Friday, June 24, 2022

Words of Wisdom during EcoDoom End times: Mother Nature will Win

These are words of wisdom spoken from experience! Yes I lived in Alaska 30 years ago - working for a man who homestead there in 1980 - and we hauled water with five gallon buckets via a sled from the local bog - fresh clean water not even filtered! It was awesome. We lived just south of the steepest mountain the world!! Alaska is truly stunning and we left in December with six feet of snow. Yet the latest "Arctic - News" blogspot reports that in 1985 there was over 30% of four year old ice in March in the arctic and now it's less than 5% of four year old ice in the Arctic in March - so just that fact alone demonstrates how the habitat for wildlife is rapidly vanishing. I started out my six months in Alaska working in a fish processing - crab also - on the Kenai Peninsula and also a weekend on Kodiak Island - so yes I can understand the enormity of that dependence on the wild fish now being depleted. I even worked in the Japanese salmon egg room - caviar - with my friend - we were the only ones not speaking Japanese (and not drinking Sake during breaks). Well I was able to "escape" Alaska by applying to University while I was in the cabin!! haha. But did I really escape? Of course not - immediately I realized (after I recovered from Culture shock of not even having a phone for six months or electricity or plumbing or even Insulation!! - ) - that the modern world was being bombarded by genocidal military weapon advertisements constantly as if it was "A-OK." So I got arrested eight times from 1994 to 2009.
 Thanks for the response! I completely agree (on another channel - reposting here). The sovereignty of the people is what makes the U.S. different than Canada. Yet unfortunately the permit zoning as ordinances force people to "develop" their land. I mean - that was what Homesteading was based on also - free land if it is "developed." haha. Only now it costs tens of thousands of dollars for a well and septic and electricity, etc. Yes a person has to "skirt" the codes - which is quite tragic - in most counties in the U.S. There's a lot of debate and ordinances around the U.S. that I have dug up - city councils, etc. town boards - county planning commissions, blah blah - against people doing "permanent camping" on their own land that they own!! For one thing - I called up the MPCA and asked if I needed a permit for a composting toilet. The person said - he was out of Duluth - " Is there discharge?" I said, "No." He said, "Well you don't need a permit then." I said "great" - and that was it !! End of story. ONLY if you read my county permitting - if there is a "toilet containment device" or whatever that is "in a structure" then there still has to be a sewage permit - thereby requiring a septic system installed!! Talk about defeating the whole purpose of a composting toilet. So the answer? Don't put the composting toilet in a "structure" aka a "privy" - but rather put the composting toilet in a "shelter" aka a "tent." haha. OK so far so good. NOW - legally I can camp over six months a year - making it a primary residence according to the IRS but the State Tax Assessment says that if someone is camping then it is "seasonal recreational" thereby REQUIRING a "permanent" domicile as a tax filing address somewhere else to be a "Permanent resident" of the state. OK so oops - once again required to have all the "development" costing "tens of thousands" and destroying ecology. Of course the tax assessor can also use the "Highest Use" for that zoning area - in my case it would be 4b as a "part time dwelling" in an "undevelopmental" residential nonhomestead. See there catch there - that is the Hunting Shacks and Cabins - they are not even seasonal!! They are "part-time dwellings" meaning two weeks at a time maximum. haha. Basically according to the IRS you can have a Farm as a "point" farm that means $1000 in either sales or ASSETS that will build to $1000 in sales. If you have your land as a farm but you CAMP out on the land - then that SHOULD be the "highest use" if you are living there permanently and thus it's not a seasonal recreational campsite (requiring some other permanent "developed" facilities elsewhere. That SHOULD be the case but then that is not really the "Highest use" is it? NOt according to modern development standards. hahaha. In my view - the forest summer birds that migrate there have been doing so for at least two million years - who am I to go in to "develop" my land just to make some profit for the local well digger and the local septic company and the local electrician or whatever - the local road survey blah blah - it's all a corporate-state government corruption scam that's destroying ecology.
 yes and we have the help of the Universe inside us also. At least Mother Nature is taking revenge. She will win in the end - despite all our "modern" efforts failing (I meant to type Flailing) to "save" the planet. hahaha.
 Knowledge, skills, abilities (KSA) lifecycle and methodology. Surgeons complete a periodic knowledge assessment aligned with a military unique curriculum, Funny how the military supposedly teaches people how to survive while as Smedley Butler points out War is a Racket for the elite Wall STreet genocidal machine destroying all life on Earth. Military intelligence is the best oxymoron.

