More Grim Climate Trends and Tipping Points
The climate crisis being the most important issue warrants even a deeper dive. Thanks for that Science article on the 1.5 degree "tipping points" yet I would scrutinize that science as well as being not well-educated. For example search the article for "methane" and you find something sorely lacking: We get this reference: D. Archer, B. Buffett, V. Brovkin, Ocean methane hydrates as a slow tipping point in the global carbon cycle. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.106, 20596–20601 (2009).
No - it's NOT a "slow tipping point" - it's a Methane Bomb of pressurized methane - over 500 gigatons that could easily blow very fast!!
So if we go read that reference cited in the article YOU cite - we find that methane hydrate article makes NO REFERENCE of Natalia Shakhova's research! Her research has been corroborated by an international research team as well - just a few years ago.
So there's no excuse for a "Science" article to ignore the East Siberian Arctic Shelf Methane bomb - the ESAS is the largest ocean shelf in the world!!
And some global climate models already put us at over 1.6 C global average - meaning these tipping points are already fully activated!!
Finally let's search the article you cite for the Aerosol Masking Effect...
No - Nothing! No mention of Dimming either. Yet recent science has proven the Aerosol Masking Effect is TWICE as bad as previously thought - this means a 40% decrease in sulfur pollution from burning coal (one third of CO2 emissions) will heat up Earth another 1 degree Celsius global average!! So that's a HUGE tipping point - in fact James Hansen of NASA global warming fame - he has stated that the Aerosol Masking Effect is the main cause of temperature increases now globally.
You can see the blog "arctic - news" blogspot for more details. You thanked me before for telling you about that blog.
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