Hence, by the principle of equivalence, it [the photon] must have non-zero gravitational mass, and so, light must be heavy.... the relativistic mass[equals]the rest mass of the particles plus the mass represented by their kinetic energy. ... Fluctuations in pressure at time scales of the inverse collision frequency will be dampened/averaged out by the inertia of the balance such that a stable reading of the mass, the gravitational mass of the closed system, is obtained. Although nothing at all is at rest inside the box, the gravitational mass is equal to the rest mass of the box as a whole! The rest mass of the box is not equal to the sum of the rest masses of its contents. The reason that we find Mg = M0 is that we have a closed system with the centre of mass of all the particles at rest.... the photons, are gravitationally red or blue shifted at upward or downward propagation respectively. This again results in a net (radiation) pressure ... The shorter the wavelength, λ = 2π ̄hc/E, of the photons, the heavier the box. ...the gravitational mass of light is mg = E/ c2 . ... Matter is taking the role of energy container, radiation is some sort of released, “free” energy, that must fly through space. The gravitational mass equals the inertial mass, which is identical to the relativistic mass... It shows that the term “rest mass” really only means that the centre of mass of the object is at rest in the frame of the observer. ...In the Dirac theory, the electron is like electromagnetic energy quivering at light speed, just like a photon in a box [5]. If really so, matter is light.... If the photon would be put to rest, its gravitational mass would equal its rest mass, and hence vanish. The intriguing question is, what would happen if we could stop the electron from spinning? Mark, M.B., & Hooft, G.W. (2015). Light is Heavy. arXiv: History and Philosophy of Physics. https://arxiv.org/abs/1508.06478
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