 Certified Fire Marshal ; ? yeah - well burn out is the norm in our stress addicted culture. I do rely on spirulina as a direct mitochondria energy nutrient. Also I love chocolate but try to get the child-slave free labor kind of chocolate (requiring the local cooperative as the best source). Bulk Cayenne and Bulk Ginger are other key nutrient secrets. Of course everyone has their nutrient preferences. I used to eat at least one BULB of garlic a day - so that makes a person a hermit to be sure. hahaha. Amazing I survived that experience. Well I dumpster dived my food so I supplemented with organic ginger and cilantro and canned salmon also sometimes - the brain fat is very good. Depression is from Lung Damage - so if your career deals with smoke then that would explain the depression (besides the fact of the obvious accelerating eco-doom on Earth and the even more obviously mass mind controlled zombies from the indoctrination of mass mind control media.
 The only problem with trying to be isolated is that if you have a cell phone then you can be tracked. For example is someone uses their cell phone to take a photo then someone else can track the jpg data. I had someone try to do that with a photo I took but luckily I used a DUMB phone. Smart phones turn people into microwaved one-fingered idiots while dump flip phones keep people still a bit more smart. hahahaha. Actually not sure how long I can have that dumb phone - looks like the company is shutting them down maybe? I don't know something about 5G or 4G or whatever.
 yes at least our bodies are crawling with dust mites and before we empty our bowels we have just as many anaerobic bacteria in our bodies as we do human cells! We can use our knowledge of quantum biology to harness the true power of Mother Nature as the Cosmic Mother beyond Doom - what that Bioneers indigenous inuit speaker calls the Womb of the Universe.
 Sure and my favorite time is deep dreamless sleep when I have no idea that spacetime exists. We think we must be biological machines that "turn on" when we wake up and thus we define our reality by our perceptions and sensations while awake or maybe dreaming. Yet where do we go during deep dreamless sleep? What if we never woke up? Why do we NEED deep dreamless sleep as that necessary feeling of bliss that is required to refresh and restore our body and brain to be awake. Because that is out TRUE SELF during deep dreamless sleep only our mind is ignorant of it. We find out this truth when our spirit leaves our body. haha. For example ghosts are real - so a person after death is floating around as a coherent light that already exists inside our bodies!! Yet in "what" does this ghost float? that is the true question that is answered during deep dreamless sleep - it is an eternal listening as a truth from the future that is taking care of us all the time - a harmonizing music - that we can never see but we can listen to!!
   Mike there's whole towns in Mexico that actually are literally prisons!! Outdoor prisons - kind of like if you step on any corporate property like a Mall then you immediately lose your Bill of Rights. People want corporations to be the ONLY "Legal Persons" left run as "eternal" or "immortal" fascist institutions with no responsibility except to extracting wealth. So much for the Bill of Rights - it's now only used to protect the only "Legal People" left - the corporations have true sovereignty now. haha. So we are literally in open prisons now everywhere - we expect our Bill of Rights on private corporate "media" platforms? Hilarious. The mathematics of the technology is inherently fascist - from Platonic philosophy. So when you write PENILE Colony instead of Penal Colony - you are referring to the Phallic patriarchy "ejaculation" Missile Envy drive of destruction that is from our Platonic philosophy as Professor Camille Paglia so elaborated in her tome, Sexual Personae.
 starvation and disease - that's how the white european "Ecological Imperialism" was so successful as Professor Alfred Crosby titled his excellent book. So Physics Professor Albert Bartlett used his town of Boulder CO as the perfect example of a supposed Natural John Denver type Eco-Haven beset by the need for "growth" as "progress." Even 2% a year of growth seems like nothing unless we realize that it is compounded, and the "goals" of 7% a year in growth - that China boasted about and the US strove for, etc. - show how modern industrial humans are no different than bacteria doubling in growth in a petry dish. The day before at 50% we all live in an Eco-Bounty of Plenty. The next day it's all over.
 That book "The Geography of Nowhere" really nailed it - James Kunstler's classic. the Globalization is a Homogenization so you can travel across the world to stand in line in McDonalds in Rabat Morocco - sure you might get an extra long traditional Arabic greeting before you order that Big Mac or whatever. haha. Pretty soon the Rural Towns are beset by 5G cell phone towers and Yuppie Sprawl Cookie Cutter cul de Sacs, etc. It all just blends together but luckily Mother Nature is taking revenge.
