form composed almost entirely of the isotope thorium-232 with a radioactive half-life of 14.05 billion years. (“Half-life” describes the amount of time that it takes for an element to release half of its radioactivity, decaying to another element or isotope.) The important fundamental difference between thorium and uranium is that natural thorium is not fissile, meaning it requires an outside source of neutron bombardment to start a reaction. Uranium-235 — which only makes up 0.7% of worldwide uranium deposits — is the only naturally-occurring fissile material, meaning uranium-235 is essential to start every first-generation reactor in the world. The use of thorium as a “fuel” will not change this fact.
When thorium is bombarded with neutrons from uranium-235 (or a reactor-produced fissile material), it undergoes a radioactive decay chain that yields uranium-233, which is the actual fissile fuel in a thorium-based reaction. So either the thorium fuel cycle must be started with conventional uranium fuel — producing a long-lived radioactive waste stream similar to current reactors — or it could be started with reactor-borne uranium-233 from a previous reaction. As a 2012 report from the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists points out, this second method would require a prohibitively large infrastructure investment: “The only means of producing a constant source of uranium-233 on the scale necessary to drive a commercial reactor loaded with thorium at start-up would be a massive ‘separations installation.’” Uranium-233 has a radioactive half-life of 160,000 years.
Though it is often portrayed as a new technology, thorium has been used to produce fissile material since the 1950s. The Atomic Energy Commission (AEC, which later became the Department of Energy or DOE) processed thorium into uranium-233 at Oak Ridge, Tennessee (1954-‘58), Savannah River, South Carolina (1964-‘69), and Hanford, Washington (1965-‘70), in part because of its great potential for use in H-bombs. In fact, between 1955 and 1968, several nuclear weapon tests were conducted using uranium-233. In the 1960s, the AEC extensively explored thorium for civilian nuclear energy use, because it assumed the US would have 1,000 commercial nuclear power reactors by the year 2000, necessitating an alternative to uranium-only fuel use. In reality, they were off by an order of magnitude, as just over 100 reactors were operating in 2000. Currently, stable uranium prices do not provide incentive for alternative reactor fuel development.
Failed experiments
The AEC launched several reactor projects in its efforts to prove that the thorium fuel cycle was a safe and economical energy source — including the Elk River Reactor in Minnesota, the Molten Salt Reactor at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and the Light Water Breeder Reactor at Shippingport, Pennsylvania. By 1977, however, thorium fuel cycle research was effectively abandoned after the AEC and DOE had spent billions on its research and development.
The commercial nuclear industry also invested heavily in thorium fuel cycle experiments before abandoning them. New York’s Indian Point Unit I was the first commercial reactor to use thorium, in a pressurized water reactor opened in 1962. According to an Oak Ridge report, the cost of recovering uranium-233 from the reactor was a “financial disaster,” with less than one percent of the irradiated thorium successfully converted to uranium-233, and the utility abandoned thorium in favor of uranium fuel. The Peach Bottom Unit I prototype — a 40 megawatt, high-temperature, gas-cooled reactor in Pennsylvania — also used thorium while it operated between 1967 and 1974. This reactor was closed after repeated fuel element failures caused significant, expensive down time. The Fort St. Vrain reactor in Colorado — a high-temperature, gas-cooled 330 megawatt reactor using both thorium and uranium-235 — operated from 1979 until hundreds of accidents involving equipment failure, gas leaks, fuel failures, cracked piping and graphite, and human error led to its ultimate closure in 1989.
If thorium is such a miraculous reactor fuel source, why did both the DOE and the private sector abandon it decades ago after investing billions of dollars in its development?
Radioactive waste like all the rest
As part of its Cold War era nuclear programs, the US produced about two tons of uranium-233. From that amount of waste, which the industry calls ‘spent fuel,’ 1.55 tons of fissile uranium-233 was separated at a cost estimated between $5.5 and $11 billion. Of this, about 428 kilograms (kg) of uranium-233 (about half a ton) is stored at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee in a building inadequately secured against terrorist and other threats and old enough to be on the National Register of Historic Places. In fact, former DOE official Robert Alvarez calculates that up to 96 kg of the separated uranium-233 may actually be missing. (According to the International Atomic Energy Association, it takes only eight kg of uranium-233 to make a nuclear bomb.)
Myth #1: Thorium more efficient than uranium
Making electricity from thorium would require either: 1) research, development, and building of a whole new fleet of thorium reactors — it is likely to be at least 10 years before the technology could be built in a commercial-ready format, and another 10 years for the NRC to develop a whole new set of regulations for thorium; or 2) development of a thorium fuel that works within existing reactor technology. The only feasible way to use a thorium fuel cycle within the existing fleet of nuclear reactors is with thorium dioxide, the metallic element’s ceramic form. This kind of a “once-through” thorium cycle within existing reactors still requires uranium enrichment or plutonium separation and thorium “target rod” production for starting the reaction — technologies which would require costly research and development. Also, a once-through fuel cycle means no extraction of uranium-233 would be possible once the fuel rods are removed. In a price-driven electricity market, reactor operators would have no economic incentive for using thorium this way. Not only would they have to invest in the development of a new fuel rod technology, they would lose the potential cost benefits of re-using the uranium-233 from the used or “spent” fuel. Additionally, the unknown factors involved in using a new reactor fuel pose significant economic risks.
Used within the existing reactor infrastructure, it is true that thorium’s properties could allow it to generate more heat than conventional fuel. However, most of the country’s aging reactors are already operating near the limit of their capacity to turn heat into electricity. A switch to thorium-based fuel would thus require hugely expensive upgrades of heat exchangers and turbines to turn that heat into electricity. Again, this kind of investment would be difficult to justify within the current electricity market.
