Buddy you're practicing psychological projection with the typical bad logical dismissal of the doomer claim. I organized recycling at my high school and I rode bicycle to school. My first full time job was door to door fundraising for Citizens for a Better Environment in summer 1989 - a small nonprofit run by a female lawyer who successfully was part of a lawsuit against 3M - paying the biggest pollution fine for polluting the Mississippi river. Then after a stint of living off grid in the wilderness of Alaska just south of the steepest mountain in the world, Denali, and studying the foundation of science, the Dirac Dance at Hampshire College, I was hired as the office worker for the UW-Greens at Madison Wisconsin University. The FBI compiled 900 pages on a couple dozen activists over my time there according to a later FOIA filing that the FBI requested we rescind since the redactions were too much work. haha. We helped stop an EXXON Sulfide mine in northern Wisconsin in solidarity with the Ojibwe nation. We stopped a parking ramp by doing a petition drive. We researched Ecofeminism and the military lies - and protested a lot against US imperialism. We helped start now the largest cooperative organic farm business in the U.S. - Organic Valley - invested through my housing cooperative of 35 people where I lived several years. We exposed the rBGH synthetic growth hormone from Monsanto as the evil it is - getting a protest on CNN. So then I studied conversation biology and "sustainable development" for a semester in Costa Rica at the School for Field Studies - we toured the whole country. I had one of the first degrees in sustainable development as a new option of International Relations as my undergraduate degree at University of Wisconsin Madison - that was 1994. By then I realized that sustainable development was a total scam as economics was lying about biology and political science was lying about biology as ecology.
The heart is called Yi [unified power] becuz when intent moves, spirit is agitated; qi is dispersed. Qi is the Mother of spirit; Spirit is the child of qi. The Mother as qi is the horse that guides/conducts the river chariot (yin spirit) in the water (yin jing). Once your mind is away from the lower Elixir Field, your Qi will be led away from it and be consumed. By gathering the Shen into the lower tan tien then the Qi follows it there. Light of eyes descend as Yang fire inner yin qi line
Sunday, June 5, 2022
Someone accuses me of some stupid stuff.
So then I moved back to the Twin Cities and I was a union steward for an IWW related radical nonprofit union that formed out of a strike - in connection with the MN Green Party. I produced an activist Zine that was free - and distributed it around the Twin Cities. I was the Earth First! Contact in the Earth First! newsletter. The FBI was tapping my phone. I then worked for Greenpeace full time in summer 1996 and I was invited the Pine Ridge Reservation by Inila Wakan who showed me the creek polluted from uranium mining.
In 1994 I was arrested protesting against storage of nuclear waste at the native Dakota reservation on the Mississippi river. I then got into graduate school for my master's degree and I launched a successful $1.5 million divestment from Total Oil at the University of Minnesota for using slave labor and deforestation in Burma. The Treasure, a progressive African-American lady told me she was going after Tobacco stocks next and so she got fired. She filed a human rights lawsuit and the judge threw it out. Then I launched the Workers Rights Consortium campaign against sweatshop apparel profits for sports clothing at the University. I met with the General Counsel of the University nine times over a year. I debated the student senate for a campus of 50,000 students using the arguments of Noam Chomsky. With the help of younger students taking over the leadership of that campaign and my offer to go on Unlimited Hunger Strike that the President of the University emailed me about - then the University finally joined the Workers Rights Consortium and is still a member today - joining boycotts against evil slave wage conditions. Then I protested the corporate control of the University publishing a self-directed report and passing it out at the President's annual State of the University talk. I exposed the Monsanto and Cargill control of the University. Someone burned down the Cargill construction site and someone else stole some genetic engineering patenting of nonwhite blood. I was investigated as one of 12 top Ecoterrorist suspects. I was at the 1999 Shutdown of Seattle of the WTO. I was arrested for protecting a sacred forest at the confluence of the Mississippi and Minnesota river. On and on. I'll finish later.
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