 HGV = Heavy goods vehicle. Yes on energy options remember to factor in the Aerosol Masking Effect and how we're in a Catch-22 of Epic Accelerating Doom. I agree that the 50 million people facing critical hunger currently in Africa pales to the problems of deciding what's the most environmentally efficient means to live in a Western NeoColonial Genocidal regime center. The Periphery of the Empire is where it's most effective to be efficient. The Holocaust Survivors explain this well -
I'm developing a scheme to domesticate Two-Headed Depleted Uranium Babies. For example the Nonprofit NGO Foundation scam industry should provide me a nice CEO status via some guilt-trippy InfoMercials on the Boob Tube while I pull in a 6 figure salary.
 That reminds me of Simone de Beauvoir's book on the scam in the U.S. of how the elderly are sent off to nursing homes to die lonely deaths of mistreatment. Can't remember the title of that book although her tour of 1950s Sororities was called "America Day by Day" - another great expose corroborate by the anthropology study I read of how 1950 Sororities were to train women to marry into money based on cynicism. I mean - you gotta do what you gotta do in the Post-WWII Imperial Success story. haha.
 Are you referring to that South Korean monk movie I watched where he sits in the rain of a waterfall to mediate? What I look to do is fumble around taking as long as possible to be as most inefficient as possible just to drive all the evil rubber-neckers doing their evil "drive-bys" as they project their inanities onto me about what a failure I am. I find that hilarious. A good book on this is WATT by Samuel Beckett - he couldn't get it published though, despite his later famous plays, etc.
yes since his mom brings him Poppy Muffins everyday - what could more more ethical! Or what - I'm getting Dave confused with his favorite author, Thoreau. I can brag that people tried to get me to read Thoreau but I saw right through it just by the title of the book being too pretentious. It could be that I grew up next to a "pond" that originally had been called a swamp until the city dredged it into a "lake." Even then it retained its natural habitat - despite being in the city - so I got to see huge snapping turtles and crayfish (my favorite) and raccoons. Probably the huge Geese flock that the Eastern European Immigrant lady kept feeding bags of white bread - thus creating an ecological nightmare - is what did in the whole "Pond" I grew up next to - the piles of goose shit were impressive indeed. I didn't mind at all - I used to fish around that pond every day on my own. Yeah by the time I was in high school the pond had been destroyed and thus I realized my little microcosm would soon become the macrocosm of the whole planet that I liked to pretend was in my hands, as the little ditty goes.
   Isn't that Kolbyn shelter actually Laplander? Or do Laplanders consider themselves Swedish? I had some Swedish relatives visit and they particularly admired the Buffalo as they said Europe used to have Bison. Then I took them to Fort Snelling where our indigenous people were recreating their Fort times - I asked the indigenous young lady if she had to eat muskrat since the Western Europeans had already scarfed down all the local good wildlife. Do you know that the European colonizers to built their forts ate six POUNDS of meat a day! Holy smokes - no wonder the local wildlife got extirpated and the native trappers had to eat muskrat after that.
 yes the cabin I lived in was surrounded by bear tracks and our "boss" had a gun to scare off the moose so they didn't kill the sled dogs in the winter snow sled trails. I was only 19 and so either I left or I basically spent my life there with my girlfriend in the cabin with me. So she planned our escape with the help of the retired Mormon couple who had moved into the deserted bar down a few miles away. The Feds had raided the Bar as a den of heroin dealing - a helicopter raid no less - and the laundry across the street - also abandoned had a street public phone - my only means of calling home. My dad threatened to come get me only he had no way of finding us I think. We hitch-hiked nine rides to get there. It was all very surreal - our boss had showed me his photos of his wild life - he had been a mountain guide climber on Mt. Cook in New Zealand and he had been mercenary in Zimbabwe - working for the racist white Rhodesians. So yeah he was reading our mail and dangerous - and then I found a copy of Stephen King's "The Shining" in some shed. haha. Actually he was enduring (I guess I meant to say endearing but not sure about that one) in some ways - his dad was a prominent grocer in Philly and so when his son, my 'boss," got busted doing LSD in the 60s then he fled the U.S. to homestead first on a houseboat in Amsterdam, then in the desert in Africa and Israel and so on.... last thing he did was a cocaine spree in Europe paid for by the lady he showed me "shots" of - I was all too innocent for all of this. So it was a miracle I survived the experience. hahahaha.
 yes when I stayed in Anchorage I saw a moose in the street! Hilarious. My state now has an estimated 4000 Moose - I find that very difficult to believe. I've never seen a moose in my state. Glad they are surviving so far as they have struggled but the Elk are extirpated I think. Even our local weatherman talked about global warming tonight on the state news public show. Yet he doesn't really give all the details of course - he doesn't know them I suppose. It is so easy for the wildlife to lose their habitat - all it takes is someone trying to lead a "Normal" life of "development." haha. Most people have no idea - just as if I drive a car I had no idea that I'm inherently killing the planet. So we will exist as citizens of the Universe in our post body spirit state. Our next incarnations on EArth will most likely be in some mutated radioactive matter form lasting ten million years.
