Published in the January-February-2022 issue of Analog Science Fiction & Fact
This column was written and submitted 09/07/2021
"The new development that we will discuss in this column is that European theorists Blazquez-Salenco, Knoll, and Radu (B-SKR) have reconsidered the physics of wormholes, but using the assumption they are made with fermion particles. They employ Einstein-Dirac-Maxwell (EDM) theory, a semiclassical way of uniting aspects of quantum mechanics and general relativity. Their calculation uses Planck units that set G = c = ħ = 1, so their results are in units of the Planck length, mass, and time, and the Planck unit charge, which is about 3.3 electron charges.Their calculations assume that the matter components of the wormhole are two Dirac fermions with half-integer spins arranged to have opposite spin orientations. The resulting wormhole has mass M and is threaded by lines of electric flux that enter one wormhole mouth (giving the appearance of a negative charge -Qe) and emerge from the other wormhole mouth (giving the appearance of a positive charge +Qe). There is also a requirement that Qe > M in Planck units. The threaded-field-line configuration has been described by John Wheeler as "charge without charge," since there is an electric field trapped by the topology of the wormhole, but no actual electric charge is present. The two fermion particles occupying the wormhole throat have entangled wave functions, and appear to observers at the two wormhole ends as an entangled particle and antiparticle pair."
because of their simplicity and stability fermionic wormholes might have been produced naturally....
Fermionic Transversable Wormholes
by John G. Cramer
We consider a static wormhole as a waveguide and determine the conditions for full transmission through the wormhole waveguide for a quantum particle with zero angular momentum. We find that the waveguide is transparent when the de Broglie wavelength of the quantum particle is an integer times twice the throat diameter of the wormhole. Such an effect may be realizable in graphene, plasmonic or optical wormholes.
have been produced naturally
BOTH papers cite:
the wormhole
becomes a transparent waveguide.
Even the esoteric question of whether quantum field theory can enforce an averaged version of the ‘weak energy condition’ has been pondered in the wormhole context [17]
Given the recent experimental progress, a verification of our prediction for zero angular momentum particles passing through a graphene wormhole geometry [7, 8, 9], and possibly by optical, plasmonic or other means [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16], would be highly desirable."
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