Hi Drew,
This is just to say that as your 2nd comment was unrelated to the subject of the video I’ve deleted it. Sorry about that! Which discussion on line were you thinking of in your first comment?
Brian D. Josephson
Emeritus Professor of Physics, University of Cambridge
Director, Mind–Matter Unification Project
Cavendish Laboratory, JJ Thomson Ave, Cambridge CB3 0HE, UK
WWW: http://www.tcm.phy.cam.ac.uk/~ bdj10
Tel. +44(0)1223 337260
This is just to say that as your 2nd comment was unrelated to the subject of the video I’ve deleted it. Sorry about that! Which discussion on line were you thinking of in your first comment?
Brian D. Josephson
Emeritus Professor of Physics, University of Cambridge
Director, Mind–Matter Unification Project
Cavendish Laboratory, JJ Thomson Ave, Cambridge CB3 0HE, UK
WWW: http://www.tcm.phy.cam.ac.uk/~
Tel. +44(0)1223 337260
Hi Brian: Thanks for your kind response and I hope your qigong is
going well. Jack mentioned you recently - he's been doing youtube talks
about his model for an antigravity spacecraft. I haven't studied Rod
Sutherland enough - the scientist Jack is relying on - but it appears to
be a "relativization" of quantum physics - using general relativity?
Jack said he was having a debate with you and Nick Herbert about the
meaning of general relativity. At 23 minutes into the below link Jack
At 57 minutes into this livestream Jack says:
Jack is relying on this model of reality:
formalized an intuitive action-reaction between waves and particles
that I advocated in 1996 at the Tucson Conference (Stuart Hameroff). I
got the idea from Bohm and Hiley’s book “Undivided Universe” where they
mention “two way relationship” same idea Einstein used to get General
Relativity in with the action of spacetime on the free fall of matter is
compensated by the reaction of matter back on spacetime that is
recognized as the “geometrodynamical field” with material sources. The
only reason quantum entanglement is not a stand-alone keyless Command
Control Communication Channel (C4) alternative to electromagnetic field
signalling, is the violation the action-reaction principle. In Quantum
Mechanics (QM) the waves have no sources and that is why we need a
classical electromagnetic signal key to locally decrypt the message
encoded in the quantum entanglement pattern that is beyond space-time.
This changes in Post-Quantum-Mechanics (PQM) for room temperature
non-equilibrium “superconductors” found in living matter pumped by
metabolism. This was first realized by Herbert Frohlich with whom I had
contact in the 1960s and 1970s. Consciousness, telepathy, PK, precognition are all easily
understood as PQM phenomena." Jack Sarfatti
Do you have any more information about your debate with Jack re: general relativity?
drew On 29 Oct 2022, at 17:27,
Do you have any more information about your debate with Jack re: general relativity?
Well, it is not a scientific debate, that’s for sure, because I
only know the basics of GR and have not been following the details.
Jack refers to it as a debate as a matter of self-aggrandisement, I
would guess. However, something I’ve been reading
has made me think that SR connects time and space which are different
things, which suggests that c is something more important than I had
been assuming before. So it just possible that there could be something
to Jack’s theory. However Wanser doesn’t seem
to think much of it and probably Jack is muddled.
Fascinating! You know that Jack has been emphasizing Olivier Costa
de Beauregard lately and Costa de Beauregard's emphasis was if you just
have a retrocasual time signal then it can be superluminal since it's
before spacetime. For me this is due to noncommutativity of light. For
example B.J. Sidharth has a great quote on this:
Essentially, this noncommutative nature of spacetime is the underlying geometry to which the superluminal nature of a photon can be attributed to.
Of course my perspective is from music theory being noncommutative as per Alain Conne's lecture, "Music of the Sphere."
What do you think of this please?
thanks again,
I think Jean Charon was correct about the electron deriving from
virtual photons - and this has made a comeback via John G. Williamson
relying on Louis de Broglie.
Martin van der Mark co-authored the paper, "Light is Heavy" with Gerard
't Hooft and later John G. Wiliamson and Martin van der Mark postulated
the electron is actually made of photons. Also Fred Alan Wolf makes
this same claim in his "Time Loops" book. Finally Gerard 't Hooft's
eternal black hole is based on this same concept and so argues for
virtual microscopic black holes at the foundation of matter.