 The Lord's Prayer originates from Egypt. The book, "Christ in Egypt" was D.M. Murdock's academic tome. She died young from the stress of her attempt to take on the patriarchal Solar Priest "mass sacrifice" religions - she left her body on Dec. 25th. I corresponded with her several times as I went to the University archives to read Bishop Lightfoot's critique against gnosticism. Lightfoot fully acknowledges that Eusebius concocted the four gospels based on secondary hearsay sources. Eusebius was a big Brown-No$er to the Imperial Masters - there was a recent book on this - maybe that Richard Carrier dude I think - his Ph.D. work is on the scam of the imperial church. 
Still in terms of Egyptian alchemy - "Lord" means "annointed" as in tantric celibacy. So for example the Catholic prayer, "Bless us oh Lord for these Thy Gifts which we are about to receive from thy bounty, Christ our lord, Amen" - is what I was raised saying even though I went to protestant churches. So Christ really just refers to the four directions as the Logos from Pythagorean Egyptian alchemy. D.M. Murdock is all based on scholarly footnotes - it's an encyclopedic work. She had a forum that I posted on several times - she passed on in 2015. I posted on her forum around 2006 to 2008. I got her Christ in Egypt book right after she had passed on but I didn't even realize it at the time that she had breast cancer. It turns out that there are deep subconscious emotional blockages - like anger - that turns into a hatred in the heart - and this can cause disease like strokes or cancer, etc. So the key to Egyptian alchemy is actually the Lunar Calendar while Christianity was based on the Greek promotion of the Solar Calendar via the Essenes - and the spread of wheat farming as a moinoculture for imperialism. 
The lunar calendar is our ancient sacrificial blood spiritual training from the Eland Bull Dance that is documented to be over 70,000 years old - that is our true original human culture. The Eland Bull Dance takes place at the female's first menstruation with the N/om energy being the strongest as the Lunar psychic pineal gland energy. The female is thus transformed into a Male hunter and also the male Eland Bull. The male eland bull has the most fat around the heart and thus the greatest N/om. The N/om originates from the yang qi as the neurohormone celibacy energy and so it is strongest when puberty kicks in. All the males were thus required to do Tshoma training of one month of fasting and dancing all day - thereby ionizing the neurohormones into increased serotonin neurotransmitters in the brain. The serotonin has a benzene type "pi resonance" molecule that is the same as auxin in plant roots - it resonates in the tubulin of the microtubules of our neurons thereby creating a quantum nonlocal resonance that is the future and past overlapping as the Cosmic Mother source of all reality. 
So in our original spiritual training we rely on listening to the source of the light and thus in the Bible it is taught, "God SAID "Let there be light." The etymology of God is actually from the Sumerian word for Bull - that then became the IndoEuropean root word for Bull - just as Brahman also means Bull.
This the Bull as God originates from the Eland Bull dance of our first menstruation and this is why the "Cow Jumps over the Moon" in Zoroastrian mythology and Hathor is the Blue Cow of Egypt - it is the Blue light of the Soul that manifests as blue light then absorbs the virtual photons or negative frequency and reverse time energy of the future. This is the Cosmic MOther as the Apopis or Apocalypse from Egyptian Alchemy that we are increasingly experiencing on Earth. It is the same as the Indian Tantric Shakti power of Kali that means the Cosmic Mother as Time or Kala that also creates and destroys matter at the same time.
So in Egypt and West Asia this time was known as Aeon - that also was the secret kundalini energy as the Lord - the annointed one. So the Pythagoreans taught that the Aeon goes up the back as the life force cerebrospinal fluid that the manifests out of the brain as the Fire of the Universe. So the Cosmic Mother is BREATHING the Universe that then creates the fire as the Lord - this is called the "second baptism" in the evangelical church - but originates from Egyptian alchemy of Osiris who must be sacrificed to rise again as Horus based on the Cosmology of the Precession of the EQuinoxes. So that the rising star of Sirius predicts the Flooding of the Nile as the inherent fertility of the land as the "annointed one" of Osiris rising again from Death - just as Easter is based on the first Full Moon After the Equinox in the Spring.