Thorium promoters often refer to its potential for use within a “breeder” system — that is, one that creates more usable fissile fuel products than it requires as initial fuel. In thorium’s case, this means recovering the uranium-233 that results from the reaction for use to fuel the next reaction. This sounds great in theory, but the reality is that no thorium breeder that does not require “reprocessing” (see section below) has ever been successfully developed — though several countries continue to try. The Oak Ridge National Laboratory tested “molten salt” reactors throughout the 1960s, with efforts culminating in an early prototype of a thorium breeder reactor that used uranium and plutonium as fuel, but — importantly — they were never able to deploy the “thorium blanket” that would have been used to actually “breed” the uranium-233 to be recovered from used fuel.
Myth #2: Thorium is safer
In its natural state, thorium is far more radioactive than uranium, so its handling requires extra safeguards. The surface dose rate from a 55-gallon drum of thorium is about 60 milli-Roentgens per hour (mR/hr), about 13 times higher than a similar drum of uranium. A worker in a thorium storage facility could expect to encounter estimated dose rates of 60-100 mR/hr, meaning they could reach the US occupational exposure limit of 5 rem in just over 6 days. Clearly, this has serious economic and safety implications for thorium’s use in commercial reactors.
Uranium-232 — a byproduct of the decay of thorium-232 into uranium-233 — is 60 million times more radioactive than uranium-238, which makes up the vast majority of uranium ore. Uranium-232’s intense gamma radiation penetrates body tissues and is difficult to shield against. With a half-life of 72 years, uranium-232 is a dangerous product of the thorium fuel cycle that needs to be containerized for ten half-lives, or 720 years.
Andrew Nelson, a research scientist in the Materials Science and Technology Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory, wrote in a 2012 journal article, “The claim that thorium fuels are ‘meltdown proof’ has no basis in reality, barring the design, development, and construction of completely new reactor types.”
Thorium-uranium dioxide fuels used in conventional reactors could indeed have favorable safety attributes compared to conventional fuels — studies suggest they would melt down more slowly in a loss-of-coolant accident scenario, and thorium fuels may be more resistant to cracking or fracture (which creates more surface area). In the event of a cladding failure or accident, extra surface area would more rapidly release collected fission products. Cladding is the metal sheath that holds the uranium fuel pellets. But, as Nelson notes, “it is important to consider that the response of the fuel is … of engineering importance only if the cladding fails. If enhanced accident tolerance is the primary goal, it makes sense to first address the cladding material itself.” Wouldn’t research dollars be better spent on these types of safety measures, instead of an unproven new technology?
Myth #3: Thorium is waste-free
The use of thorium-uranium dioxide pellets in current reactors would provide a small reduction in the production of transuranic elements (heavier than uranium) such as neptunium, plutonium and americium. However, as Nelson points out, unless the federal government changes its policy in taking financial responsibility for long-term radioactive waste produced by private companies, the potential for realizing this small transuranic reduction will not provide incentive for reactor operators to go through the process of developing a thorium fuel source.
Using thorium within an “advanced fuel cycle” reactor — including a “breeder” reactor as mentioned earlier — still requires reprocessing under current technology. Reprocessing means dissolving the irradiated material in acids and then chemically separating out the fissile uranium-233, leaving liquid radioactive wastes that hold dozens of fission products — pieces of split atoms, “activation products” and “transuranic elements.” Thorium reprocessing poses the same problems and the same degree of hazard as military plutonium reprocessing, which has produced hundreds of millions of gallons of highly radioactive wastes and resulted in over a million gallons of high-level liquid waste.
Like uranium mining, thorium mining produces long-term hazards. Beyond producing millions of tons of radioactive mine tailings, both types of extraction are associated with hazardous non-radioactive metals in their mill tailings, not to mention fossil fuel inputs and their accompanying carbon emissions.
Myth #4: Thorium is not a proliferation risk
Its proponents often say thorium is not a proliferation risk because the gamma radiation from its uranium-232 by-product is so deadly. However, Robert Alvarez argues that the uranium-232 concentrations in uranium-233 do not protect it from use by a potentially suicidal terrorist, because its deadly effects are not immediate. Based on a DOE report about waste uranium-233 currently held at Rocky Flats, Alvarez found that it would take one to two weeks of exposure at 12 hours per day before the accumulated dose would be lethal.
Again, uranium-233 can be used to make nuclear bombs. In fact, it is in many ways preferable to plutonium for weapons use, as it does not require advanced shaping and implosion technology to be made into a bomb. Recognizing uranium-233’s proliferation risk, the DOE requires stringent safeguards for any quantity of uranium-233 over two kilograms to prevent “onsite assembly of an improvised nuclear device.”
Like most new technologies proposed by the nuclear industry, the supposed benefits of thorium are, in fact, too good to be true. There is a chance that, despite decades of research and billions of dollars already invested in the technology without success, further investments could yield a method for using thorium as a fuel that is better than the uranium used currently. But with climate change, aging reactors, nuclear waste, and other energy catastrophes looming, why not invest in proven wind, solar, and energy efficiency solutions instead? Studies like the Rocky Mountain Institute’s Reinventing Fire and the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research’s Carbon-Free, Nuclear-Free scenarios have proven it is possible to mitigate global warming and climate disruption using readily available, safe, clean, renewable technologies. Unproven, environmentally hazardous, radiotoxic “solutions” like thorium are only promoted by corporations that stand to profit from their implementation — and the governments foolish enough to have taken on the financial burden of their research and development.
— An expanded, footnoted version of this article is available at