G. Cramer similarly states that 1/2 spin enables worm holes at weak
energy and also the claim is that noncommutative black holes are
| 10:03 AM (4 hours ago) | ||
I hadn’t picked up what you say about de B before.
| 12:30 PM (2 hours ago) | ||
you Professor Josephson. I will look for the SciAm interview. That
stage of feeling lighter while moving through the air is described as a
Tibetan yoga technique by Alexandra Neel. I have had that feeling also -
I'm convinced that 1/2 spin causes an antigravity magnetic levitation
via a time-reversed signal. In fact there was a recently published
experiment in the journal Nature using magnetic spheres that connect via
the friction of two glass tube walls. Strangely as the tubes are
rotated the spheres rise up against gravity and since it happens
regardly of the direction of rotation of the tubes it demonstrates time
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=5gSglh5DkP0 Here is the video with the links in the description. thanks
I am just now reading Michael Grosso's book, "The Man Who Could Fly" about Saint Joseph de Copertino. Actually the teacher I took qigong classes from, qigong grandmaster Chunyi Lin of http://springforestqigong.com
shared with us in 2000 at our Level 3 retreat that when he finished his
cave meditation at Mt. Qingcheng, he did really levitate!! So he said
he did 28 days of nonstop full lotus padmasana meditation in the cave
with no sleep the whole time - and during this time the cave completely
filled with light and he traveled into heaven - he had experiences with
his ancestors and with ancient Daoist masters - including Lao Tzu
touching his head.
I find this hard to believe since I
doubt Lao Tzu existed as a person just as I doubt Jesus existed as a
person. haha. Still the Ishwara needs to be experienced as the Yang Shen
or a bilocation of new matter - the golden body - I think. Whereas it
is the formless awareness that is the real ether-shakti force - called
the Yuan Qi in Daoism or the Emptiness....The Absolute Void that always
radiates light! I have experienced this spacetime vortex also! It is
explained in chapter 11 of the book, "Taois Yoga: alchemy and
immortality" (free online).
Actually when Chunyi Lin
shared that levitation story I had recently read the biography of the
most famous Thai Buddhist monk, Phra Acharn Mun. I had ordered the book
through interlibrary loan to finish my master's degree through the
African Studies Department in self-directed nonwestern meditation
(challenging the hierarchical Natural Law of Plato, etc.). That book is
now freely online - and in that biography Phra Acharn Mun explains how
his meditation partner was levitating next to him. As soon as the
partner had the thought, "I am meditating" then he fell back down. So he
had to train his samadhi to completely empty out his left brain while
he still was visualizing the levitation as a kind of "turning the light"
around experience aka the nirvikalpa samadhi.
So it is just
as you say where the attention has to focus on the emptiness - I think
this is just the same as the Quantum Zeno Effect. For example I found a
new experiment that says they can create a quantum wormhole qubit using
the quantum Zeno Effect. The nonlocality is maintained at the
millisecond time frame while the Quantum Zeno "measurement" takes place
at the microsecond (ultrasound frequency directly connects to the
microtubule quantum coherence resonance model of Hameroff and Penrose) -
thereby preventing the collapse of entanglement while information is
processed through the wormhole.
So also Sir John Pendry has
now demonstrated in his new "Archimedes' Spiral" circularly polarized
light experiment that he can absorb negative frequency, thereby
violating the conservation of momentum just as the de Broglie Law of
Phase Harmony allows! So previously the only experiment I know of
absorbing negative frequencies (and turning them into increased photons)
was by using your Josephson Junction! I think I told you about that
Strangely on youtube there are a plethora of
"science" vids like the "official science" PBS Spacetime channel that
claims "virtual photons" don't exist in reality since they are a
byproduct of renormalization mathematics. I find it quite amazing how
the symmetric rest frame mentality ever since Plato promoting Archytas
math of the wrong music theory even causes people to ignore the latest
science experiments. haha.
Thanks for acknowledging my
mentioning of de Broglie. When I learned of his "Law of Phase Harmony" I
was reading the excellent yet rare book by this Italian physicist -
Andre someone?
As described in their paper that was published in the journal Nature on October 19, the Thompson group has combined the spookiness of both entanglement and delocalization to realize a matter-wave interferometer that can sense accelerations with a precision that surpasses the standard quantum limit (a limit on the accuracy of an experimental measurement at a quantum level) for the first time. By doubling down on the spookiness, future quantum sensors will be able to provide more precise navigation, explore for needed natural resources, more precisely determine fundamental constants such as the fine structure and gravitational constants, look more precisely for dark matter, or maybe even one day detect gravitational waves.
Later pulses of laser light then reverse the process bringing the quantum wave packets back together so that any changes in the environment such as accelerations or rotations can be sensed by a measurable amount of interference happening to the two parts of the atomic wave packet, much like is done with light fields in normal interferometers, but here with de’Broglie waves, or waves made of matter.
ournal article
Scientific American
Vol. 214, No. 5 (May 1966), pp. 30-39 (10 pages)
Published By: Scientific American, a division of Nature America, Inc.
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