So what happened is that Roger Bacon in the 1300s then created a Solar Calendar for the West that finally got rid of the Lunar calendar influence and since females have to live in Nature as a group for the natural psychic energy to resonate through the pineal gland and heart as the Eland Bull Dancing ritual thus humans lost our sacred connection of the "yin qi" of Earth's Schumann Resonance - this is the OM as the reverse time undertone from the future virtual photons as negative frequency. So Dr. Andrija Puharich first discovered this during his mind control paranormal research for the military and MKULTRA. 
It's all corroborated by quantum biology if you study the work of Sir Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff his collaborator - the Professor Emeritus from Arizona.
Just as the Birds Singing in the morning use high frequency resonates to stimulate the Stomata of Plants to open up, thereby absorbing the Solar Dew nutrients to grow - as alchemy - so too does our listening to the highest pitch we hear externally resonate our brain as ultrasound creating quantum coherence of the "stomata" or microtubules inside our neurons and collagen (the most common protein in our bodies). 
This is why Original Sin was the Moon God of Sumeria and the Garden of Eden originally was not a Garden at all. In Sumeria the myth of Eden referred to the "wild" grasslands as pasture where the wild Bulls lived - the last animals to be domesticated. It was only with the rise of the urban hierarchical solar ritual priests did then Eden get transformed into an urban garden myth as mass mind control. The Tree of Life is the secret kundalini energy that needs to be harmonized with the Tree of Knowledge as the Pineal gland via the ionization of the neurohormones. This is explained in Yogananda's book - his autobiography - actually it was his teacher, the yoga master Sri Yukteswar who explains this truth.

So you think "ScienceDaily" reporting the peer reviewed research on the Aerosol Masking Effect being now twice as strong as previously thought was just an Op-Ed as a political commentary? haha. I find it hilarious that people approach science as consumers - you know the customer is always correct! Personally I hope you get a 100% refund if you don't like your product at the Mall - I call this "Mall Science" as the willful ignorance practiced as the norm on the interwebs. 
I've posted the Aerosol Masking Effect evidence here numerous times. I'll do it again just for fun: We need to rethink everything we know about global warming: 
New calculations show scientists have grossly underestimated the effects of air pollution (source: sciencedaily at youtube censors links )  
"With this new method, Rosenfeld and his colleagues were able to more accurately calculate aerosols' cooling effects on the Earth's energy budget. And, they discovered that aerosols' cooling effect is nearly twice higher than previously thought."  
"It follows that the global warming acceleration is due to the one huge climate forcing that we have chosen not to measure: the forcing caused by imposed changes of atmospheric aerosols. " 
recent blog post of James Hansen, NASA global warming guru. 
 Back to ScienceDaily:
 "However, new research published in Science by Hebrew University of Jerusalem Professor Daniel Rosenfeld shows that the degree to which aerosols cool the earth has been grossly underestimated, necessitating a recalculation of climate change models to more accurately predict the pace of global warming." 
So then I did a review reading of the research on the aerosol masking effect. Essentially based on Daniel Rosenfeld's research - a 40% decrease in sulfur (mainly coal) pollution will heat up Earth another 1 degree Celsius global average. 
James Hansen is referring to the cleaning up of sulfur pollution from cargo ships and cruise ships for example as actually heating up Earth. The Aerosol Masking Effect is highly localized also - so after 9/11 then the U.S. heated up 1 degree Celsius and after Covid - China heated up. McFearSun has claimed that the flooding of China is due to increased water vapor from increased temperature from the Aerosol Masking Effect being decreased during the Shutdown of civilization in China. There have been several studies on the Pandemic and the Aerosol Masking Effect - so he's got corroboration for his claim. I haven't really scrutinized those studies but anyone can do so using Sci Hub. thanks
 yes good point - revenge is not an admirable quality. A tree by providing life support also means the tree has a biophoton spirit aura that watches over and communicates with the soul of the life around the tree. So by revenge I mean the current blockages or energy problems are just symptoms of future energy healing via the coherent biophoton spirit light. Physics has proven that all matter is made of light. Yet light itself is powered by relativistic mass as supermomentum - quantum negative frequency and reverse time noncommutative protoconsciousness as Sir Roger Penrose explains. So the reverse time protoconsciousness will harmonize matter again - as per Nobel Physicist Louis de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony. De Broglie said his Law of Phase Harmony was his greatest discovery yet it's not taught in physics classes. hahaha. You can read my overview - I compiled over 70 scientists discussing the Law of Phase Harmony - it's on my academia site.

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